Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1623: Big change (1)

"Who is it!" Allen shouted.

In fact, what Angeloni heard was not her own voice, because Alan also heard those words. Of course, these words were not simply "spoken", but directly sounded in the spirit and will of the two. Obviously, these words were for Angeloni, and Allen didn't understand why the other party wanted to "hear" him. From the point of view that a person can easily let his voice enter the will of the two, he can definitely let Angeloni alone know.

More importantly, the voice Alan felt familiar.


With a soft sound, Allen's body was shaken. A red liquid flew up from the corner of the eye. His face became extremely ugly, he slowly looked down, and said in a deep voice: "Why are you doing this!"

Angeloni’s head rested on the knife of the Anthem of Destruction, her neck and the blade of the giant knife were close together, and blood dripped from between the two, staining the grass blades on the ground red.

Allen had counted a thousand fortunes, but didn't count that Angeloni would choose to commit suicide, and that she would die by her own knife, which is no different from being killed by him. Judging from the previous behavior of Angeloni, she is a persistent person to survive. Although the conditions Alan asked for made her unacceptable, for a person with such a strong will to survive, she would never choose such a weak approach like this moment.

But she did so.

Angeloni's eyes gradually dimmed, and as she was about to slide into the darkness of death, her eyes lit up like a glimmer of light. Then he seemed to understand something, and suddenly shouted: "Father"

This became her last word in the world, and finally turned her head, she fell back on the grass, blood still flowing.

Ellen stood on the spot like a sculpture, and Angeloni's death by his knife was completely contrary to his original plan. The last voter is also dead, which means that regardless of whether Alan wants or not, he will sit on the throne in the name of destruction and completely transform into the son of twilight.

That is the truly awakened Son of Twilight. At that time, I'm afraid Alan's own will will disappear. That would represent the end of everything, whether it was Alan himself or the universe.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." He took two steps backwards, suddenly his heart moved.

The second form of Devil's Praise is Destruction Hymn, which can exercise the ability of the servant to transform. Angeloni had just died, if she was transformed into a follower, wouldn't it be possible to reverse the situation at this moment. It's just that Alan wasn't sure whether the road to Burning Blood would stop the process after turning Angeloni into a servant. But now, he has no other choice.

With a move of mind, the hymn of Shattered Blood bloomed with dazzling blood, and the shape of the source device in the blood-colored light began to change. When the light was full, the source device was fixed on the appearance of the second form of the gun. Allen raised his gun and wanted to use the Servants to transform Angeloni. Suddenly a force field wrapped around the source device, and pulled it hard, the Destruction Hymn flew away and fell into the hands of a person.

He caught the gun, sighed softly, and walked out from under the shade of the tree and said, "Everything is over, no, or it's just beginning. See you in a long time, Alan."

Alan's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at the man incredulously. Because this person shouldn't be here, and it's even less possible to have the ability to take the source device in his hands.

Because he is Miró, Father Miró!

Suddenly Allen remembered that Angeloni had called the word "Priest" before she died, and Edward also said that Angeloni and Father Miró had an intersection, and then asked: "You did to her. what?"

Milo looked at the corpse of the woman on the ground, with a bit of sadness in her eyes, and said: "She is a poor child who has struggled for survival all her life. It is a pity that for my plan, she must die. That is the end of her destiny. So when she came to me, I planted a seed in her heart. When needed, the seed will germinate and flower, and eventually lead her to the kingdom of death."

"She is a smart kid after all. She understood at the last moment, but unfortunately everything was too late. This is her destiny, Alan. So I must stop you, but she can't become a follower. Otherwise, the whole plan will be destroyed. You disrupted."

Alan shook his whole body and said: "Why do you know the follower? If I remember correctly, I should have not told you about this matter. Also, who are you?"

"It's very simple, because the devil's praise used to be my source device, and I gave it to you. As for my identity, you should know it by now." Father Milo looked at Ellen with gentle eyes.

Allen took a few steps back like being hit by an invisible shell. He panted and shook his head again and again: "No, no, no, how can you be him? No, you can't be him!"

"But I am him~www.wuxiaspot.com~child." The priest said in a deep voice, "I am your father Archimedes, the source of your life. When Lanni gave you this source device , I should have told you, use it to insert into my heart. Yes, if Angeloni’s fate is to die, so that you can fully awaken. Then your fate is to kill me and end this all."

"Why?" Allen shook his head and exclaimed, "I don't understand, why do you want to do this. What fate and what ends everything, I don't understand!"

"You will understand soon." Milo, no, he should be called Archimedes now. He faintly said: "You should have heard it, the voice of fate, the final inheritance of the Burning Path has begun."

Allen's heart beat hard, and suddenly the woods, the corpses on the ground and Archimedes were eliminated one by one, and the world in his eyes became extremely dark. This darkness is deeper than ever. As straight as the darkest moment before dawn, there was no light. Then came the sound of liquid flowing under his feet. Allen lowered his head, and his feet lit up with a faint red light. In the entangled red light, a blood path was far and near. Passing by his side, meandering towards the front.

Turning his head and looking back, the end of this **** road is no longer far away from him. Not far away, Allen saw a throne. Behind the throne, the waterfall of fire acts as a screen, grounded in the sky, in this world like a huge pillar supporting the sky!

That is the throne of destruction.

When Allen realized this, the throne expanded in his eyes. The blood in the **** road rushed forward, pushing Alan toward the throne. An enlightenment rose in Allen's heart. When he was pushed to the throne, when he sat on the throne of destruction, everything was irreversible.

"Stop! Stop, stop!" Allen yelled, but the blood path did not follow his wishes, and the distance between him and the throne kept getting closer. In the end, the Throne of Destruction is close at hand!

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