Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1641: rebuild home

In the underground city, Allen had seen Tallinn Aisha. That city is lonely but majestic, the precipitation of the years is clearly visible in every corner, and there are traces of life everywhere. But the city under the cemetery is more magnificent than Tallinn Aisha, but it has become very cold. This is not because there is also no trace of life activity, but because the city is too clean. Both the streets and the buildings are spotless under the blue light. All the buildings are made of metal materials and appear cold, like a huge machine.

Allen and the others walked on a street under Shanna's guidance, and saw a lot of things on the city gates, squares, and the main trunk of the city they had just passed. The most of them are undoubtedly the rows of forts that stand near the city walls, arming the city like a fortress.

"This is indeed a fortress." Shana said as she walked: "When it was built, it was built in consideration of this aspect. Once the ground situation is unfavorable, you can hide in this fortress city. This can accommodate two. One hundred thousand people live together, and the energy system, water circulation system, etc. are enough to support people's long-term living needs here."

In a square, they stopped and looked up to see the cold but magnificent buildings in the distance. At this time Shana walked to the center of the square. There was a metal round platform in the center. Shana put her hand on it, and the round platform rose up. The light formed a keyboard-like distribution, and Shana’s hands flexibly fell on these light keys. With her movements, the lines on the round table began to light up.

Then the whole city trembled, and just near the square, three or four loading bins rose from the separated ground. Ascending to the ground, the fixing devices on both sides locked the armored warehouse, and then the door of the warehouse sank, and the dark part of the warehouse began to light up a little fluorescent.

Regular footsteps sounded from the darkness of those garnished warehouses, and then something came out of it, and when they appeared in the light, everyone except Shana whispered.

These are silver iron men with sleek bodies, long hands and long feet. A processor-like device on his chest was emitting a faint blue light, and they lined up beside everyone. However, even greater movement was coming from all sides of the city. Allen turned around and saw that the street when he came had been filled with the same tin people, and more robots appeared in the distant streets and buildings.

So the city is no longer empty, just colder.

"This is Blade Runner?" Lucy looked at Ma Yin incredulously, both of them with shocked expressions.

Allen also found it weird. They once found a starship of Idahua on the Pluto where the Blade Demon was located. The starship was a product of the era of the crown of clouds. Blade Runner 7 was found there, but Lucy had already said that Blade Runner had been destroyed. But there are so many Blade Runners here, and they are kept intact, with no loss of function and power. Allen has already seen that, just one No. 7 has killed several powerful people including Chief Blade Demon. Now there are so many Blade Runners here, the damage they can cause can be imagined.

Lucy shook her head and said: "Why is this? Blade Runner should have been destroyed. Could it be that the royal family records have been changed?"

"It was the modification made by the great majesty of Golden Rose. All Blade Runners have been brought to this planet, waiting for the opportunity to restart." Shana said lightly.

As a member of the Golden Rose family, Marquis Main immediately said excitedly: "Impossible, the empress would not do such a thing!"

"Facts speak louder than words, sir." Shanna looked at him and said, "You should have discovered that you have been on the heaven star for so long. There are many relics from the time of the Rosary on this planet. In fact, the Majesty was here. The Golden Tree Project has been carried out on these planets. Various life specimens have been captured from the Yorton star field, trying to create a new and powerful life here for use in this situation. However, the Golden Tree Project is still It failed, so it put Blade Runner here as a substitute for that plan."

"Wait, you mean, Empress Qiangwei participated in the construction of this treasure house?" Lucy asked in doubt.

"Yes, I'm not afraid to tell you. In fact, the empress and my former master are close friends."

Allen and the others looked at each other, Shanna's former master was naturally the son of Dusk. The great emperor who used to shine for an era was a close friend to the Son of Twilight. This is definitely a big secret. Otherwise, how could a royal family like Lucy not know.

Shana continued: "There are two hundred thousand Blade Runners here, enough to deal with the million-level Burning Legion. But they are not a real gift from the treasure house, Lord Allen, please come with me. Lord Taylor wants to see you."

"Master Taylor?"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~my former master."

Ark Harbor.

After the troops of the Panlong Empire left here, this once prosperous city is now just a dilapidated ruin. When the former residents came back here, people snorted on the ruins.

A figure appeared on the ruins, where the White Fort used to be. In the March offensive and defensive battle, Baibao was the city's last line of defense. Orlando and Zola led the army to resist King Pingxi's army with White Castle as a stronghold, and they evacuated the city until the last wall of White Castle fell.

The castle that recorded Ruola's entire life has now become tens of thousands of rubble. Ruola wanted to kneel down, but was pulled up.

Orlando shook his head and looked at her growing belly and said: "Don't worry, I will let our children live in a new white castle."

Then he turned around and said to the sad, hesitant faces in the ruins: "Please listen to me, everyone. This is our city, because we couldn't help it, we gave it up. But now we are back. Although it has become a ruin, we remember its beauty in our minds. It once protected us from wind and rain, and now, it’s time for us to pay for it."

"Tell me, do you want to rebuild it!"

People look at me, I look at you, when a little boy ran out and shouted: "I want to rebuild it, I want to rebuild our home!"

"Yes, rebuild your home!"

"rebuild home!"

On this day, the residents of Ark Harbor returned to the ruins, and people set up countless tents in the wilderness on the edge of the city. Men are responsible for cleaning up the ruins, women are responsible for boiling water and cooking, and the elderly and children are responsible for doing what they can. This is the first time that residents of the entire city have worked together to do the same thing, just to rebuild their former homes.

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