Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1825:  Competing for Will (3)

The power of two completely different rules collided head-on. This was the first full-scale confrontation with an opponent of the same level after Allen became the Supreme. Frius has been famous for a long time, even if he is the youngest of the original three supreme, but he became the supreme much longer than Alan. Allen knows very well that neither his control of the rules nor the richness of his combat experience can match him. But Allen has merged three twilight wills. If there are three more periods of life, even if the experience of the three Taylors has not completely melted and absorbed, if Allen's experience alone is not much worse than Frieus, what he lacks , That is, it is not his own experience, it needs to be perfectly integrated through actual combat.

So for Allen, this time the Supreme War is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity.

The sky-slashing and moon arc swayed with the supreme power tore through the sky and slammed into Frios' power domain. The two forces of different rules immediately resisted, repelled, and annihilated each other. After tens of thousands of black light spots appeared at the end of the lunar arc, countless dense black light bands were ejected from the two arc ends of the lunar arc. These light bands spread and spread like branches and leaves, and disappeared in a flash. When the front end of the light belt swept thousands of miles away, the end gradually dissipated, and it gradually appeared like the sky full of cracks!

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the ground where the two were fighting, and a row of frozen soil was sprayed up on the ground, and then a crack tens of meters wide extended from side to side. In a blink of an eye, a huge crack of nearly a hundred kilometers was formed, and the land on the left and right of the crack was staggered up and down, spraying and exhausting dust. In the distance, the mountains collapsed and the mountains fell in dislocation, hitting the ground and making a loud noise.

The whole planet is crying.

Amidst the loud sounds of the world, Frius's roar suddenly sounded. Then there was a jet of black light spraying out in the darkness, and the space where this light traversed was swallowed and erased, exposing the same area of ​​subspace, and then all the disorderly turbulence in the subspace poured out. Suddenly the sky cracked through a series of openings, and active fire rushed down from it, like a waterfall, hitting the ground, causing pieces of explosions, and fireballs rose one after another, and then turned into black and red mushroom clouds!

That piece of light full of dark power crossed the Arc of Zhantian Moon in the center, and the golden arc moon was in the middle. The middle part was returned to nothingness, and the waning moon on both sides exploded suddenly, swallowing a large group of Golden King Flames. When Wang Yan shot Frieus's field of power, it was as if a flood was poured into flames, and the black of that space was ablated in large areas, revealing the true color behind the darkness. At this time, Frius swept straight out of the darkness, and the black flames all over his body vigorously, and in the meantime there were purple fireworks circulating, like a mysterious nebula. He slammed into Allen, obviously not planning to make a trial, but to make a full shot.

Allen's whole body lit up, the steel wings of the endless sword uniform spread out, and turned into tens of thousands of gold swords and flashed away. In this golden stream of tens of millions, Alan turned into a rainbow, and the ashes in his hand pointed directly at the enemy in front of him. The whole person revealed infinite determination, full of sword spirit and domineering, and he greeted Frius without fear. .

The sky suddenly shined brightly.

Cyan blue fire, purple flames, dark red source fire, indigo frost flame... an infinite number of flames of various source power attributes suddenly filled the sky, reflecting a strange color in the sky of thin sun stars. King flame of gold, one flame controls all flames. Driven by Wang Yan, Allen manipulated thousands of flames to attack Frius as he pleased. The Black Emperor interprets the power of black rules to the extreme. No matter what kind of void flame Alan controls, his irrelevant sword is the embodiment of rules, slashing away the flames with one sword.

But Allen is both supreme, how easy it is to go with. The golden king Yanyu makes thousands of Void Source Fires changeable. Every second, the Lord has several source fires of different attributes that impact the Black Emperor. The black rule power can contain everything, and the ever-changing Void Source Fire can bombard again and again. , Frius was also very difficult to receive. It's just that from beginning to end, the Black Emperor has a smile on his face, and the smile is getting brighter and brighter. For him, it has been a long time since he encountered an opponent of comparable strength, let alone go all out and let him do what he did. Even if it was the last time I fought with Orfascius at Yongyexing, it was far less intense than this battle.

The sky is full of brilliant flames, and from time to time, a stream of different colors will fall down the ground or thrown into the mountains thousands of kilometers away. Those blue or purple, or blue or red flames look beautiful, but they all contain devastating energy. The green flames fell to the ground, everything decayed silently; the purple fire passed by, the void vibrated and burst; the blue fire touched, the mountains were frozen; where the red flames reached, all things became ashes!

Probably after the fall of the star king, Bo Sun hasn’t experienced such a terrible disaster. It has continuously projected from the sky where the two supreme are fighting, piercing through thousands of miles of different-colored fires, and falling randomly on the earth or mountains. In the meantime, it brought great destruction to the world. The source power of the entire planet became turbulent and disordered, and almost every corner of the planet was continuously destroyed under those powerful forces.

