Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1747: Clean up

The storm is raging!

At this moment, the soldiers staying in Yiwan Village all looked at the sea of ​​flames that was spinning crazily above the mountain with horror. A suffocating hurricane was generated while the sea of ​​golden flames turned, blowing in all directions, and the violent wind pressure alone prevented the soldiers in the village from getting up.

Then the fire hung down.

As if something were falling in the sea of ​​fire, it pulled the entire sea of ​​fire, driving them to drop down, as if the entire sky was collapsing!

The majesty of the supreme, between the gestures, the sky fell apart.

The sky has collapsed, how can the earth be spared? As a result, cracks were formed in the ground, they twisted and meandered, and the ground where they passed cracked open, ejecting a sand discharge curtain from them.

The supreme power often exceeds the limit that a planet can withstand, so even though Allen has carefully controlled the strength of the output, it is still inevitable that there will be overflowing power that wanders and destroys the surface of the planet.

Strips of golden thunder flashed in the air from time to time, and the lightning went thousands of miles away, and then those thunder and lightning branches spread out in the air. Amidst the glittering golden electric light, something came out of the sea of ​​fire.

That is a sharp edge.

Only this sword edge is as rough as a mountain root!

The soldiers in the village watched in horror as the giant sword slowly slipped down in the distant sea of ​​flames. The gray giant sword descended from the sea of ​​flames, like a pillar supporting the world. The tip of the sword fell into the mountains, but the body of the sword was still hidden in the sea of ​​fire. This sword, the length of which is unknown how many kilometers, is like an interstellar mothership!

Baidi sword.

This sword pierced the ground without stopping, and the ground was easily penetrated like cheese. The Baidi Sword quickly penetrated into the military base, constantly penetrating through layers of bases, and finally hit the dome of the fifth floor hall.

The point of the sword is the Son of Dusk.

The sword was falling, the wind was whistling in the hall, and the wind pressure was so strong that the remaining dozen Flame Front Warriors were thrown away directly, and then disintegrated in midair. The wind seemed to be filled with countless sharp blades, easily cutting the Flame Front Warrior into pieces!

When the giant sword fell and was about to pierce the head of the Twilight Son, the man looked at Allen with a gentle smile on his face. At that moment, he seemed to have changed back to the man who told a long story in the sunflower bush that afternoon.

Bai Dijian suddenly stopped, just hovering over his eyebrows.

A complicated look appeared in Allen's eyes, but at this moment, he suddenly felt different. However, before he could make any movements, his chest and back were cold at the same time. Looking down, a wave of erratic black light pierced his chest. Looking at the Twilight Son again, the space sword in his hand disappeared at some point.

"You are still too young." A mocking look flashed in the eyes of the Twilight Son, and it was obvious that the expression just now was made by him imitating Archimedes. He raised his hand and patted the Baidi Sword. The Baidi Sword vibrated from the tip of the sword, and thrilling cracks appeared on the sword. Suddenly the whole sword began to collapse, and countless gray fires flowed out, turning into gray fireflies flying in the sky, like a starry sky!

The Baidi Sword was slapped away, and the Twilight Son turned to Ellen, and his toes flashed into the air. However, it suddenly stopped in the middle of the flash, with a strange expression on his face, and then glared at his right hand. A black band of light was wrapped around his right hand, and he suddenly hammered his chest. The armor on the man's chest suddenly tore apart, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out from his mouth. He flew backwards and fell to the front of the flame gate.

He raised his head and stretched out a virtual grip in Alan's direction. The black light on Allen's chest suddenly dissipated, turning into countless black fluorescent lights falling all over the sky.

Alan clutched his chest and fell to the ground, his face pale, and he was pierced by the cracks in the space. Even the Supreme was uncomfortable. He looked at the man in front of the Flame Gate, and said solemnly, "Is that you?"

"it's me."

He raised his head and grinned. The blood on the corner of his mouth looked embarrassed. He said, "You did a good job, Allen. But not enough. You and Taylor alone can't completely destroy the Twilight Son. Don't mention the last step of the Dawn Plan. I will buy you some more time to open the other four treasure houses as soon as possible."

As he said, he got up, turned and pressed for the door of flames. The door leaf of the door slid inward, revealing the burning world behind the door. He walked towards the door, and when one foot stepped into the door, he turned his head and said to Alan: "Although I think you shouldn’t hesitate a bit, I’m very happy when the sword stops, child . But don’t have another one."

