Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1748: King's return

Looking through the portholes of the starship, the ground was grayish brown, extending above the horizon, and there was very little green. After the plain passed, the ground cracked open, like opening a huge mouth, and uttering a silent shout to the sky.

"This is Agareth?" Adele asked softly. There is no doubt that this planet is far less beautiful than Heaven. The environment can be described as harsh, even worse than the earth's surface environment. Adele is hard to resemble, Allen has lived here for more than a year.

How did he get here?

Looking at Ellen, Ellen seemed to know what she was thinking. He held the girl's hand and smiled and said, "It's really not easy here, but if everyone supports each other, they walked over.


Black spots appeared on the other side of the sky, and there was even a low trembling sound. After a while, a fleet appeared in front of the starship, and under the guard of those streamlined black battleships, a warship in the rear flew like an air king. The long and short masts on the ship are like the thorns of giant beasts, and the wind is forced away by them, making a low noise!

The battleship separated on both sides, giving way to the starship. The starship drove into the berthing airport of the ship. After a slight vibration, the signal light in the cabin changed from red to green, indicating that the starship was parked and could disembark at any time.

"Let's go, welcome to Agareth." Allen pulled Adele up and blinked.

Walking out of the hatch, the airport was full of people. The Demon Shadow Nation was headed by the first general Davelin, and a group of generals and ministers stood densely on the ground, watching Adele for a while. Although Alan told her on the way here, he is now the emperor of Demon Shadow Kingdom. No one on earth knew about this astonishing news, and Alan did not mention it, so Adele was really shocked when she first heard about it. Now seeing the crowds in the airport, a solemn atmosphere naturally arises. She looked at the man next to him, and Allen held her hand gently.

His palm is still warm.

So Adele relaxed.

In addition to Devlin, there are a small group of people in front of them, but Lucy and Lola are the core members of Allen.

At this time, a solemn horn sounded from the airport, and then the drum music with the characteristics of the Shadow Kingdom sounded. The Shadow Kingdom fighters raised a trombone several meters long and placed diagonally on the ground to blow a low sound. Then Devlin and the imperial generals and ministers knelt down. Except for Devlin who only performed one-knee salutes, all the others knelt on the ground and said in unison: "Welcome your majesty back."

Allen took Adele off the starship and said lightly: "Get up."

The crowd just stood up in a clatter, Lucy and the others greeted him, and Lola even smiled, and took Adele from Ellen's hand and said, "It's very hard to come here from the earth."

"It's not hard work, it's just a little bored."

Lucy smiled and said, "Soon you will have no time to get bored."

Belmode and others also came forward to see Ellen one by one, and Bai, who was already young, still stood beside Ellen shyly, bowed his head and called "Father". Allen smiled and rubbed his hair, still thinking of him as the boy before.

Then he said to Devlin and others: "What's the matter, let's go back to the magic circle city to talk about it."

The ministers promised.

After the fleet flew back to Devil's Ring City, Adele was sitting on a land vehicle, and the vehicle was driving along Demon's Shadow Avenue, the main road of Devil's Ring City. When you look up here, you can see a variety of towering buildings, and traffic ships are traveling along the invisible air highway, coming and going in order. From time to time, a maglev train passed between the buildings and quickly disappeared in the shadow of the building in the distance.

"I was shocked the first time I came. I have never seen a city like this before." Lola who was sitting next to her laughed.

Lucy on the other side also said: "The magnificence of the magic ring city is not lost to our golden city, but here is a little too gloomy."

"That's no way. Leaning on the big fault, the sunshine must be worse."

Seeing the two talking eloquently, there was a subtle feeling in Adele's heart. I will live with them in the future, just like suddenly having two more sisters, which makes her a little uncomfortable.

When the convoy entered the Shadow Fort and reached the top. Standing on the square in front of the castle, the various buildings in the Magic Ring City in the distance have become dark silhouettes. Adele was finally sure that she had left the earth and came to this completely strange country.

Fortunately, there are people I know and love here.

She closed her eyes and said to herself.

that's enough.

After arranging for Adele to rest, Devlin begged to see Alan. Knowing that she was going to report on various major events in the empire during his absence during this time, Alan met her in the side hall of the palace. After changing into a black robes in the style of Demon Shadow Kingdom, with a belt woven with dark golden silk around his waist, Allen walked into the side hall. The side hall is very quiet, and the tall narrow windows allow the rare sunlight to leave patches on the ground.

