Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1727: Sword of Dawn

"Mr. Vincent, do you think he will come?" It was the old man in sixties who spoke. The twilightness on his body made the whole hall look a little dull. The old man opened a box with his hand covered with age spots. Inside were three neatly arranged cigars. He took out one of them, cut open the cigarette cap of the snow box with a pair of fine silver scissors, put it to his mouth, and struck a match to light it.

He took out another one in the box and threw it in front of Vincent.

As the leader of the Guangxi Huihui, Vincent picked up the cigar and looked at the old man opposite and shook his head: "I'm not used to smoking this thing, or leave it to you to enjoy."

, He pushed the cigar back.

The old man laughed, but the laughter was rather unpleasant. He spit out a smoke ring and said: "I am getting old, it is really inconvenient to get old, and everything becomes dull. Normal cigarettes are hard to stimulate my feelings, so the cigar still tastes a little bit."

"You are old, but some places are not old, such as here." Vincent nodded his head.

This old man is called Wari, the leader of Freedom Gate. It can be said that the Freedom Gate was cultivated secretly by the Light and Hidden Society. It was originally a **** that Vincent used to deal with the Federation and provoke conflicts. But now, the Freedom Gate has grown rapidly, and now Guangyin will have no power to control this behemoth.

And the reason why Freedom Gate can develop so quickly is because of the old man sitting opposite. It was such an old man without any combat power that allowed the Freedom Gate to become independent from the hands of the Guangyinhui, and even became a big figure on par with Vincent.

It's not that Vincent never thought of dealing with Warry secretly, honestly there are many opportunities like this, but he can't do that. Because Woori has become the spiritual leader of Freedom Gate. Worry is still alive, then Guangyin will influence the Freedom Gate through cooperation or other means. If he dies, then the gate of freedom will disintegrate immediately, and it will be cheaper for the Federation by then.

This is a delicate balance, but Worry is a fragile cornerstone. Not only did Vincent dare not move him, he had to send someone to protect him, lest the Federation would assassinate him, and the surface forces had to reshuffle the cards even if they didn't negotiate.

As time passed bit by bit, the door was finally pushed open when Vouli's cigar was almost finished smoking. Only one person walked in, Capulo.

A long way away, Capulo said solemnly: "It really looks like your style of being invisible, and it is a base hidden deep in the ground. Why, one doomsday bunker is not enough, you have to make one more. ?"

"Actually there are a few more bases like this." Vincent stood up, full of spring breeze: "I'm glad you will accept the invitation, Marshal Kaprow. We should talk about it a long time ago. You will find that Smith's house is not the only one. Partners, especially after what happened today."

"If I said that I don't know anything about it, what do you think?" Capulo walked to one of the chairs, took off the fox fur cloak and put it on the back of the chair, then sorted out his clothes and sat down.

The old man laughed and said: "Everyone knows that Marshal Capro is brave and will never do such nasty things."

Caprow snorted, looked at Warri and said, "If I did this, I wouldn't be doing it like the Smiths. Dirty? Politics never talked ugly."

The old man's flattery patted his horse's feet, and he was so embarrassed that he could only laugh repeatedly. Go get the second cigar, but don't cut it open, just play with it.

Vincent can only make the rounds: "Marshal Kaprow is right. Politics has always been profit first."

The old man spread his hands.

Karp coughed and looked at the two of them and said, "Then two, what is the purpose of you guys inviting me to meet? Can you spread it out now?"

Warry made a please gesture to Vincent, apparently intending to let him preside, but he himself shut up so as not to flatter again. Vincent squinted his eyes and said, "The day after tomorrow is the time to negotiate with the Federation. This negotiation is an accident to us, Marshal Capro."

Capro was silent.

Vincent continued: "Who would want a kid in Bethkod to grow to such a level that even Marshal Capello can't suppress him. Now he is a trump card in the hands of the Federation, even if the Federation does. We can't control this trump card, but at least, the Federation took advantage of him, and we have to agree to the negotiation."

Vincent speaks very skillfully. He didn't mention Capulo being defeated at all, but used another statement. For the same thing, it is obvious that Vincent's statement made Capulo feel better.

"But everyone present should be the same as me. They are reluctant to sit at this negotiating table." Vincent said loudly: "I think everyone knows what conditions the Federation will make. I want to ask both of you. Will you agree to those conditions? But if we do not agree, as long as the trump card is there, what storms can we make?"

