Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1826:   Break

This is the dusk of Ranjie!

Alan had shown this style to Frius when he was on a mission in Tubia. But at that time, he only had his intention. The strongest killer skills in these ten styles that had already surpassed Zhantian were not fully released, so strictly speaking, they only showed half style. But now it was completely different from that day. The vast killing intent that spread all over the sky was hundreds or thousands of times stronger than when I didn't know it.

Allen was really angry.

Frius didn't see any movement, he just squinted slightly, like a traveler who stopped to watch a sunset. But in the eyes of the supreme, the blurry and magnificent light is full of terrifying energy, that is the ultimate move that can truly destroy the planet!

The evening is gradually descending, and all the clouds have been penetrated by the light of the evening, as if a splash of gold poured down the sky, dyeing everything. In that brilliant light, there was a little melancholy and sadness that was indescribable. If the peer glanced at the lost love in his arms for the last time, the nameless sorrow, even Frieus's heartstrings were shaken. There was a slight mist in the corner of the Black Emperor's eyes. He was surprised, knowing that there are few people who can affect his mood now. Not to mention that it was the first time that such a heavy emotion was conveyed to him through a killer skill, which made his heartstrings slightly chaotic.

He looked at Alan, thoughtful.

Evening falls.

At this time, there is no wind and no cloud in the sky. All the matter dissipated like blue smoke in the magnificent light that slowly descended. They lost their original color, and then lost their sense of existence. Finally, they were gently erased from the space, as if they had never existed. . Thick clouds, wind and snow, and even the dark sky, were submerged in the light of the evening, quietly disappearing.

But just when Frius wants to meet this unavoidable, he can only choose the hard-shaking killing style. Allen suddenly said "Huh", and then the dusk light that was about to fall began to dim, then rose up little by little, and finally disappeared into the sky.

The world is back to darkness.

Frius said angrily: "What are you doing, don't you think I can't take this trick from you!"

Alan turned a deaf ear, Frios snorted and raised his sword to kill, but he heard Allen suddenly shout: "No, someone invaded the Nest of Shadows! This aura...this aura is dusk the son of!"

He set aside Frius and brought a golden rainbow to the ground. Frius was taken aback, and then chased Alan, thinking that if this kid dares to play with himself, he must make him look good! However, after dealing with Allen so many times, he is quite clear about Allen's personality. Allen would not avoid the battle in this way. If there is anything important to make him leave himself, then I am afraid that only the Son of Twilight will be left.

Thinking of this, Frios narrowed his eyes and sneered at the corner of his mouth. He thought to himself that he was fighting Alan here, but the Son of Twilight over there wanted to pick up the omission, but made a good calculation.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them had already swept to the ground, and Allen pointed towards the ground, and dragged a touch of the dusk light that had not yet dispersed, and suddenly a soft golden light descended. The golden brilliance fell on the ground, the color of the frozen soil faded, became transparent, and then disappeared like an illusory phantom, revealing a circular gap straight through the ground. The golden light was still declining, and everything went into nothingness.

Frius stretched out the tentacles of perception, trying to take the opportunity to analyze Allen's dusk, but unexpectedly, as soon as his perception touched the golden light, there was a burning sensation. Not to mention that his perceptual tentacles penetrated into the golden light, just touch it, and it becomes nothing like the material, and it cannot be restored! When Frieston tried to find the power of dusk, if it was just annihilating matter, he could do it too. But Ellen's dusk is not as simple as annihilation. It erases the existence of matter or energy from the source, and even the ethereal spiritual power can be completely erased.

To put it simply, once injured by the twilight, it is impossible to recover, even the Supreme. After all, what the dusk erases is the root of everything!

Frios was startled, and he was a little lucky now that the Son of Twilight interrupted. Otherwise, because of his temperament, he would not even analyze the dusk just now, and the consequences would be unpredictable. He looked at Alan's eyes a little dignified, this kind of killing style, Alan can be called a supreme killer.

The Black Emperor didn't know that the layout of the Twilight Seed for several generations not only made the Son of Dawn have the power to fight the Son of Dusk, but more importantly, it was to deal with the Creator. So the inheritance they left to Allen, in addition to everyone's own life experience, also left Allen with the ability to fight against the Creator. From endless sword outfits to eternal barriers. And Twilight, as the strongest one kill technique, was created by Lan Jie in order to obliterate the Creator.

It's just that even Ranjie didn't reach the destructive power of Allen now. The current twilight is based on Ranjie, integrated Taylor's understanding of kendo, and used the Golden King Flame as the basis of strength to improve and evolve.

