Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1603:  Only I can live

In the air, Angeloni smiled brightly, but Hong Lie frowned. He turned his arm to widen Angeloni's wound, and the latter laughed and kicked him on his chest. The two separated immediately, Angeloni caught Hong Lie's severed hand and fell to the ground. A purple source of power surged in his hand, pressing on the wound, the muscles around the wound creaked. A burst of Yuanli flames sprayed out from behind her, sealing the wound abruptly. Hong Lie's eyebrows were throbbing, what a cruel person he should be to laugh even with such an injury.

At least, he couldn't laugh.

He never thought that he would run into a ruthless character like Angeloni in the barbarian city. In fact, it is not only King Pingxi, even if he is, he is not willing to fight against the desperate powerhouse Angeloni. on. In the battle just now, he had noticed that Angeloni was completely a lunatic who didn't take herself seriously. In many cases, she ignored Hong Lie's attacks, unless it was an offensive that might be dead, she would take action to resolve it, otherwise it would be an injury-for-injury, life-for-life style of play. Under such an offensive, Hong Lie was instead bound. Although in many cases, Hong Lie was more ruthless than King Pingxi, that didn't mean he wanted his life. On the contrary, if he accumulates enough exploits in the Western Expedition this time, he may be another important empire.

So Angeloni didn't want her life, he wanted it.

After throwing Hong Lie's arm away, Angeloni raised her head, her smile was a bit crazy. She squinted her eyes and said, "You didn't think you would die here, right?"

"I'm different from you. Every time I fight, I wonder if this is my last fight. So I have to do my best, and even save my life. But I want to survive more than anyone else. "Angeloni smiled: "Is it contradictory, because I want to live, so I have to work hard. But I think you probably won't understand. After all, you are just a dead person, a person about to die."

With a little toe, Angeloni glided towards Hong Lie quietly and silently as if sliding on ice.

Hong Lie suddenly decided.


The only hand left was lifted into a claw shape and pushed forward.

The flames of Yuan Li that escaped from Hong Lie turned into a giant tiger with a hanging eye, and a giant tiger the size of a chariot rushed towards Angeloni. Angeloni didn't evade and kicked it, hitting the giant tiger's forehead. Although the giant tiger was imaginary, it still gave Angeloni a kick and slipped back. It slid more than ten meters away before stopping, but opened his mouth and let out a tiger roar, and a beam of source of light was ejected from his mouth!

Angeloni turned sideways to pass the beam of light. The beam of light fell behind her and raised a ball of fire, and then the shock wave came from behind, hitting her and pushing her forward faster. Hong Lie raised his hand and gestured, and the giant tiger greeted him, Zhang Claw patted the petite woman.

"Get out of the way!" Angeloni cried impatiently. She didn't want to entangle Hong Lie's transformed giant tiger. His eyes dazzled, and his speed suddenly increased. Sliding past the tiger's claws and hitting the giant tiger's head was a limit kick, and the giant tiger kicked his head up. Angeloni's fists rained like rain, and she carried the strength of all things on the giant tiger, and a dense voice sounded. The giant tiger transformed from Yuanli was instantly dissipated, but when Angeloni closed her fist, she found two more giant tigers transformed and formed beside Hong Lie.

"I said what's the matter with you?" Angeloni smiled again immediately: "I see, you guys are scared. Don't want to fight me head-on, do you want to use this **** to delay time?"

"Although I don't know what kind of abacus you are making, but I didn't have to play with you cats!" Angeloni shook her hands slightly, and a dozen or so thin threads of manipulation went into her body. . Her pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a grain of rice, and then suddenly expanded. The pupils were slightly enlarged than usual, and her aura rose again at the peak. When the air wave rotates by the foot, a smoke dragon suddenly rises. Angeloni climbed up the thin blood vessels in the smoked dragon, and she grinned: "The fifteen-fold increase is the first time I have used it, and I don't know if it can be supported. I originally planned to use it to greet that person. Yes, it's cheaper for you."

"So, you have to die for me!"

A blast of darkness burst out of the smoke dragon in the long howl.

The scene retreated quickly in Angeloni's eyes.

Hong Lie's pupils shrank slightly and pushed forward with all his strength.

The two giant tigers of Yuanli staggered towards Angeloni.

However, Angeloni was a bit faster than them.

She passed through the giant tiger's claws and blasted out a punch.

The two figures staggered across the ruins.

Angeloni slid tens of meters before stopping. The blood vessels on her body gradually calmed down. Her straight arms trembled, and blood dripped from the front of her fist.

Hong Lie's eyes widened, and then slowly looked down. The entire right chest almost disappeared. It was carried by Angeloni with a punch. Yuan Li and his flesh and blood were all destroyed by her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hong Lie could even see the dense bones in the wound. It came out quickly, and finally squirted out from the wound. He swayed twice and finally fell down. His eyes widened to death, as if he didn't believe that he would die here like this.

"Idiot." Angeloni spit out a mouthful of bruises: "I said earlier that you would die...Huh?"

A purple rainbow passed across the chest!

It is a spear that is rooted in the cohesion of source power.

Angeloni was taken a few steps forward by Yuanli's spear, staggering. She raised her head to look at the sky, and a ray of purple light threw across the city wall in her direction. When someone fell on the ground, Angeloni couldn't help but smile: "Damn, you **** are too rascal, right?"

The visitor was King Pingxi.

He glanced at Angeloni lightly. In his eyes, Angeloni was no longer a threat. Her sharpness, her edges and corners, and her fierceness have long been polished by Hong Lie. Now the Qi machine is weak, and it can be easily cleaned up. Therefore, King Pingxi did not rush to take action. He walked towards Hong Lie and glanced at the corpse on the ground and said: "Thanks for your hard work, Commander Hong. This king will truthfully tell King Extreme Wu of your achievements, you rest in peace."

Lifting his foot down, he directly crushed Hong Lie's head into powder.

Angeloni yelled, clenched her fist and smashed the Generic Spear that King Pingxi had inserted into her, and then yelled at King Pingxi. Angeloni spreads her hands wide, with five fingers forming claws, like a fierce beast trying to tear King Pingxi into pieces. King Pingxi raised his finger, and the four or five source-strength spears came out of nothing, and the lightning inserted into Angeloni's body, blasting her out. King Pingxi stretched out his hand to catch it, with a spear in his hand, and sighed: "Why rush to die, anyway, I will fulfill you."

Throwing the hand, the spear swept away like a rainbow.

Angeloni had just fallen to the ground before she managed to get up, Zihong slashed across her body and pinned her to the ground!

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