Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1746: King's war

Looking around, Allen's eyes are densely packed with flame front warriors. There are more than ten thousand warriors in this square. They fill every inch of the space, making Allen and the Twilight Son separated by a mountain!

But Allen was fearless.

At this moment, his mood was strangely calm, he looked at the man on the other side of the throne, and then Allen moved.

As soon as he moved, the Flame Front Warriors rushed over.

For a time, dozens of burning swords slashed towards Allen.

The Ashes Hymn in Allen's hand still pointed at the sword, but the steel wings behind him spread out, and then countless sword blades ejected away. Hundreds of sword blades dragged a golden trajectory, circling around Allen for a while, and the burning swords slashing towards Allen broke and broke. The circle of sword blade storms suddenly spread, and dozens of warriors in front were swept in. As soon as it entered the storm, the samurai's body was cut into large and small pieces by the ubiquitous blade and dropped to the ground.

Alan's eyes wink.

The few golden light silks floating around swept out, the light silk washed away, and the flame front samurai swept by it all stagnated, and then shattered like a broken statue. The flying sword blades gathered in front of Alan, with hundreds of swords facing outwards, followed by ejection, dragging strips of golden light, the light converging into a beam of light, dozens of golden beams of light were drawn out in a fan shape. When the beam of light passed, countless flame front warriors were cut into pieces. For a while, Allen cleared a fan-shaped blank in front of him.

It's just that this blank space is quickly filled up again.

Allen knew that the Twilight Son wanted to use the Flame Front Warrior to consume his power while observing his combat skills. Under the control of instinct, the Twilight Son was as cold as a machine. He will not be impulsive, nor will he make mistakes. He will calmly observe, analyze, and finally choose to play.

Even so, Alan was not in the mood to waste time with the Flame Front Warrior. As a result, the golden flame on his body lit up, and the golden king flame came out through his body, and the flying flame made Alan feel like he was in a golden sun.

Then a ray of light flashed from the sun. At first it was just a ray of light that was as light as the morning light. In a flash, it turned into a blazing sun of the land of kings. A golden light swept across the hall, passing by countless flame front warriors, without stopping. Go straight to the man on the throne.

The man didn't dare to sit up, he stood up, stretched out his hand wrapped in the iron armor, and took a hold against the golden wave that was coming.

There was a continuous explosion in the air immediately.

The middle part of the light wave sank, as if caught by an invisible hand, the light wave became brighter and brighter. A wave of majestic shocks rushed to the throne, and the throne made of metal began to crack every inch, and the surface glowed red and melted. The man sank in the iron a little bit, but he didn't move, looked forward and suddenly drank.

The golden light flashed suddenly, and both sides rose high, like a pair of huge wings.

The next moment was a violent explosion.

It exploded tens of thousands of golden jets, spreading around the hall like a machine gun, piercing through countless flame front warriors and those training tanks. After the flame front samurai was penetrated by these golden jets, large expanses of golden flames spewed from the wound. In the golden flames, their bodies gradually lost their color, and finally scattered like coke.

After the diffused light disappeared, more than 10,000 warriors were still standing for less than 300. The training trough in the hall was broken. Several load-bearing pillars collapsed. The dome shook off countless dust and large pieces of armored dome. Down, the hall is crumbling!

The throne had melted into a pool of iron, and the Son of Twilight came out in the iron. He looked up and raised his hands. Suddenly an invisible wave rose, and the dome armor that had been split melted and filled the cracks. The shaking in the hall finally stopped, but this reinforcement, no one knew how long it could last.

The Twilight Son looked at Ellen, his gaze passed through the dazzling light and fell on Ellen. The sight of the two was not limited by time and space, and sparks were instantly ignited in the air! It was a real spark. A large burst of sparks suddenly jumped between the two of them. The Twilight Son raised his hand, opened his five fingers, and then shook it.

Black bands of light suddenly appeared in the space, with different sizes and different lengths. Some are as thick as an arm, and some are as thin as a finger. They twisted, and drifted into the hands of the Twilight Son, and gathered into the shape of a big sword.

Alan's pupils shrank slightly, that was not a simple source of power. What the Son of Twilight is holding now are dozens of spatial cracks! That is a sword made up of space cracks, in other words, every blow of it will release the violent energy of space turbulence!

Then the Son of Twilight walked forward.

Allen strode to meet him.

