Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1635:    Baidi Sword (1)

"What do you think I am not your opponent?"

At the bottom of the blood king’s graveyard, Princess Shusha shrugged and said: “Of course, it’s not surprising that you think so, but I’m serious. Maybe I’m not your opponent, but once you become an enemy. Marquis Ellen, you It's just like being an enemy of the Empire, are you sure you want to do this?"

Allen shook his head: "Of course I don't want to be an enemy of the empire, but your Royal Highness, can you tell me why you did this?"

"I can't tell you the specific reason. I can only say that that is not a door you can open."

"Why are you so sure, do you know what's behind the door?" Allen felt that this woman is not simple. She, whose real name is Shuna, is the royal family of Naga, the sister of Princess Lili, for the sake of the Naga clan. Long life married into the royal family. But Ellen didn't think that this woman would know the existence of this gate deep in the graveyard. If she knows, then her origin is not simple, after all, this door is located at the coordinates indicated by the origin slab.

"I can't disclose the extra information anymore. Now what do you say, does the Marquis-sama want to do it with me or leave here?" The princess smiled.

Allen had planned to leave. Since external forces could not destroy the door, he could only find the key. Even though Princess Shusha knew what was behind this door, although he did not want to be an enemy of the empire, it was related to the major events of the entire universe. Even if he did not want to offend it once, Princess Shusha might know the method or the key to open the door, how could he miss it in person.

Princess Shusha looked at Alan and nodded: "It seems that you are planning to do it."

"I'm sorry, but this matter is very important. If possible, please tell the truth." Allen said as politely as possible.

Ellie Gordon, who was next to him, felt that the atmosphere was not right, and stepped forward and said: "Marquis Ellen, the princess has a distinguished status, you must not mess around."

Alan was about to answer, suddenly his whole body was shaken. He felt a familiar aura, and then saw Mi Luo's figure emerge from Princess Shusha's body, the scene was like Mi Luo coming out of the Princess's body. Then the people around disappeared one by one, and even the bottom of the cemetery was gone, replaced by a vast expanse of land. The flat ground does not know where it extends, and there are majestic mountains lying in the distance. The sky was cloudless, the sun was shining, and the sun was so shining that Alan could hardly open his eyes.

Milo stood in front of him, smiling with his hands behind him.

"What's going on?" Allen asked.

Milo said calmly: "You should be familiar with this kind of thing, right?"

Allen was startled, and then woke up: "Is this in the world of will?"

"Yes, to be more correct, it's in my will." Milo nodded his head with his hand.

Allen looked at him and asked, "Are you Miró or Archimedes?"

"Now I am Milo, I am a personality created independently by Archimedes." Milo, who is still wearing a priest's robe, said: "This matter is very complicated to say. Compared with this matter, there is one more important thing now. I think you should also know, Archimedes has already sat on the Throne of Destruction, and the blood-related abilities have disappeared from you, right?"

"so what?"

Milo smiled and said, "Then you don't want to regain strength, or say, get stronger strength?"

Alan moved in his heart and said: "After gaining stronger power, what do you want me to do, you will never kill Archimedes?"

Milo didn’t answer, “Whether you like it or not, Archimedes has actually become the son of twilight. Ellen, the cosmic twilight has already begun, and the star of heaven is the beginning, and the cosmic twilight will begin here. Until everything in the universe withers. If you don’t intend to stop Archimedes, it won’t be long before everything you cherish will disappear, including you."

"This is what I can't understand. Why did Archimedes do this?"

"The reason you will naturally know in the future. All you need to know is that when Archimedes sits on the throne, he will no longer be Archimedes. Perhaps the personality that belongs to Archimedes will gradually disappear, because the son of twilight is tough Instinct will replace that personality to control the body. The instinct of the Twilight Son is to end all life. You can regard that as a procedure, an irreversible degree. Sitting on the throne activates that procedure. As for Archimedes, but It's a carrier, a tool."

"If you don't want to lose everything, stop him and kill him." Milo raised his head and looked at the sky and said: "For this, we have prepared a stronger power for you. But can you accept this? Share the power, and use it as your own."

"Now, try to accept it." Milo raised his hand and stretched out his hand to catch it, as if holding something invisible, he pulled it down.

Then there was a rumbling sound in the sky.

The light gradually dimmed, and Allen raised his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ vaguely saw something falling behind the cloud. The clouds suspended in the air slowly sank, thick clouds rolled, and something came out from behind the clouds. Alan's pupils shrank slightly, it was the tip of a sword. Just the tip of a sword, it is as big as a mountain, but how big is the sword behind the cloud?

Probably it was a huge thing that couldn't even contain his vision. There was not much time for Alan to guess, the sword gradually fell, the clouds were torn apart by it, and the light was taken away. It was a white sword all over, and more importantly, it spit out gray flames all over its body. The ash flame ignited the sea of ​​clouds, and the sea of ​​clouds became a sea of ​​fire. The sword that fell from the sea of ​​fire pierced Allen on the ground in an irresistible posture. At the end of the sword, the terrifying sense of oppression had already made Alan's chest feel stuffy.

This sword spitting gray flames was so familiar, Allen yelled out, "Bai Di Sword?"

That's right, except that it was ten thousand times larger in shape, this sword was exactly the same as the Baidi sword used by Allen. It's just that Alan can't figure out how Milo attracted this sword, and why is the shape of the Baidi sword so huge?

The Baidi Sword fell obliquely like a mountain flying from the sky, and Alan had no time to consider how to accept it. He could feel that once the Baidi Sword was dropped and slashed, it would be the result of a dead end. His will will be broken into countless pieces, and then the Allen in the material world will become a zombie.

Can't let this happen!

So the hymn of destruction appeared in Allen's hands. In the world of will, the level of mental power determines everything. Allen's mental power is naturally not low, so he can perfectly reproduce the hymn of destruction. Here he is not much different from the material world, and even stronger.

Without hesitation, Allen raised his hand with a knife.

A crescent moon rises from the earth.

One shot is the strongest ten-style kill, Zhantian!

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