Capulo snorted and said: "You can't just say directly, how on earth are you going to deal with that Beskod, do you have to make such a big bend?"

Vincent made him choked to speak, smiled, and said: "I am clearing up the clues for a few people. Now the Federation is only relying on Allen's card. So you want to be at the negotiating table. To be treated fairly, we have to kick this trump card out of the game."

"Kick him out?" Capulo sneered: "Is it as difficult as kicking me out?"

Vincent said, "That's why we strongly invited Marshal Capro to meet, because only the Marshal has played against him. So we want to know how much Allen’s specific combat power has reached. Or, how many people need to be deployed. Or what kind of weapon can kill him. If it doesn't help, he will have to be hit hard, so that the Federation has no license to play."

Capro squinted his eyes: "Mr. Vincent is really well prepared."

"It's easy to talk about it, maybe it's useful." Vincent said.

Capulo thought for a while and said: "At the level of Allen, the crowded tactics are no longer meaningful. If you want to win more than less, at least I have to join forces with Greed Wolves to have a lineup. I think. Greedy wolves won't make a move, so unfortunately, it is estimated that no one can be found on the earth who can stably defeat Allen."

"Of course, if I were willing to fight for my life, it doesn't mean that I didn't have the chance to severely inflict him. That's right, it was just a severe injury. I was not sure to kill him at all." Kaprow paused and said, "But I won't be so So it’s almost impossible to rely on the strong to deal with him."

"What about weapons?"

"Weapon?" Capulo shook his head: "Don't talk about him, just talk about me. Even if the mothership’s main gun is used to deal with me, from the time the main gun is charged to hit me, I have too much to do. No. Even if I didn’t destroy the mothership before the main gun hit, it could be avoided. And in order to ensure the lethality, the mothership should not be too far away, but close, I can shoot down the mothership before the main gun fires. "

"And even if I was hit, the mothership’s main gun might not kill me. I can’t even kill me. I want to kill Allen and dream." Capulo looked at the dome: "Assuming there is such a weapon that can kill me. Or seriously injure people of our level, then this weapon must have several conditions."

"Appreciate further details."

"First, it must strike with precision. It must be able to precisely lock the target, so that the target can be attacked to the greatest extent, and not miss the attack."

"Second, the charging time cannot be too long. As for the physical attack, I think the weapons on the earth cannot do it. So it can only be an energy weapon. However, if the energy weapon is charged for too long, the energy response will be It is for us to be aware. Once detected, we can take many corresponding measures, such as fleeing thousands of miles. With my speed, I can easily avoid this slow attack."

"Third, you must strike quickly. From launch to hitting the target, the shorter the better. As for why, you can refer to the second point I mentioned above."

Capulo looked at the two people at the opposite table: "The last point, the intensity of energy must be sufficient, at least one cannon can destroy the Star Destroyer to have hope. Based on the above points, I think about it after all that only one weapon has hope. We can do it, but that weapon will never be used by us."

Worry was stunned, and said, "Does the marshal mean that?"

"Star Rail Cannon."

"Sword of Dawn!"

Caprow and Vincent said at the same time, the former nodded: "Yes, it is the sword of dawn. This satellite orbital gun was developed by the Federation before the Nelm invasion, and the manufacture of its components was completed at that time. After the Ulm invaded, the production base of the star track gun was not attacked by artillery fire due to adequate protection. Six months ago, the star track gun was successfully launched into the sky ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it can accurately strike any city inside the planet; Externally, it can destroy any hull including the Star Destroyer. It is no exaggeration to say that it is now the patron saint of the earth."

This weapon is also the trump card of the Federation, but whether it is Caprow or Vincent, both have their base camp in the city. Take the underground base where they are now, just above them, the streets of the city.

Thousands of people were tied to the tanks by them, so there were star rail guns in the Federation, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

"In other words, only the sword of dawn can deal with Alan." Vincent laughed: "That's not without a chance, at least we can give it a try."

"Wait." Capulo said solemnly, "The Sword of Dawn is in the hands of the Federation. How do you control this weapon?"

"It's very simple, because there are still our dark chess in the federation." Vincent laughed: "In order to show my sincerity, although I gave the federation a list. But how can I leave one or two chess pieces to Prepared for a rainy day. The remaining few chess pieces, even if they go back to their grandfather’s generation, do not see any problems at all. As for the next step, I think after the Nirm invasion, the Federation has been lost. Those precious'evidence'."

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