During the fierce battle, Frios yelled, and the matt long sword drew out an ordinary sword, but the heterogeneous sky fire in front of him was swept away. A black thread that was as thin as a gossamer fluttered towards Allen, who showed the solemn expression he had never seen before, and retreated a hundred miles in a flash. But when Allen appeared on the sky, the black line was still lightly pasting. Alan squinted his eyes, ashes lifted the hymn, slashing down.

The moment the black line was cut, the surrounding space was twisted, and then there was a thunderbolt-like explosion, and a black sun suddenly appeared above the sky and continued to grow.

When the surface of the sun touched the surface, the ground erode silently, and then the entire surface began to vibrate, and the tremor quickly spread from the ground to the ground and shook the planet's core. Suddenly, those volcanoes on the thin sun star that have been dead for tens of thousands of years suddenly erupted at the same time. If you look from outer space, you will see the surface of this planet suddenly lit up with fiery red spots.

The black sun is still growing, but at this time a golden beam of light pierced the black sun, and then tens of thousands of golden beams broke through the sun. The sun was like a substance, torn apart like a smashed black ball. Each piece of fragment is a terrifying dark power, and then it is catalyzed and exploded by the golden flame ejected from the core, and the planet manifests itself as a wave of fire. The fire wave spread quickly, the snow on the ground was first swept away, and then fireballs spread all over the ground, and the fireballs turned into fire pillars. After the pillar of fire released the energy, sparks flashing craters appeared on the ground. Thousands of craters blasted the thin sun star’s thousands of square kilometers of land into the moon’s surface. The land was raised, and the ground cracks. Thousands of years ago, the ice layer was melted, spewing out countless dust and turning into frost and mist.

"It's the supreme, it's more than enough to destroy a planet in battle. Maybe those guys are willing, if they can, they can descend the evening of the universe." Standing in front of the well of stars, the son of evening said lightly, and then jumped into the well of stars In the middle, it quickly sank to the bottom of the lake.

The Black Knight followed closely behind.

But for a moment, the two broke out of the huge lake on the other side of the Nest of Shadows. Stepping on the shore of the lake, the Twilight Son's sight fell on the palace in the distance, with a smile: "I feel it, this is the so-called Twilight Will? These Twilight species are really cunning, and they have teamed up to create this layout, spanning countless times. The great layout, even I can't help but praise them. It's a pity, not everything will develop according to their wishes."

"Let's go, let's receive Twilight Will."

The two quickly swept towards the hall.

Above the sky, Alan looked solemn, his sight spanned a distance of kilometers and fell on the Black Emperor in the distance. Then Frius's voice rang in his ears, and the voice did not see how high it was, but it came into Allen's ears without any mistake.

"Is that so? This is your full power, or is it because you still have extra energy for fear of destroying this planet?"

"I see. Are you worried about the person who came to this planet with you? If I remember correctly, there is also an Idahua star empress? Or, let me solve your problem."

Frios squinted his eyes, and the matte sword swept into the void.

Allen suddenly yelled: "Frios~www.wuxiaspot.com~you dare!"

"Why didn't I dare?" The Black Emperor sneered, and there was a flash of black flame on the matte sword.

Across countless distances, a dark beam of light suddenly shot down above the Itami Mine and sank into the site of the mine. After a while, a huge black fireball rose from the mountains, the fireball slowly lifted into the sky, and finally turned into a thick plume of smoke sparkling with sparks. In the thick smoke, the big mine has completely disappeared, and the fireball not only flattened the mine, but also went deep into the ground, digging a huge abyss several kilometers deep!

Then in the bottomless abyss, there was a flash of fire, and then a fire dragon flew out and flew away. There was a ball of light in the fire dragon's mouth, and Lucy and others still showed shock and inexplicable expressions inside.

Frios seemed to feel it, and chuckled lightly: "You have a good subordinate."

Allen also felt Twilight's aura at the same time. After he quickly communicated with the king, he began to relax. Frieus's long sword was raised there again, and said: "But I can hide it once, I don't know if I can hide it a second time."

Allen shook his head: "I won't let you do this. Since you want to see my full strength so much, then I will show you."

The hymn of ashes was raised, and the sword of burning fire pointed towards the sky above Frius. The Black Emperor looked up, there was wind whistling, ice and snow surging, but there was nothing else. He frowned and said: "If you dare to play with me, I will make you regret it, regret it..."

Before he finished speaking, Frius said "Huh", and then saw a golden glow appeared above his head for unknown time. The radiance spreads like water, dyeing away layer by layer, the brilliance that is like the evening sun slowly unfolds behind the thick clouds, dyeing all over the vast sky, as if this planet ushered in the last twilight!

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