Thus, this type of dusk that can erase things from the source appeared!

Every supreme has its own rules.

The darkness of Frius, the balance of Orfascism, and the chaos of Spinak are all like this. And Ellen’s Twilight King Flame, its rule is to burn! destroy! The twilight style is to evolve this rule to the fullest.

At this time, Alan and the two have entered the underground world, passing through the interconnected space channels, and after a while, the two have appeared next to the well of stars. From the surface of the lake, the stars in the lake are dim, with dim lights flashing from time to time, and the nest of shadows is turning upside down. Frius snorted coldly, and as soon as he jumped into the lake, Allen followed. In a blink of an eye, the two of them broke through the water from the big lake on the side of the Nest of Shadow. Two rainbow lights, one gold and one black, cut through the space and fell to the hall. However, there was a black knight holding a huge sword, constantly wielding a dim sword light, and a large swath of sword light slashed many shadow creatures.

Seeing Alan and Frius coming by, the black knight let out a long howl, and suddenly the source of power surged, turning into a meteor and blasting at the two. The decisive mood couldn't be more clear, and it was actually planning to die with Allen.

It's a pity that he ran into the Supreme, and it was two.

Frios' matt sword swept out, and a black light flashed suddenly from the waist of the black knight who rushed forward, and then the black knight's body and source power were cut off by a single sword! A scarlet light suddenly lit up in his helmet, and desperately, a golden light beam passed through the middle of his body vertically, forming a cross with the black light before. The red light in the black knight's eyes quickly disappeared, and when Allen and Frius passed by him, the king broke into four pieces and fell to the ground.

Before falling into the hall, Allen rushed to the door without even thinking about it. Frios followed, and the two quickly passed through the doorway and crashed into a hall. This hall is simple and mysterious. There are stone pillars in the hall, and iron chains are wrapped around the stone pillars. On the iron chains are pieces of spar that emit green light. The blue light of the spar illuminates the hall, and there is a high platform in the depths of the hall. On the platform is a throne carved purely of green spar, and the son of twilight is sitting on it. He looked at them playfully, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and holding a ball of dim yellow light in his hand.

Seeing that ball of light, Weichen knew that it was the will of a certain generation of Twilight Sons, and he gasped immediately.

"It's too slow, Son of Dawn." The Son of Dusk said to Alan with a smile as if he hadn't seen Frios. "I'm still thinking about whether you haven't arrived yet when I leave. But Now it seems that you are not so dull at last, but you are still too slow. This is your layout. Every twilight species leaves a will, delusional to oppose me and the Creator?"

"Then I want to ask, if you lose a twilight will, or even two, can you fight me?"

Frios turned into a black light and flashed over, and rushed toward the man on the throne: "I don't care what you are, now, leave the twilight will to me!"

The Matte Longsword swung a black sword lightly towards the Twilight Son.

The Son of Twilight stood still.

Jianguang cut down ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and divided the Twilight Son and the Throne into two. Frios was startled, stood still, and cursed: "Damn, he's gone."

The figure on the throne really gradually became transparent: "Have you finally found it, yes, this is just an image I left for you. The twilight will is already in my hands, the son of dawn, so you seem to be You won’t be able to hold your winning ticket securely. What are you going to do? Is to recover the last will, a lot of chances of winning. Or come to me immediately to decide the victory? No matter what, I am waiting for you, you know where to go find me."

"But you have to hurry up, no matter what decision you make, you have to hurry up. Otherwise, the evening will fall completely, and you have to come to me again, but it will be meaningless."

With a bang, the throne fell apart, and the image left by the Twilight Son also flashed twice and disappeared.

"The so-called Son of the Twilight is not so good." Frios snorted coldly. "I didn't even dare to stay to fight. It seems that he is only a snake and rat. But I dare to fool me, I must not I will let him go!"

"He said you know where to find him? Tell me, where is he?"

Frius looked at Alan.

The latter stood there in silence, and after a while, he responded to Frios’s gaze: “You have to take full responsibility for this matter, Frios, if you didn’t make trouble, he wouldn’t get a twilight will. !"

"The layout of the entire five generations of the Twilight Clan may be so ruined in your hands!"

Frius lowered his face: "Then what are you going to do, do you want to fight another round here? Then I can't ask for it!"

Allen took a deep breath: "I have no time to talk to you now, but Frios. This is not over. From this moment on, the agreement between our two countries is invalidated. For everything you do today, I will be rewarded. of!"

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