The two of them didn't walk fast, and then they crossed a kilometer distance between a few steps and met directly in the middle of the hall. The sword of space was lifted and cut, and the ashes chopped away fearlessly. Two swords of different nature met and collided in midair. The golden and dark yellow rays of light flashed from the intersection of the two swords as the origin. The golden king flame and the power of dusk collided in an all-round way, and the two forces penetrated, entangled, twisted, and annihilated each other. In the end a tornado of light is formed. This tornado, radiating light of different colors, reached the dome, penetrated the dome without stopping, and pierced straight above the base.

A group of soldiers still on guard in Yiwan Village suddenly felt a whirl of heaven and earth, and when they reacted, the ground shook violently. So various temporary buildings were thrown into the air, and fell to the ground together with the soldiers. Then he threw it up, and then fell down, after repeating this three times. The temporary building was shattered, the soldiers vomited blood, and a captain barely raised his head. I saw a beam of light rising in the mountains behind the village.

The beam of light blasted into the clouds above with an astonishing sound, and the dense clouds above the mountains were torn down by the terrible suction and spread all over the beam of light, like a gray sleeve covering the beam of light. When the cloud pillar blasted down the mountain, a terrifying shock wave came from a distance, and everyone's ears were full of sharp whistling!

In the lobby of the base, the sword of space and the hymn of ashes kept fighting together. Every time it collides, countless tiny black rays of light like hairs will be ejected, and large swaths of unpredictable golden flames will be ejected.

The figures of Ellen and the Twilight Son are moving at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye, and the swords in their hands swept at will, both of them are powerful forces that cut space. Their battle has just begun, but this hall is already collapsing!

After the two exchanged positions, the Twilight Son suddenly slid forward silently, and the length of the space sword in his hand suddenly increased, from the original length of more than one meter to three meters. If Allen had become accustomed to its previous kill range, now it is bound to mess up the sword for its surge length.

The sword of space swept across, and the space passed by was slightly blurred, and overlapping images of things appeared, as if the space was folded.

Faced with the sharp blade, Ellen did not retreat and moved forward. Ashes chopped out, and several flickering long sword phantoms appeared around him. Those phantoms slashed on the Space Sword first, and actually cut the Space Sword in the hands of the Twilight Son into several pieces, and then the Ashes Hymn was cut on the second half of the Space Sword. The golden lines immediately stretched out on this black space sword.

The Twilight Son opened his mouth and let out a low howl from his mouth. The Space Sword was vigorously provoked and shook off Allen's ashes hymn, but the sword in his hand fell apart every inch and turned into debris. Only the hand of the Twilight Son shook again, and the remnant sword that was only a palm length suddenly shot with black light. When it is drawn out again, it is a complete sword of space.

At this time, the force of the collision between the two was released, the surrounding space became blurred, and things continued to bounce. When the frequency reached a critical point, the matter exploded and annihilated into powder!

However, at this time, Ellen and the Twilight Son collided again, and the two swords collided with each other, and both wanted to go to the other side. So it becomes a new round of wrestling. With the two as the origin, the ground circle sinks, and then energy splashes in circles, bringing armored ground one after another. The source force on the two of them was entangled together, forming another source force tornado blasting onto the dome, so the dome that was already collapsed fell faster.

Just in this stalemate.

The Twilight Son flew up.

Allen elbows and slams.

Then the two flew back separately, separated by a distance of tens of meters, and confronted each other with their swords.

"The temptation should end here, too." Allen said lightly, when a large piece of armor smashed from his head. Seeing that it was about to hit, the sound of swords suddenly sounded in the air, a few rays of light flashed, and the large piece of armor spread out and fell at Alan's feet.

The Twilight Son nodded and said: "It's really enough, the next thing is the real battle."

"I've been waiting for this moment for too long~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Alan's eyes dazzled, and the golden king flame came out, and the whole hall was suddenly golden.

Over the mountainous area, the sea of ​​clouds churned, and patches of golden flames spewed out of the clouds. The flame tore and swallowed the clouds, and finally turned into a golden sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire in the sky, the fire pillars twisted and hung down, falling in the mountains, exploding large expanses of golden flames.

Suddenly, the entire mountain area was burning!

Allen lifted his feet off the ground and floated up in the hall, with the golden flame on his body rushing straight into the dome, his awe-inspiring imperial sea! He is like a **** descending on the earth, in a dazzling golden light, the hymn of ashes is raised above his head.

The hall was full of low and low tremors, singing carols like raging flames, and large waves of flames spread like ocean waves, and the golden king flame filled the entire hall.

The dark yellow light on the Twilight Son was like an isolated island in the sea, and Allen's golden king flame surrounded him and impacted him. It felt like the entire space was squeezing him, so the armor on the Twilight Son creaked, spattering a small amount of powder from time to time!

The Twilight Son knew that the next step was Allen's full blow.

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