Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1618: Leave

It was noon, and the sun was shining brightly, shining onto the ground through the stained glass in the corridor, forming patches of blurred color. A pair of shoes shattered these spots, and the owner of the shoes could be seen in a hurry, so don't look good. In the corridor, a black cloud drifted by, and Vera walked in a hurry, so that the nuns and priests who came and went were afraid to say hello to the saint.

Going into the quiet attic behind the church and pushing a room open, Vera looked at the priest who was packing up inside and said loudly, "What's going on!"

She held an envelope in her hand.

Milo turned around and smiled and said, "Just as it was written, I am going to resign from the church. Now the church is on the right track. As long as you, the saint, are there, in the foreseeable hundred years, the church It will only become more and more prosperous, and becoming the state religion is only a matter of time. So you see, it doesn’t matter whether I am or not."

"The problem is not here, Father." Vera walked over and said: "The church also has your hard work, why are you leaving. And, where are you going?"

"This is a very cliché, but Vera, I have heard it. After hearing the sound of the gears of fate, my mission has come to an end, and soon I will be the real destiny. That is where everything started, and everything The end of the land." Milo said calmly.

"I don't understand, Father, what do you mean by this."

Milo picked up a leather suitcase and said to Vera: "You will understand in the future, and I believe you will understand in a short time. I'm leaving, please take care of this guy for me and let him die in the church. Right."

The priest looked at the dog at his feet, who was rubbing against him, very attached. He smiled and patted the dog on the head, then picked up the box and walked past Vera. Vera suddenly turned around, her eyes lit up like star dust. Suddenly placing a hand gently in front of her eyes, Milo shook his head and said, "Don't peek into my future, my child, it's not good for anyone."

After speaking he left the house and left the attic along the corridor. Greet everyone you meet in the aisle outside the building, as if you are leaving the church for a while. Except for the box, people couldn't see anything unusual about the priest. Only Vera knew that he was going to travel far and would never see each other again.

Seeing that figure disappear around the corner, Vera suddenly realized that she had never really known Father Miró.

In the past, he was just an old clerk who loved money like life, but today, his temperament has completely changed, like a wise pope. Vera couldn't tell which was the real him.

Or, none of them.

So the remaining question is, who is Father Miró? Is he really just the priest Allen found from a small surface town?

The same sunlight shone on Angeloni's face, her face was confused and doubtful.

"Proposal? What proposal?" She really couldn't think of any other proposal that Ellen had better suited to solve their current problem than her previous proposal.

Alan looked at her and said in a calm tone: "I own an empire on Agareth. If you agree, I hope you can go back with me. My palace is your home, where you can enjoy everything. .apart from......"

"Except, can't leave?" Angeloni finished speaking for him, and she sneered: "You want to put me under house arrest? Why?"

"Because I can't trust you."

"I have saved your people here many times. Isn't the difficulty sincere enough?"

Allen categorically said, "After you do those things on the Star of Evernight, you still want me to trust you. Can you do it instead of you?"

"I admit that Eternal Night Star had a plot against you, but it's different now, why do you still do this."

"The so-called difference is just your own wishful thinking. In this matter, I would rather be more cautious."

"It's not fair!" Angeloni exclaimed: "In the beginning, you were on this planet, and you rejected Ofascism's proposal for freedom. But now you have to do the same to me!"

"Yes, it's not fair, but I think this is best for you and me."

Angeloni laughed, laughing loudly, so the laughter not only rang out in the room, but also echoed in the hotel corridor.

Alan frowned, and on the woman's face, he saw something crazy. Angeloni was not a person who played cards according to the routine. Although she did seem to be a little sincere today, Allen had to remind herself not to believe her easily.

Angeloni laughed so much that tears came out, and then she began to dress. She put on the clothes she had taken off one by one, and while putting it on, she said, "I came from a slum, and I don’t know who my parents are. A woman picked me up in the garbage dump and took me back. Raise up. But that stupid woman had a hard life herself, so I was very thin when I was young."

"One day, she died. She told me before she was about to die, she told me to live. This was the only request she made to me in her life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so I did what she said, Do everything you can to survive."

"I was a thief and a mercenary until I was noticed by Idahua's interstellar rangers. After that, I finally lived a more stable life. I thought it could be this way. Until the end of my life, but that day, the **** road appeared. So I knew that I had to do my best for my own survival."

"I'm just a woman who wants to live." She looked at Allen.

Allen shook his head and said, "I didn't want to kill you."

"I know, but your actions are more unacceptable than killing me." Angeloni pursed her lips and smiled: "Back when you rejected Ofascism's proposal, you were proud. And now, I am the same. .I also have my own pride. I only need to be a canary in a cage to get the right to live. I would rather be a moth that plunges into the flames. Because that woman taught me that it’s important to live. But no Living with dignity is no different from dying."

"No, it's more humiliating than death!" Angeloni began to fly with purple bands of source light, twisting like a snake, entangled her body.

The next moment, the door and the wall suddenly shattered, and several people passing by the door were suddenly exploded and blown off together with the gravel. Strips of purple light flew out of the debris like a poisonous snake, twisting, chasing Allen and biting. Alan's giant sword was in his hand, and he slashed the purple light while swinging it lightly.

Angeloni came out of the hustle and bustle, and the lines of foulness were digging into her body. The woman's aura continued to rise like a volcanic eruption. The whole hotel was shaking, and thick cracks climbed up. The walls, sand and stones spurted from the cracks, and the hotel was crumbling!

ps: New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy new year. Good health and good luck in the coming year!

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