Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1726: Xingshi asks crime

"The sun is shining, and the mood is really good."

In the early morning, when the sun visits the valley, the town gradually has voices. Leon walked out of the castle and stretched. The personnel of his independent team also walked out of the castle one after another. Everyone was full of energy. The adequate sleep last night made them look good and vigorous. Even if they were called to fight immediately, no one would frown.

Alan, who was walking behind Leon, shook his head. Of course the kid was in a good mood. Having negotiated with Vig all night last night, Leon really reaped a lot of benefits for himself. Yes, it's for yourself, not for the family. The Smith family’s compensation includes the Blaistine family’s property, army and clansmen. That man’s tribe, young and middle-aged, were put into the army and became Leon’s private army. Women and children will be sold, and all proceeds will naturally go to Leon. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Leon has sold them to the Smiths. As for how the Smiths deal with the group of people, he can't or don't care.

Even Bristin’s army and men from the clan will only be pushed to the front line as cannon fodder on the battlefield in the future, especially the men from the clan. Leon does not expect them to be loyal to him. On the contrary, he believes that these people will be full of resentment. So he uses these people as cannon fodder, even if some of these people have good talents, for Leon, the most important thing he lacks is talent.

In addition to Bristol’s family business, the Smith family also paid the price for this operation. Although Vig and Leon were contentious at the negotiating table last night, in the end Vig paid enough to satisfy Leon. In addition to paying Leon's elite army of about a hundred people, the Smith family also included money, equipment, production lines, and compensation for the two small towns.

The combination of these things is a huge fortune, but the Smith family can still afford it. Even Vig can pay off the debt by using his private property.

With these things, Leon's personal strength will improve by leaps and bounds. He struck Vig hard and struggled for at least five years.

Leon hooked Alan's arm and said triumphantly: "You know, brother. The most correct investment I have made in my life is to get to know you."

Allen laughed and said nothing.

Behind the floor-to-ceiling windows of the castle, Vig watched several flying ships lift into the air, before he said to the secretary who was comparable to the supermodel body behind him: "Call me Big Brother."

On this day, the Smith family announced through their own channels that the family had dealt with Leon Moore. The news came out and immediately caused a shock on the surface. People were shocked at how the Smith family did such a thing, and even more shocked at what kind of power it was that forced them to publish their shame.

In any case, the name Leon was remembered by everyone for the first time.

This is a secluded manor.

There is a peaceful lake in front of the manor. There are a few yellow leaves floating on the lake. The lake does not rippling gently, pushing those yellow leaves farther and farther.

The green grass on the lake stretches forward, paved with the land at the foot of the snow-capped mountains. In front is a private manor. The black iron gate of the manor is closed. There are two letters s and h on both sides of the iron gate. That is Smith The abbreviation of home. On both sides of the iron gate, there is a wall extending left and right, and the wall is occupied by the creeper, like two tree walls.

Behind the wall is a garden, and behind the garden is a square. There is a fountain in the square, and several speed cars are parked in a garage next to it. In front of the square is a main building. The architectural style of the main building is very classical. People will only feel tranquility here.

However, the calmness of this place was only the surface. When the sky rang with a low whistle, the secret whistles in the manor were crowded, but these guards quickly received the news and returned to their posts. It didn't take long for a small airship to land on the lake. In the turbulent lake water, the airship glide forward and finally landed on the lawn.

A deck came down, and someone came down from it. At the forefront was Capulo. The old lion was biting a cigar with a straight uniform and a fox fur cape on his shoulders. His already majestic figure became more burly.

Capro strode off the spaceship. Behind him was the chief secretary of the marshal, plus two guards. This was everyone Capro brought.

As Capulo walked towards the manor, the two black iron gates of the manor opened. Then a scooter drove out of the manor, and a steward jumped from the car, put his hand on his chest and bowed forward: "Welcome to Smith's house, respected Marshal Capro."

"Stop talking nonsense, where's Randy?" Capulo took down the cigar, looking like he was inquisitive.

But the butler calmly said: "Patriarch is playing golf behind, please follow me, Marshal."

He snapped his fingers and another electromagnetic scooter drove out. Capro snorted and rode with the housekeeper, while the secretary and guard boarded another electromagnetic car. Two electromagnetic cars drove into the manor, quietly but quickly deepening along the road of the manor.