In one of the light spots, the first general of the empire, Davelin, was facing Alan, looking out the window.

Not seen for a while, the sharp aura on Devlin's body is still obvious. She stood there, her whole person like a sharp knife. An incomprehensible look flashed in the eyes of the female general who turned her head when she heard the sound of footsteps, and then she lowered her head slightly, and she made it difficult to see the expression on her face when she was backlit.

She knelt down on one knee and put her fist on her chest: "Your Majesty."

"Get up and talk, General Devlin." Allen sat on a black throne. Under the armrest of the throne were sculptures of two fierce beasts, which looked like two fierce beasts supporting the throne. Allen's feet were on the forelimbs of the beast lying on the ground, as if stepping on the whole world.

Devlin glanced at the man on the throne. If Alan's majesty was still a bit young, now he has the same oppressive feeling as the previous emperor. The difference is that Spinak feels like an abyss, completely bottomless. Allen is a flame, bright, and will burn all those who stretch their hands too close.

Devlin couldn't tell which was more terrifying, she only knew that Alan was already supreme after coming back, otherwise she would not give herself such a terrible sense of oppression. She bowed her head and said, "Congratulations to your majesty for being promoted to supreme."

Allen just said "um", as if he didn't care about it, and asked: "What happened during my absence."

"Something did happen." Devlin stood up and said, "After your majesty left, the Nirm and Kidders frequently sent messengers called tribute. In fact, they asked for news from your majesty."

"It seems that they can't bear it." Allen said lightly: "Or is the lesson I taught them not profound enough?"

Devlin did not answer this question directly, but said: "Besides, our'land reclamation' in the gray area is not going well, and there are even strong men comparable to generals among the natives. And we found that Duobi It seems that Asia has funded these indigenous people. We caught several Dobias, but they refused to admit them. Because we now have an armistice agreement with Dobias, we still sent the Dobias back."

"In addition, on the side of the Continental Bridge, Dobia's troops frequently appeared near our outpost. Although there was no sign of offensive, it always seemed to be unwilling. So I increased the garrison on the side of the fortress. If Dobia intends to tear up the agreement, we will not be caught off guard."

Allen nodded and said, "What else?"

Next, Devlin reported on some recent developments in the empire, most of which were problems within the empire. These problems are of different types, but in general, they can all be boiled down to one point. That is that Alan left the empire for too long, plus he is not like Spinak. When he left, he was still not the supreme, so the shock to the inside and the outside was not as strong as the devil.

On the planet Agareth, especially in the Shadow Kingdom, power represents everything. If there is no absolute power, then even if the throne of Allen is "legal", it may be overthrown at any time. Bar people are by no means a law-abiding race, they are better at breaking the law. In the days when Allen was away, Davelin was actually suppressing it everywhere, so that the empire would not be turned upside down. Of course, Devlin also has reservations about Alan's loyalty. If Alan does not return, it is not impossible for her to sit on the throne of Shadowhold.

"I understand." After listening to the report of the first general, Allen flicked the handrail and said: "Whether it is Duobia or the natives in the gray area, even the Nirm and Kidd, and the empire People of all shapes and forms. In the final analysis, it is because I am not Spinak, so they think they have a chance.


This sentence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Devlin dare not take the conversation casually.

Allen stood up and said: "That's easy. Now I will tell them that I am no different from Spinak. If you provoke Spinak, they will be thrown into the endless abyss. Question me, then I don't mind. Let them become ashes.


Then an aura rose from the throne.

First, the Devil Ring City, then the Shadow Kingdom, then the Great Wasteland, and finally Duobia and the sparsely populated gray areas on Agareth. All the creatures felt an invisible sense of oppression. The gods that seemed to exude endless majesty were watching them in the void, and a black throne appeared in everyone's mind. On the throne supported by two fierce beasts, sat a man with silver hair and red eyes!

There was a muffled grunt from the deep silent castle that did not fall. Someone came to the window and the wind blew his black hair. Frios squinted his eyes, and at the same time raised an aura, facing Alan far away.

So the sky and sea of ​​blood between Moying Kingdom and Duobia blasted the dark red thunder, and rolled up a thousand-meter wave!

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