Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1622: The last voter's war (4)

A broken city, a group of broken people live.

In the sunset, a thin figure walks on a distorted street. Allen can be sure that the little girl in front is Angeloni. After impacting Angeloni’s will with mental power, Allen saw the fragments she hid in the deep memory. For that woman, this memory of childhood must be extremely deep, otherwise it would not be presented in such a detailed manner. In front of my own eyes.

But this is also a problem for Allen.

His original intention was to use the mental shock to prevent Angeloni from escaping, but now he accidentally fell into this memory. Because of the profoundness, Alan couldn't leave. He could only follow the little girl in front of him to find a chance to leave the depths of Angeloni's will.

Allen didn't know if the city she was in was on Idahua's star. That planet always gave people a noble and gorgeous feeling, which was incompatible with the city in front of her. This is a poor city. It may have prospered before, but now it looks like a dying person. Even though he was strong, there was only a large skeleton, but it was already skinny. This is the case in this city. You can see the silhouettes of tall buildings in the distance, but when you get closer, you will find that it is only a frame. More of them are the distorted streets and the low bungalows on both sides. Those passing pedestrians can't see the slightest brilliance on their faces, like walking corpses. Their bodies are still alive, but their hearts are dead.

When Angeloni finally stopped, Allen saw a garbage dump. The garbage dump is huge, piled up with piles of **** like hills. In the garbage dump, you can see the wreckage of various ship hulls, or discarded furniture, as well as piles of stinky food. Many people are in the garbage dump, they are like scavengers picking garbage, and sometimes they cheer for finding a tool that can still be used.

The little girl walked into this garbage dump, or paradise known as refugees.

No matter where there is a class.

Even in this desolate city, even in this garbage dump. Allen noticed that the deeper you go into the garbage dump, the more people there are, and there are more adults. In it, mature men have the greatest rights, and they occupy the most valuable garbage dumps. Then came the elderly and women. As for the children, they could almost only move around outside.

So when the childhood Angeloni walked into the depths of the garbage dump, a series of malicious eyes fell on her. Before long, two men with tattoos stopped her.

"Fuck off, kid, this is not where you can come."

The little girl raised her head and said, "I came to see things for Gerata."

A man with a nose stud smiled and waved an iron pipe: "Okay, brat. Who doesn't know that the woman in Gerata is dead."

"Even if she is dead, what belongs to her is still her thing!"

Another man slapped the little girl sharply, and the girl fell to the ground, bleeding from the corner of her mouth. The man said: "Stop talking nonsense, when people die, everything is gone. Go!"

"I won't leave until I get back what belongs to her." The girl said stubbornly.

The man with nasal nails spit out, cursed "something good or bad", and stepped forward and stabbed the girl in the stomach with an iron pipe. The girl bowed into a shrimp shape, holding her belly in pain. The two men turned to leave, and suddenly the stud man stopped because the girl hugged his feet.

"It's not over yet." He kicked the girl's face heavily with his other foot.

The girl fell, her face covered with blood, but her hands were still tight. The man raised his foot and kicked while scolding, until he was tired from kicking, and the little girl still held his foot with one hand. He cursed, and said to the man next to him: "Forget it, I'm afraid, go get Gerata's things."

Another man looked at the little **** the ground like an idiot, shook his head and cursed "little madman", and then walked deep into the dump. After a while, he came back with a bag and threw it beside the little girl and said, "The rest of Gerata is here. Don't let me see you here in the future. Otherwise, it would be considered light to kill you. That's it."

The girl finally let go of the man's foot.

The two men left, and she was still lying on the ground. After a while, she slowly got up, her face was bruised and the corners of her mouth cracked, but even then, she was still smiling. She hugged the bag tightly like a baby, and then the small body left the dumping ground step by step.

Allen followed her outside the city.

There is a cemetery outside the city, where weeds are overgrown, and some of the grass grows to the waist of a person, which is like a sea of ​​grass for the little girl.

She just walked in the sea of ​​grass,

Finally stopped in front of a crooked tombstone. It is said to be a tombstone, but it is actually a slate on which Gerata's name is randomly engraved with a sharp tool. The girl was scratching the soil behind the tombstone. It didn't take long for her fingers to bleed, but she did not stop. After the sun had completely fallen to the horizon, she dug the next hole. Then open the bag and put down the contents one by one.

There are not many things, a red dress, but it looks a little old, and many corners have been fluffed. A few slices of bread look dark and delicious. Two books with yellow covers and a pair of earrings with rough workmanship. This is all the things in the bag. The little girl carefully put these things in the pit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Look, I got them back for you so you can rest in peace. Right."

"Goodbye, Gerata. Don't worry, I will live." The little girl turned her head and looked at Allen. "Is it enough? If you have enough, get out of here!"

The world is going backwards fast.

Girl, cemetery, city, earth, sky. Everything was backed quickly in Allen's eyes, and when he recovered, he was still in that forest. Alan stayed for a while, then sensed Angeloni's breath and swiftly swept away.

Angeloni was in a coma in the grass, and she didn't know how long it took. She gradually woke up when she felt a trace of coolness climbed to the side of her neck. In the regrouped sight, he saw a knife placed coldly and mercilessly around his neck. It turns out that the coolness just now came from the knife.

Climbing up along the knife, I saw Alan's face. Alan looked at her with complicated eyes, but still said: "It's over, come with me, this is the best way."

"Is it over? It seems to be over, so in the end, I still can't touch the boundary of fate?" Angeloni laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly.

I don't know if it is an illusion, a voice said in my ear: "No, you have touched the boundary of fate. Would you like to be a bird in a cage? If you don't, the opportunity for change is now."

"It's important to live, but there is no difference between living without dignity and dead. If I choose, I would rather die with dignity."

"Right, you know how to choose."

"Then, rest assured to do it!"

Angeloni's gaze fell on Allen's blade.

ps: Thank you for not being able to catch my leader. I just saw it when I came back today. Thank you for your support. At the same time, thank you for the support of other brothers. Thank you for having you in 2017!

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