Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1832:  Judgment

Magic Ring City.

In the palace garden of Shadowhold, Allen stood alone in a clearing.

There are petals falling, gently falling on his shoulders, his feet. Allen didn't move, he didn't wear armor or clothes, only a pair of trousers. Standing barefoot on the ground, holding an unusual sword in both hands, staring ahead.

He has been standing like this for more than a minute.

"What is he doing?" Lucy came up with the origin slab and leaned against a pillar. At the corridor beside, Elise was sitting on the guardrail, flipping through an ancient book of Demon Shadow Kingdom. Recently, she was learning the characters of the Baer people, and now she can barely understand some vocabulary.

Hearing this, Iris shrugged and said: "He has been standing like that for a long time. I can't understand it anyway. Why don't you ask him?"

"Forget it, let's not disturb him, maybe we are thinking about some questions."

"Cosmic dusk?"

"Yeah." Lucy reached out and touched Elise's belly and said: "When will we give birth to an heir to our Majesty?"

Elise blushed and slapped Lucy's hand in reply, "Why don't you ask yourself."

Lucy smiled and said, "What are you shy, don't say I didn't tell you. Before us, a woman had given birth to him."

Elise immediately jumped down and said nervously: "Who is it?"

"You will know later." Lucy shook her fingers and counted: "Now among our Majesty's women, Laura has successfully communicated with the void and mastered the void blood flame. Okay, I admit, now we are the best at fighting. It’s her, I’m a bit unwilling. But because of this, Laura is too strong now, so strong that her instinct and source power will exclude all extra things from the body. Do you understand that?"

Elise opened her eyes wide: "You mean, it's impossible for her to be pregnant?"

"It's not impossible. It's just that the chances are very small. It's very small." Lucy counted her fingers. "So counting, you and Adele have the most chance now. You two haven't broken through level 30, let alone You have come into contact with the source of the void, so you are still very suitable for giving birth."

After speaking, she patted Elise's ass. The latter blushed like an apple, and said, "Don't you also fail to break through level 30, can't you?"

"I am different. I am the successor of Golden Rose. If I am pregnant with a child, the power of Golden Rose may automatically flow to my children. At this time, the power of Golden Rose is still needed, so Alan and I have already discussed this issue. Well, it's for nothing. You have to know how to seize the opportunity, fool." Lucy said.

Elise blushed in a mess.

Over there, Ellen finally moved, and cut out with a sword. It doesn't show source power, has no momentum, and even the degree of slashing is very ordinary. This is an ordinary sword. But Allen didn't seem to be satisfied. He frowned, scratched his head, put away the sword and walked back.

"You stood for a long time just to cut out the sword just now?" Lucy asked.

Allen put down the sword, stretched out her hand and flicked her head and said, "I now think about how to integrate the experience of Taylor and the three of them. Once successful, their experience will be completely transformed into my own. At that time, I I don’t know what to do with them. But I have no idea what to do, and finally I thought of a way. That is to start from scratch."

"From scratch?"

"Well, starting from the most basic swordsmanship practice, just like what I did when I joined the death training camp. Starting from the most basic slashing practice, I gradually integrated into the experience of the three of them, repeated polishing, and combined with myself. The experience and skills of the three of them. In the end, combining all these experiences together, I think I will reach a new level." Allen smiled bitterly, "But the three of them have such a huge experience, which is not just casual. Combine it together. And in the process, I have to make a choice, in order to finally form my own skill."

"It doesn't sound like it can be done in a day or two," Elise said.

Allen nodded, "Yes, so I am not in a hurry. I plan to go to the gray area and use the natives there to sharpen it."

Lucy rolled her eyes: "My dear Majesty, you are too bullying. You are the supreme, supreme, you go to the gray area by yourself, don't those natives still stalk their heads?"

"It seems to be too." Allen thought for a while and said, "Then find a planet with the Burning Legion to be the battlefield. The Giant Star seems to be good. Anyway, I haven't been to that planet yet, so I will take a long view. Hope. The Grey Giant hasn't cleaned up the Burning Legion yet."

"Does that make a difference?"

"Of course I do. Naturally, I don't use my full strength to fight. The most important thing for this trip is to sharpen my skills and blend Taylor's experience, so I will control the source of power on the basis of the opponent's, which is fair. "Alan blinked and said, "But I won't take you with you this time, just contact me if you have anything."

