Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1636:  Bai Di Sword (2)

The flickering light spots drifted all over the sky.

Just like the countless flowers brought up by the spring breeze in March, but behind that beauty is the cruel truth.

The moon arc blasted by Zhantian was torn apart in front of the tip of the Baidi sword that fell from the sky and torn to pieces. The Baidi Sword passed through those light spots, and divided the world in Alan's eyes into two!

The great sword fell diagonally, and the tip of the sword plunged into Allen's forehead.

The Baidi sword continued to fall.

Allen could feel that he was burning, which was a sign of the collapse of the will.

"Do not!"

"what happened to him?"

In the camp deep in the cemetery, Shusha shook his hand in front of Allen. Allen was unconscious, just staring forward with blank eyes. A pink line suddenly appeared on the front of the forehead, and then blood came out from the wound, and a blood line slanted across Allen's face.

"Ellen!" Lucy pushed Shusha away, hugged Ellen, and said angrily at the princess: "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." Princess Shusha said aggrievedly.

Fortunately, after a blood line flowed from the wound on his forehead, the injury did not worsen. Lucy yelled a few more times, but Alan still didn't respond, but there was still ups and downs in his chest, but it didn't look like death. Ma Yin came over, checked Allen, and said, "Master Allen has no physical trauma. He looks like this, I'm afraid he has been attacked mentally."

"Mental attack?"

Ma Yin nodded: "Yes, some masters are good at using mental shock and other abilities, and your teacher is one of them. But strangely, it seems that Lord Ellen is not caused by her."

He looked at Shusha next to him.

Shu Sha nodded her head.

Lucy snorted: "If something happens to him, I don't care about that much. What princess, what empire. He was obviously fine just now, but this woman became like this when he came. If something happens to him, I will Find her afterwards."

Shu Sha sighed: "Hey, I'm not deaf, I can hear you clearly."

Lucy turned her head away and stopped looking at her. At the corner of her eyes, Allen began to show red dots again. A moment later, drops of blood appeared all over Allen, and Lucy was overwhelmed by sight.

In the world of Will, Allen panted heavily and smiled bitterly at his body that had become riddled with holes.

Only a moment has passed in the material world, but a day has passed in the world of will.

Just yesterday when his will was about to be broken up by the Baidijian, the Baidijian disappeared out of thin air, and it took Alan a whole day to finally repair his wounded consciousness. After he recovered from his injury, Miró made another shot. But this time the Baidi Sword no longer fell from the sky like it did yesterday, but turned into more than ten thousand travel lights, splashing on the ground, it was clearly Alan's Qianjun style. But now this style of Qianjun is not so good for him. His will is almost sifted by the Baidi Sword. Although Milo still stopped at the last moment, the injury today is obviously greater than yesterday.

So this time, it took Alan three days to completely repair his consciousness.

On the fourth day, the Baidi Sword swept across the ground...

On the ninth day, the Baidi sword turned into a river of light and charged forward...

Sixteenth day...

The fifty-fourth day...

The one hundred and eighth day in the world of will.

Milo stood with his hands in his hands, the gust of wind roared, and the crowd rolled over him.

"You should be aware of it?" Milo said.

Allen smiled bitterly: "If I still don't understand now, I'm probably really dead."

"Then talk about it."

"About the Baidi Sword?" Allen said solemnly: "In so many days, the Baidi Sword's attack is almost never repeated. Its shape is ever-changing and irregular. So it is not so much a sword as it is. A kind of spirit, right?"

Mirohaha laughed: "As expected of his son, yes, the Baidi sword you see is not material, not source power, but a kind of spirit. That is Archimedes's spirit, no Exaggeratedly speaking, every time you fight against Baidijian, you are fighting against your father."

Allen was shocked.

"If you want to receive this power, you must have a greater spirit than Baidijian. Simply put, you can't accept this force without overwhelming your father's spirit and will."

"You said that the Baidi Sword was actually the spirit left by Archimedes. Why did he do this? Did he already think about what will happen today?"

"I'll tell you the answer later, try this sword today?" Milo raised his hand, his broad sleeves swayed sharply in the wind, and a little white light suddenly lit up in his sleeves. Then slid out a Baidi sword from his sleeves. The sword was in the middle, it was divided into two, four, four, eight, eight. In an instant, countless long swords blasted at Alan mightily, and the river of swords seemed to drown Alan ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with supreme spirit.

"It's already the fifth day."

Lucy sat down in front of a bed with Alan lying on the bed. She fed Alan with water, looked at Main and said, "Why hasn't he woken up yet?"

Ma Yin shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, my lord, I don't know. I don't know much about spiritual will. In this regard, your teacher is much better at it."

"But I can't reach her now." Lucy sighed, and she was startled by someone holding her hand suddenly. Looking back, I saw Alan's eyes turned to her, and then said: "Get me more water, I'm dying of thirst."

Lucy hurriedly called: "He is awake, he is awake. Marquis Main, let people get water and food soon."

After a while, Allen's eyes were filled with water and food. He is not in a hurry. He drinks water first, then eats slowly. Upon hearing the news of his waking up, Princess Shusha and Ellie also arrived. Since Alan suddenly became unconscious that day, they did not leave either, and set up a tent behind the camp. The stay lasted for five days. After Alan finished eating and drinking, Princess Shusha asked, "What happened to you?"

"It's a long story." Allen smiled bitterly.

He stayed in Miluo's world of will for almost a year, and in this year, he was "killed" by the Baidi Sword 176 times. In the Baidijian, or under Milo's constant polishing, he finally cultivated a greater spirit than the Baidijian, and received the so-called "power" that Milo said.

That was actually the spirit of the Baidi Sword, and it was all the spirit that Milo brought out from the lava well, and it was completely different from the spirit that Allen got by chance. More importantly, after receiving the spirit of the Baidijian, Allen realized that the so-called Baidijian was the key to the fifth stage of the awakening of the demon's praise. Because the Baidi Sword is the soul of the previous generation that Archimedes stripped from the source device!

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