Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1749: Go to Kuromon

The fire demon Belukai got up from the main hall and looked at each other with the generals and ministers of Dobia. They were discussing whether to tear up the agreement with Frius, taking advantage of Alan's disappearance to lay down the Demon Kingdom.

Nowadays, Moying Nation has no supreme seat, and many days of testing the other side only adopt a patience posture. Such a low-key is the last posture of the Demon Shadow Nation. In addition, the funding for the gray area was discovered by the Demon Shadow Nation some time ago, but the Duobian people still sent it back to the safety and security, and let Belukai The ministers at the head think that the Demon Shadow Nation has not enough power to fight against Duobia.

Frius is a young supreme, standing out from Spinak's men, he has ambitions commensurate with his strength. It's just that the previous battle with the King of Justice on Eternal Night Star hurt him, and the expectation of Allen will sign an armistice agreement with Moying Nation. Now that Alan disappeared, his injury was 90% healed, and his mind started to become active again. The proposal of Belukay and others was right in his arms. At this moment, Allen's aura came from a distant fault, and throughout the planet, hundreds of millions of creatures felt his aura. Frius was no exception. He immediately confronted Allen with his momentum, and was shocked that Allen not only returned, but also promoted to the Supreme.

Reminiscent of the power he felt not long ago, Frios was in a mixed mood. Quite excited in his heart, he was suffering from no opponents, but didn't want to leave a Spinak, but Alan came, I was afraid that I would not be lonely in the future. But at the same time, he was a little annoyed. The Demon Shadow Kingdom was already in the bag, but now he can't get involved.

"Your Majesty, could it be said?" Belukay stood up, his face full of shock.

Frius nodded and walked back to the throne in the palace from the window: "Yes, it is the emperor of Demon Shadow Kingdom. He is back, and he is already supreme!"


"How can it be?"

The temple was in chaos, no wonder they were, after all, in terms of a supreme. Frios can already be considered young, and now there is a younger Allen. Even in terms of the short life of human beings, Allen, who was just in his early twenties, can be called young. And with a supreme life, it is often thousands of years. Such as Spinak, life is too long to calculate, and do not know where the end of life is.

So it is not difficult to resemble, what kind of shock a young man who has just become the supreme will bring to Agareth. Because of him, Moying Nation can prosper for thousands of years.

Agareth has two supreme princes, and the Shadow Kingdom and Dobia can't stand each other. Whether or not the Supreme is sitting there are totally different things. Losing the Supreme Demon Kingdom can be annexed at any time as long as Frius is willing.

Duobia planned to do the same, but now, the abacus seems to be lost.

Contrary to the low mood of Duobia's ministers, when Allen regained his momentum in Demon Shadow Nation, both officials and soldiers cheered. For a long time, the Demon Shadow State Sparnak had been in charge, and even dared to fight against Dobia. But after Spinak left, Allen took over the throne. Although he has great potential, he is still not the supreme, and there is always a big rock hanging in people's hearts. Now this big stone finally landed, and some people who had some thoughts about Alan's throne in the past had to completely die this time. Contending with the Supreme for the throne is no longer a death, but a shame.

Moying Kingdom soon issued a celebration announcement, and the celebration will be held in half a month, named to celebrate the return of the Emperor of Moying Kingdom. But in essence, everyone knows that it is to celebrate that Demon Shadow Kingdom has a supreme seat.

The notice was not only sent to every city in the Demon Shadow Nation, but also to Duobia and the Nirm and Kidders who are now vassalized in Demon Shadow Nation. Demon Shadow Nation wants to take this opportunity to inform the world, and at the same time, so that the two aliens can completely give up.

While preparing for the celebration half a month later in the magic ring city, Allen quietly left the magic ring city. In order not to attract attention, he did not take Lucy and others, and left the magic circle city alone, driving a spaceship to the Land of Lost by himself.

After Lucy and the others arrived in Agareth, Shanna and the kings took the Legion of Dawn to the Land of Lost. One is to collect Ellen's army; second, it is Shana who goes to meet with Alice to confirm whether she is one of the guardians of the treasure house.

Although Kannon Black Gate Allen has been there once, he did not go deep after all, and I don't know the real situation. Just judging from the relationship between Alice and the Dusk clan, she has a high probability of being a guardian. If Alice is also the guardian, then Canon Black Gate is the second treasure house, and Alan will save a lot of effort.

The Origin Tablet has released some coordinates, but apart from a heavenly star, these coordinates need further analysis where they point to. In addition, the number of coordinates is only three, that is, the coordinates of other treasure houses are still unknown.