They passed the gardens, squares, and bypassed the main building, but behind them was an open field, a well-manicured lawn, and even an artificial lake. Markers were inserted on the lawn, and people could be seen swinging and playing in the distance, and there was an awning beside them.

Two electromagnetic cars came under the awning, and the butler asked Caprow to wait a moment before he went to inform Randy who was playing golf. The owner of the Smith family, who has been fighting for many years, put down his club and walked into the awning with a smile on his face, saying: "I'm not doing anything, thinking of a sport that people were keen on in the old days, and let people repair this lawn. Capro Marshal, do you want to try?"

Caprow spit out a smoke ring: "I don't have the leisurely feelings of Mr. Randy, what is the news you released today. Why I didn't know in advance that you had this action against the William family!"

Randy said indifferently: "Marshal Capro, we are just your sponsors. We don't necessarily have to get your consent for everything. Of course, our starting point is definitely for your consideration. If we succeed, we will negotiate the day after tomorrow. , You will get secret help from the William family."

"But you failed!" Capulo said loudly: "And because of this incident, it makes me faceless. You all think that this incident was planned by me, at least, I participated in it. Now you are in your own family name. The announcement of this is nothing but a means for me to shirk responsibility."

Randy smiled and said, "Marshal Capro, are the ideas of outsiders so important? History has always been written by victors, and these victors may not be as tall as those written in history books. So you see, a little bit The necessary methods are nothing great. Besides, politics can't be related to the words justice and light. I don't think you need to worry about these too much."

"To be clear, it is me and not you who are negotiating with the Federation the day after tomorrow. Now because of this matter, the voice of support for the Federation will be greater. And although my people will not say anything on the surface, who can guarantee They don’t have certain ideas?” Capulo said solemnly: “All this could have been avoided. If your prophet would tell me, I would let you abandon this plan. A William’s family, on that occasion fundamentally Nothing can be changed."

"There are only a few people who can really determine the fate of this planet. What are you doing with such unnecessary things!"

Randy picked up a few cups of black tea from the housekeeper and drank it. “So you have to come to the door for this matter? I don’t think you need to be upset, even if there is such a thing, the day after tomorrow. Negotiations are not necessarily detrimental to you. In other words, there is no such thing as negotiating to be more beneficial to you."

"No, Mr. Randy. Today I am not here to discuss with you the pros and cons of this matter. I just want to tell you that now we are all in the same boat, I think you should respect me as a collaborator. The feeling here is really bad, and at the same time, I can't feel your sincerity."

Capulo stood up and said: "After the negotiations with the Federation are over, I feel it is necessary to adjust the mode of cooperation between us."

The Marshal was about to leave, and Randy also said, "Marshal Capro, we are businessmen. Businessmen don't invest their entire business in a project, do you think?"

Capro turned his head and said: "I am not a businessman, but I know. Now it is difficult for you to find major investment projects, unless you want to find cooperation opportunities with the Guangyinhui or the Federation. Believe me, cooperation with them will not Seems to have a good time with me."

Then he took people into the car and left the lawn.

Randy shook his teacup and said, "Who said he is just a lion, he can also be a fox."

Capro did not hear this comment. When he returned to the spaceship, his anger and dissatisfaction had disappeared. He sat down with a calm expression on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The secretary reminded him: "Marshal, there was another invitation three minutes ago."

Capulo said "um" and said, "Reply to them for me, I will go over and meet them now."

The spaceship lifted off, but it did not drive to Saint Helm, but in another direction.

The flames rose in the fireplace, and the smoke from the wood burning was continuously taken away by the smoke hoods on both sides of the fireplace so that it would not spread into the room. So this room is warm, but there will be no choking smoke.

It is a room rather than a hall. Because its area is so wide and so amazing. The ground is covered with red carpet, and the arched dome is supported by four columns. The dome is pasted with a picture of war between angels and demons with stained glass, after which a light is lit up, and the built-in lights illuminate the hall and the paintings on the dome.

There is a round table in the middle of the hall with four chairs. The back of the chair is red velvet cushion, which is comfortable and beautiful. At this time, there were two people sitting in the chairs, one of whom was relatively young, looking only in his thirties. The other one is old, with spots of age spots on his skin.

These two people are one of the few people who are at the peak of power on the surface today.

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