Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1642: Affection

On the third day after the residents of Ark Harbor returned to the city, a team came here. In the front of the team is a carriage, and behind it is a guard. The window on the side of the carriage opened and Edward looked out the window. The wilderness outside the window has become a rudimentary form of farmland. Farmers are plowing the land and women are planting seeds.

Then the team stopped several men, they were wearing simple leather armor, and the swords in their hands didn't look very sharp. In particular, their physiques were less like soldiers, but rather like peasants wearing equipment.

The first man shouted: "We are from the militia, who are you?"

Edward opened the cart and said lightly: "I want to see Orlando."

Almost no one does not know Edward. Many people know that although Edward is only an earl, he manages the territory for the Marquis Allen, so he has more power than the Marquis. In the south, he is considered a great nobleman. When he saw him, the man from the militia quickly knelt down. The leader-like man replied, "Master Orlando and everyone are working in the city. I will notify him immediately. "

After the man told his companion to take Edward to find Ruola first, he quickly jumped on a horse and went into the city.

Edward's carriage finally stopped in front of a tent. He got out of the car and saw the tent uncovered. Ruola and the two waitresses came out and said politely but nonchalantly, "Good morning, Earl Edward, what is it? The wind blows you here."

"Good day, Ms. Ruola." Edward said: "The conditions here are limited, and you are pregnant. Why not consider returning to Dawning Castle?"

"I'm interested." Ruola said lightly: "Although the environment here is not as good as Dawn Castle, this place is always my hometown. I'm happy to stay here, not to mention, I can't trust you, Earl Edward."

Edward nodded: "You are frank, I know you have a misunderstanding, and I am not willing to defend myself. I can only say that every decision I make is for the overall consideration. Since the lady is not willing to go back, then I too Don't force it."

Ruola turned sideways and said, "Please come in."

Walking into the tent with Edward, Ruola said again, "Go and pour two glasses of water."

Then said to Edward: "I'm sorry, but the conditions are limited, but there is no drink to greet the adults."

"It's okay." Edward said, "I brought some food here by the way. Madam needs nutrition now, so please accept it."

"Then I'm welcome."

The two chatted in such an unsalted way, and half an hour later, Orlando opened the account. Edward stayed when he saw him, Orlando took off his armor and garb, and now he looked no different from the workers. He also wore a towel on his shoulders, and was wiping his sweat with the towel. He first took a glass of water from the maid and drank it before he smiled: "Let the earl laugh."

"Orlando, I want to talk to you." Edward shook his head and said directly.

Ruo pulls up and says: "I'll walk outside, you talk."

She also took away the two waitresses.

When no one else in the tent said, Edward stood up and said solemnly: "You are too reckless and unwise to do this. I can understand that you want to rebuild Ark Harbor, but why can't you bear it for a while?"

"Don't you know, what's going on now? Earlier, patients with fever turned into monsters. These monsters once disappeared. But now they are back. During this time, many parts of the empire have been attacked by monsters. , Although there is no movement on our side. But sooner or later they will appear. Is it really appropriate for you to rebuild the city at this time? In case a monster appears, tell me why you protect your people. It’s on your own, Or those militias that are not in the stream at all?"

Orlando looked at him with a grin, and broke a piece of bread and handed it over. Edward shook his head, but of course he didn't pick it up. Orlando is not welcome, tearing off a piece by himself and throwing it in his mouth. While chewing, he said: "Master Earl, to be honest. If monsters come, we really can't keep it. But can you? I heard that those monsters are not simple, even the armies of the Imperial Capital and the Panlong Empire If you have suffered, I'm afraid that the monster army has really arrived, and you won't be able to repel them."

"Maybe, but at least, I can buy time for the leader to retreat. And you, as soon as the monster arrives, there will be corpses everywhere. This is the difference!"

Orlando raised his hand and waved it and said, "Okay, okay, you’re right. But my lord, I don’t want it, but people miss home too much, and I have to think about it. Otherwise, it’s me. If they are not allowed to come back, they will come back secretly. In fact, many people have come back here secretly before this, and I just conformed to the people's will."

"Our home is here, and only here can they find their true self. So you see, even if they die here, everyone still has to come back. I understand your kindness, but please understand us. Feeling."

Edward looked at him and sighed after a moment: "Well, since this is the decision of all of you, I will not force it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will go back now, and I will bring you building materials and food in three days. And an army. Don’t expect this army to be strong, but at least better than your militia."

Orlando swallowed the bread in twos and threes, clapped his hands and stretched out to Edward, "I'm so grateful."

Edward stretched out his hand and shook his crumb-sticked hand, and said, "Although you say that, if it becomes impossible, you must retreat anyway. As long as I am not dead, Bauhinia City will be able to give You provide asylum."

"I know."

At noon, Edward left. The Orlando couple watched the team leave, and Joola took Orlando by the hand and said, "Is he so kind?"

Orlando grinned and said: "Edward is indeed a man with a deep heart, and we have used him many times, and he may even think about giving up on me. But I am sure that he will not lie about this kind of thing. The things that should be delivered will be delivered in large quantities, and the army will arrive as scheduled, but the love between us and him will be used accordingly."

"If you count it this way, there is probably not much left between us."

Listening to Orlando, Ruola sighed: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't support everyone in coming back."

"It's none of your business, in fact, I want to come back. After all, the feeling of being under the fence is really uncomfortable."

Just after speaking, a few men ran over and said loudly: "Orlando, the construction site in the city wants you to go back. The reconstruction plan of White Castle has been drawn, but you still need to finalize the details."

"Okay, I'll go back now." Orlando held up Ruola's face and smiled: "I'm going back to work, you go and rest. I believe it won't take too long for you to return to White Castle."

"Well, I believe it." Ruola laughed, her brows and eyes filled with happiness.

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