Then the body got into the door, and then there was a roar and muffled noise, and the voice quickly went away. Alan knew that the Flame Gate was connected to Eboyins. Obviously, while his father was still able to control his body, he took the Twilight Son directly to Eboyins, so that he would have to spend more time to return.

He had no time to be sad, and the ashes chanted a sword at the gate of flames. There was a looming sword shadow in the air, and several turning golden sword lights suddenly appeared on the gate. Then the gate collapsed with a bang, and when it rolled to the ground, the passage connecting Eboins was so closed.

It can be similar. For some time in the future, the children of twilight must stay in Eboyins. This gave Alan some time, but next time he comes back, Alan doesn't know how much will the man still has, or is it all erased by instinct?

He sighed, raised his head, turned into a golden light and rushed towards the completely collapsed dome.

At dusk, the reinforcements from Fort Helm and the Federation arrived. The dense fleet sent nearly 20,000 soldiers. When they rushed to the entrance of the base, Allen and the coalition were coming out of the cave. After a simple handover, the reinforcements drove into the base and continued to sweep the remaining Flame Front Warriors.

In the hall on the fifth floor, more than ten thousand warriors were buried in Allen's hands, and Capulo took some more with the army, leaving more than ten thousand warriors left in the base. After a week of fighting, the Federation and the Fortress of the Holy Helm strengthened several times, and finally the remaining warriors were also cleaned up. With the departure of the Twilight Son, the Flame Gate has also been destroyed. At least in the short term, the earth will not be threatened by the cosmic twilight.

As for the return of the Twilight Son, even Alan doesn't know what will happen.

After all the Flame Front Warriors were cleaned up, Allen returned to the family base. The earth was not in danger for the time being, and he planned to leave. According to what my father said, go to open other treasure houses as soon as possible and prepare for the final war.

The first stop is obviously Agareth. The Cannon Gate may be one of the treasure houses. Now Lola and Lucy have already returned to Agareth. Shanna, the guardian, should be in contact with Alice. Is she really another treasure house guardian?

If Canon Black Gate is also one of the treasure troves, then accept it, Alan's strength will rise to a higher level. As for the remaining treasure trove, it is necessary to use the coordinates provided by the origin slab.

A few days later, Allen left the earth with Adele, and Mobit held a grand farewell ceremony for him. Just when Allen left the earth, the underground block behind Ivan Village

The base is still being cleaned up, and the Federation has left two thousand people, but it is obviously impossible to clean up such a large-scale military base in less than half a year.

In a warehouse on the third floor, among the bodies of the Yanfeng warrior piled up, suddenly a hand stretched out. Then someone came out of the body, it was Keristan. If Caprow were here now, he would be very surprised, because in the battle that day, he had already opened a big hole in Kylistan's chest.

The fact is the same, now Kyristan has a fist-sized hole in his chest. Such injuries must be fatal to humans, but Capro is obviously not familiar with the king, and Kylistan also has several life-saving abilities. One of them is to make Allen unaware of his breath.

He was indeed "dead" for several days, but now his function is working again, so he is alive again. Kiristan did not rush to leave, but closed his eyes and murmured after a moment: "Sure enough, as your Royal Highness expected, the remaining will may come out to intervene. It seems that this time, His Royal Highness is determined to clean up that completely. The original will of the body."

He smiled: "Then I have to do some preparatory work before your Highness returns."

He walked towards the exit. At this moment, two Union soldiers approached at the exit, but Keristan passed them, and the soldiers didn't notice.

This is the world of flames.

This is Eboyins.

When he opened his eyes and saw the fire in the sky, he confirmed this. He got up and looked around, now in a canyon. From time to time, the rising flames erupted from the canyon, but the scorching heat and flames were not unfamiliar to him. He took a deep breath of the sulphur-flavored air, and then said: "This is your purpose, to send me back to Eboyins~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hope to trap me for a moment?"

Someone behind him said: "Eboins' time is not synchronized with the time of the material world. Moreover, you have entered this world physically, not purely spiritual will. The flow of time is even more different. You are here. In a moment, the material world may have passed ten or even a hundred years."

It turned out to be another him.

Of course, he knew that this man was called Archimedes, and it was the will of the body he occupied.

He shrugged: "It is indeed a good idea, but it is not a bad thing for me. In the material world, we can only be entangled in the same body. But Ebons is the world of will, maybe I can take you Stay in this world forever, then you can no longer interfere with my things in the material world."

"Actually, I'm also thinking about whether you can kill the **** who occupies my body in the world of will, so that my child will save a lot of energy."

He nodded: "Good idea, you can try it."

Archimedes' eyes drenched: "I don't need you to say that I know!"

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