Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1619: The last voter's war (1)

It was noon when people walking on the street suddenly found that the light had dimmed. I thought it was because the weather had gone bad, the clouds had thickened, and it was about to rain. But when I looked up, I saw a purple cloud. Ziyun rose from a hotel called "Luluo" on the left side of the street. The hotel was cracking, the outer wall fell off, and people kept falling from the building screaming. The purple cloud floated to the center of the street, and suddenly the light was bright, and a purple rain fell from the clouds.

Those are naturally not rain, but lines condensed by Yuanli, thousands of Yuanli silk threads are scattered down the long street like showers. Alan was right in this rain line, and the hymn of destruction swung a knife from time to time in his hand, and the rain line broke when the blade passed. But other things on the street and pedestrians are not as good as Alan. Even the hard road bricks can easily let the Yuanli silk thread penetrate. As for pedestrians, they only saw a purple rain falling. This scene became the last picture of their life.

The streets were crowded and busy, but suddenly it became quiet. The sudden change from noise to silence makes the atmosphere in the middle of the street very strange. Tianhao passed through this section of the street with dozens of pedestrians, including some horses, which were pierced by the purple thread in an instant, spewing out **** fog, and they fell down. When Allen fell on the street, he stood directly in the middle of a corpse.

He frowned.

Ziyun dispersed, Angeloni fell to the front. She raised her arms slightly, and the fingertips of her ten fingers flicked across a purple brilliance from time to time. It was vaguely visible that each fingertip emitted a dozen sources of light, and these silk threads were connected to the surrounding corpses. Angeloni raised her hands, and the corpses on the ground suddenly stood up again, and slowly turned to face Ellen.

Like an army.

"Calm down," Allen said solemnly, "This is not good for you or me."

"Really?" Angeloni laughed: "But I don't think so. With your strength, you can kill me in a face-to-face encounter. But so far, you have not done so. It seems that you are very I'm afraid of awakening, why, I'm afraid that after becoming a complete Twilight Son, will everyone kill everyone, including Her Royal Highness? If this is the case, you can't kill me. In that case, I seem to have a chance."

"What do you want to say..."

"You don't want to awaken, but I don't care." Angeloni laughed haha: "Since you don't want to accept my proposal, let me kill you and sit on the throne of destruction. Let me be complete. Son of Twilight, when the time comes, the whole universe will tremble for me. All life will wither, and I can still live. This is a wonderful thing, but you don’t understand it at all. I really don’t understand, come to you Say, is there anything more important than survival?"

"Of course there is, not to mention that I think that the life and death of hundreds of millions of living beings should not be determined by a certain race or a certain person." Allen said flatly.

Angeloni spit on the ground: "Don't say that you are so great. If you have had the same experience as mine, you will know that living is more important than anything else. Even if it costs hundreds of millions of lives. At the cost of death!"

She pointed forward and pointed at Ellen.

Those who were already dead suddenly ran up, and several tall horses galloped up, just like this and ran into Allen.

Alan narrowed his eyes and brushed past several horses with a knife, and the horse, which had become a corpse, suddenly broke all its limbs and fell to the ground. He lifted the knife and slashed, the amplitude of the knife was extremely small, but the frequency was high, so he shook a ball of white knife light. In the light of the knife, the silk threads that connected the corpse and Angeloni were all cut off, but the corpses that came forward began to fall continuously. In a blink of an eye, Angeloni's "army" was quickly brought down by Allen. He stopped at the end and still ran into Angeloni. Although he can't kill her, Alan still has a way to take her away.

Angeloni also knew Ellen's thoughts, she had a crazy expression on her face, and instead of retreating, she ran into him. She believed that Allen did not dare to kill herself, so she had to keep her hands. On the contrary, she can have no scruples and increase the enhancement range to 15 times in one fell swoop, which is the peak state of killing Hong Lie. Angeloni's breath became extremely terrifying. If he closed his eyes, Alan would mistakenly think that an ancient beast rushed over instead of a petite woman.

The two quickly met in the middle of the street.

Angeloni slammed Alan in the face.

Alan swung his head to the side when he couldn't let it go, letting Angeloni's fist pass by her ear. At the same time, the hymn of Shattering was turned upside down, and the back of the knife was slapped against the woman's neck. On the exquisite combat skills, Angeloni couldn’t catch up with Allen, who was honed by fighting against the big powers. Especially after fighting Frius on the Evernight Star, Allen's combat skills have reached the subtleties. The height of waves and peaks at the summit. Angeloni didn't think that he could still avoid her boxing edge within inches, and she couldn't change it at the moment, she could only watch the back of the giant knife hit her neck.

There was a dizziness.

Angeloni bit her tongue lightly, staying awake with the tingling pain, and at the same time she sprayed out a full amount of blood foam ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned into a bunch of blood arrows and shot at Allen.

Allen said "Huh", and didn't expect that this shot would not faint her. Seeing the blood arrow pierced, he had to move sideways and turn to let the blood arrow pierce the air. Angeloni took the opportunity to fist and fist, Allen used a knife into a shield, blocking the opponent's offensive like a torrential rain with a generous blade. With each fist and foot of Angeloni, the body of the giant sword bounced a circle of ripples, and the two collided with each other, like a storm in the center of the street. The Yuanli storm spread, the streets were strewn up and down, and the buildings on both sides exchanged heights, and the entire city of Sardinia seemed to usher in a severe earthquake. The streets located at the "shock heart" are naturally damaged the most.

When Angeloni blasted more than two hundred fists in one go, she ended up with her fists clasped in pain and smashed down. She took advantage of her strength to flick back and stretched away. The entire street was completely unrecognizable, hundreds of meters of blocks turned into rubble, and many people who were affected by the fighting between the two were crushed under the rubble, causing deaths and injuries. The army of Sardinia quickly arrived here, but they did not dare to easily step into the battle circle of the strong and could only blockade the block.

Allen put down the giant knife, and after receiving more than two hundred punches from Angeloni, the anthem of Shattered Anthem was not damaged in the slightest. On the other hand, Angeloni was panting. It is true that the picture of her chest rising and falling is very attractive, but if you think about this woman leveling the whole block, probably no one can look at her with the eyes of an ordinary woman. Angeloni used 15 times the enhancement, which is extremely burdensome for her, and with her physical ability, she can only maintain it for a while. Otherwise, the enemy will end up hurting, and his body will be squeezed by this pressure. She looked around, suddenly turned around and ran.

Of course Alan wouldn't let her go, but kept up with the knife.

As the two flew by, Long Street was pulled behind in an instant, and Angeloni crashed into an army in Sardinia.

ps: On the first day of the new year, Lao Chen pays you an early year and wishes you a happy Chinese New Year!

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