Lucy snorted: "I don't want to go yet. I just took the opportunity to study the Origin Slab. The laboratory you prepared for me can also be put into use."

At this time, Bavari, the head of the palace, walked quickly and knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, Dobia's special envoy has arrived. It is Feili the Iron Demon, who brought back Smiller who fled to Dobia. "

"Smiler..." Allen nodded, "Call the ministers to wait for me in the Hall of Shadows."

When Smiller walked into the Hall of Shadows, he had a bitter expression on his face. Looking at the indifferent or disgusting ministers and generals on both sides, he lowered his head and his gaze fell on the handcuffs. Now he has taken off his armor and lost his weapon. Of course, the handcuffs don't mean much to him. It is more of a symbolic meaning. The strength that really bound him was Philip.

This general, known as the Iron Demon, inserted some humble iron needles in his body. These iron needles were made by Philip using his own source power, and they blocked the free movement of Smiller's source power. There will be vibration waves constantly between the iron needles, which will make Smiller's Yuanli unable to control as freely as before. This is really a smart control method. As long as the iron needles existed in the body, Smiller was left to slaughter like a waste.

The hall was already full of people. Finally, Allen walked into the hall and walked to the throne to sit down. Surprisingly, Alan didn't wear the Demon King's armor today. He even only wore a piece of casual clothes. He didn't look like the emperor of the Demon Kingdom. There is no intention to show the momentum, he sits on it like an ordinary person. But now, no one dared to question whether Alan was qualified to sit on that throne.

Because the battle between him and Frius in Bo Rixing has long been spread, if Alan had been promoted to supreme before, some people would eventually doubt whether he could contend with Frius. So now no one thinks like this anymore. In the first battle of Bo Rixing, Allen has already used actions to tell everyone that he is enough to counter Frius. Furthermore, the Iron Demon personally sent Smiller, and the meaning represented in it was enough for everyone to think deeply.

So now Alan doesn't need the Demon King's armor to add majesty to himself.

"Kneel." Philip kicked Smiller at the bend of his leg, and the latter knelt down. Then the Iron Demon reverently half-kneeled on the ground, touching his chest and said to Ellen: "Respected Ellen Your Majesty, on the order of His Majesty Frius, I will personally **** the traitor Smiller back, so that your Majesty will try his crimes yourself."

Allen nodded and said, "Thank you, General Philip."

Then turned his head to look at Smiller, Alan's eyes were indifferent and said: "Smiller, what else do you have to say?"

Smiller raised his head and smiled bitterly: "I have nothing to say, Your Majesty. On the way here, I thought a lot. In the end, I realized that I was wrong from the beginning. My mistake is that I overestimate. Frius, I underestimated you too much. Therefore, I have no complaints about ending up like this. Please punish your majesty."

"Okay, you finally have some backbone." Allen said in a long voice: "Smiler betrayed the empire and betrayed secrets. Here I announce that Smiler will be put to death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to serve as your example. At the same time, Smiler Miller’s family is in full force, but they are allowed to use their military exploits in exchange for freedom. The above judgment will be executed immediately."

"General Devlin, you are responsible for this."

The first general came out, made a gesture, and two shadow soldiers came forward. One person set up Smiller and led them down the hall, and Devlin also followed and left, naturally going to execute Smiller.

After Smiller was taken away, Philip left, and Allen ended the court meeting after listening to the daily reports of the ministers. After a little preparation, he left Agareth alone.

The planet Missile where the Gly giant lives is the largest planet in the Yoton star field. Its area is three times that of Agareth and its oxygen content is extremely high. Therefore, besides the Gly giant, there are also many huge creatures living on this planet. The number of Gly Giants is the least in the Yoton Star Territory, and their entire race combined is less than a million people. With such a small number, sitting on the largest planet in this star field, Missier can be called extremely empty.

The Grey Giants don't have an obvious social structure. Although they also have tribes, they are just the name when a group of giants get together temporarily. When they like it, they can get together, and when they don’t like it, they can throw things apart. The Gly Giants have no fixed place, dense forests, mountains, river valleys, plains, wherever they can become their home, if they like it.

On Misir, only the strength of giants, the Chaos Elliog is qualified to summon all giants. He is the spiritual leader of all giants, and only when Elliog is summoned, these giants will slightly reflect the appearance of the race. Otherwise, they are usually a pile of loose sand, and their structure is looser than the Catu people.

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