Why is this so, Allen has no clue, he can only grasp the existing clues and open the treasure house that can be found as soon as possible. Not only does the treasure house possess the strength to fight against the Burning Legion, more importantly, every treasure house builder has a will. Those wills that recorded the life skills and strength of the previous generations of the Twilight Sons are the guarantee for Allen to destroy the Twilight Sons and implement the final plan.

Neither the treasure house nor the Twilight Will can fall into the hands of others. So after the magic circle city was fine for a while, Allen hurried directly to the Land of Lost.

The legacy that was always protected by the force field released by Alice in the past has now been completely opened. But there is Alice and her army, especially the insect swarm in Canon Black Gate. Even Frios did not want to provoke for no reason.

When Allen's spaceship came near the relic, there were two black spots quickly approaching, but it was two giant bees flying at low altitude. They are the sentinels of the relics, circling Alan's ships. Suddenly a faint air force rose from the depths of the remains, and the two giant bees seemed to have been ordered to leave the spaceship aside.

Despite the faintness, Alan could feel that it was Alice's energy.

The airship landed in front of Alice's Glen Castle.

Before walking to the old castle, the door of the old castle had already been opened, and the old butler Grieth smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, Miss Alice and Miss Shanna are waiting for you in the hall."

Allen nodded, the castle was quiet. The generals of Alice did not gather here, followed Gris to the hall, opened the door, and saw Shanna and Alice talking. When the door opened, the two women looked together, and then both knelt on one knee. Even Alice did so, and Grice naturally knelt down.

Alice raised her head and smiled and said: "Sana told me that, I didn't expect you to become the Son of Dawn. At the beginning, the creator said to wait for him to come back, but in fact, I should be waiting for you, Your Highness Alan."

"Get up all," Allen said: "So it seems that Canon Black Gate is indeed one of the King's Treasury, and Alice, are you the guardian of the Treasury?"

"I have lost something in countless sleeps. I can only confirm that I am the heart of Queen Carrie. Queen Carrie is the commander of the Black Gate Zerg, but there is indeed a ruin deep in the Black Gate. I've never been there, I just took a look at the creator from a distance."

"In that case, I need to go to the Black Gate." Allen nodded.

"It's getting late. Your Royal Highness will rest in the fort tonight. Let's go to the Black Gate together tomorrow."

Regarding Alice's suggestion, Alan could not find a reason to refuse. Although it is necessary to open the treasure trove, there is no need to rush in such a day and a half.

Griiss took Alan to a room, which was once Alice's bedroom and the most comfortable place in the castle. Knowing that Ellen would return, Alice gave up the room early, just to allow Ellen to have a room to rest when she came.

Allen shook his head and said, "Just find me a room, don't be so troublesome."

Gris smiled and said: "His Royal Highness Alan really hasn't changed at all. Although my life cannot be the same as my master, it can be regarded as long. I have met many people, and many people have suddenly gained strength or power. There have been quite obvious changes. One of the most obvious is that he can no longer see what is under his feet, only the sky above him."

Allen thought for a while and said, "Perhaps because strength represents a greater and heavier responsibility for me, so I can't escape at all."

Gris nodded and said, "Since your Royal Highness doesn't like this room, let me prepare another one for Your Royal Highness."

In the Crystal Hall, Alice walked towards the pool in the middle. The clothes fell off one by one on her body, revealing a beautiful white back. She was as delicate as a lily in the wind, as if the wind was a little bit stronger, it would blow the petals to the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This woman who looked weak and windless walked down the steps of the pool barefoot. Let the water drown her a little bit. From the shell-like fingers, to the curvy legs, to the flat belly and the towering double peaks, finally the waterline came to her collarbone. Alice closed her eyes and let the water waves gently rub her body.

"Creator, is this the reason you made me wait on this planet?" Alice opened her eyes and looked at her face reflected in the water waves: "If this is your will, then I Will follow to the end."

"I just want to see you again."

In the hall, a faint sigh sounded.

The next day, Ellen took Shanna and Alice, and the three left the castle. Allen piloted the airship, carrying three people to the Cannon Black Gate, the end of the tundra, which took several days to reach on foot. Propelled by the spacecraft's engine, I saw the row of black shadows on the horizon in half a day.

The Cannon Gate has arrived.

The airship stopped on the tundra in front of the Di Abyss Bridge, and the Allen trio got off the airship. Looking at the door of the Black Gate, Alice felt very touched. She took a deep breath and walked ahead, leading the two of Allen across the bridge.

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