Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1833:  Enter the battlefield

"Your Majesty, we can send you directly to Stormrage Fortress."

Staying on a plain, Allen walked out of the starship cabin, and an imperial general behind moved a box to the ground and said to Allen. Allen shook his head and said, "Go back. If you send me over directly, is it unclear to tell the Grey Giant that I'm here? This time I will be a soldier, not the emperor of Demon Shadow Nation. Needless to say, You can go back, I can do it myself."

"Then be careful yourself, the situation of the Giant Star is not so good, although there are reinforcements from Dobia..."

After speaking that the general returned to the starship, the starship re-launched, and soon disappeared into the thick cloud above. Light bursts from time to time in the thick cloud, and some huge shapes can be vaguely seen, and I don't know what it is.

Allen opened the box, which contained the equipment prepared for him and Philip's token. This time Allen intends to use Missier as the battlefield to sharpen his combat skills and integrate the experience of the three Taylors. He intends to start from the most basic, which will be a process of integrating himself and the many experiences of Dusk Will. Once completed, he will leap to another level. As for now, as he said, he is a small soldier who was introduced by Philip and whose combat power is still reasonable.

Of course, even if it is a small soldier, it is not trivial to get an introduction from Iron Demon Fili.

As the imperial general said earlier, the situation on the Giant Star is not so good now. The Flame Gate appears on every planet with life, and Misiel is no exception. Perhaps because the planet is too large, five flame gates were opened here in one breath, so more than three million super legions entered this planet and burned all over many corners of the planet in a rapid manner. .

In the report submitted by Belmode, it was pointed out that the Burning Legion had almost swept the corners of the planet, and at first the Gryian giant had no bones to react. At this time, the loose social structure of the Gly Giant showed its fatal weakness, and the giant who was accustomed to the unsettled house could not resist the massive enemies at all. Even the more powerful Dark Titan among the giants is absolutely unlucky when facing an army of ten thousand people.

In a short period of time, the number of Gregorian giants dropped sharply. At this time, the long-sleeping giant, Elliog, who has the name of chaos, woke up from sleep and summoned the giants to resist, but even so, the situation of the Gly giant is still not optimistic. So they asked for help from their ally, Dubia, and Frios allocated a super legion of millions to enter the giant star, and assisted the giant to build several giant fortresses to resist the advance of the Burning Legion.

The Stormrage Fortress that Allen is going to now is one of them, and now it surrounds these giant fortresses. The Burning Legion and the Legion on Missile are engaged in a desperate battle, and what makes people desperate is that the door of flames is still open, and a steady stream of Burning Legion enters the planet through the gate. The number of them makes it impossible to see hope. Dawn.

After a while, Allen has been equipped with a set of armor with the characteristics of Duobia. On the whole, Dobia’s armor is much more gorgeous than Demon Shadow Nation. This seems to be because of Frios’ preferences, making this imperial armor that can fight against Demon Shadow Nation emphasizes majesty and gorgeousness, so it is inevitably more flashy. Styling. Allen made some adjustments by himself. Under his golden flames, the hollow patterns purely for decoration were melted and recast, and the nails that were too long and hindered their movement were shortened. Finally, Allen was on his body. The armor appears specious. A little bit less gorgeous, the practicality has risen sharply.

Finally, he assembled a beam gun and a long sword, and put on a horned helmet on his head. Allen covered his breath, and he was not much different from a Dobia infantry soldier.

He took Philip's token, opened the pocket intellectual brain on his wrist, and called up the location of Stormrage Fortress on the panel, and the intellectual brain mapped out the shortest route. Allen remembered in his heart, turned off the brain and started on his way.

He is advancing at a constant speed of 60 kilometers per hour. In fact, he can go faster, and he can use his full strength for the next thousands of kilometers without blinking. But now, he must show the strength that fits this identity, naturally it is impossible to fly quickly. Soon he heard the explosion. After advancing hundreds of kilometers on the plain, he faintly saw the artillery fire flickering on a high ground in the distance. There was constant fire piercing the sky, and light **** of various colors flashed, and Large swarms of black figures.

Above the sky, there are more giant creatures appearing in the thick clouds, occasionally bursting into large flames. In the flames, the roar of the Hellfire Giant was heard, and it was obvious that the giant and the behemoth of the Burning Legion were fighting in the sky.

The Burning Legion is not just a low-level unit like the Flamingo and the Flame Knight. In the high-level combat unit, there are huge star beasts that can travel between the stars, and there are also human-type units that are only slightly less powerful than the king. Especially the latter, once those humanoid units form an organizational system, they are fatal to ordinary soldiers.

The Fire of the Abyss once mentioned to Ellen that it was a combat unit called the Demon Skeleton. There is a very big difference between Demon Skeletons and other combat units. They are not biological units. Devil Skeletons are combat puppets reshaped by collecting the bones of dead strong men. They have very strong individual combat capabilities, and when they form an organizational system, they are elite legions sweeping the land. In individual activities, they are killers and assassins.

On some specific battlefields, they are even more troublesome than star behemoths.

Alan, who was on his way, stopped suddenly.

Although he didn't feel anything, his instinct made him stop, and then the ground in front of him suddenly exploded, and a darkness burst out. There was a dim light flickering in the flying black mud, and then a huge green sword was swung over. The sword was covered with sharp serrations and some meat scraps hung on it. I don't know which hapless person is. Of course, such a sword poses no threat to Allen. He slipped back easily, letting this sword cut through the air. But if it wasn't for the danger in advance, if you continue to move forward, then this sword will seem a bit troublesome.

Standing, Allen looked at the killer. Obviously, it is the devil's skeleton. The body is made up of various bones, draped in a light armor, and a dark but tattered cloak hangs from its back. In the armor and skeleton, a group of dim flames was burning. That is the core of the monsters and their power source. The puppet rushed forward silently, and the horrible green giant sword in his hand raised and slammed.

Allen's longsword was unsheathed, and the experience from Taylor was flashed in his mind, and then his hands and feet moved on their own. The long sword was lightly attached to the opponent's huge sword with obvious toxins, and it was gently attracted by the sword power of the monster. At the same time, he stretched his feet and mixed with the feet of the skeleton. The puppet fell to the ground with an unstable footing. Alan raised his hand and pulled out the beam gun, which shot at the core of the skeleton.

A ball of flame exploded, the core of the devil's skeleton was exploded, and the uncontrolled energy exploded its body to pieces.

Allen squinted his eyes, then shook his head to express a little bit of dissatisfaction with what he had just shown. Then he retracted his sword and spear, and walked over to pick up the giant sword of the devil's skeleton. The golden flame flicked on the sword and the poison was gone. He tried it, and the weight and length of the giant sword just met the requirements, and it was much easier to use than the one-handed sword of Dobia that was well-made but deliberately reduced in weight. Allen couldn't help but laughed, remembering that almost all the heavy swords he used in the past were such heavy-handed giants.

At this moment, another corpse suddenly threw out from the grass behind him. This guy was not using a giant sword, but two short-handled combat guns. The double spears stabbed in a staggered manner, and the shadows of the guns were vertical and horizontal.

Allen turned around and raised his sword. Taking a deep breath, Ran Jie's figure naturally emerged in his mind, and then he slammed into the vast gun shadow with his sword, and when he rushed out, the giant sword pointed to the ground. The monster behind him was suddenly centered, the core of the body. When it fell to the ground, it exploded an orange fireball, burning the surrounding vegetation within 100 meters to ashes.

More and more corpses appeared among the long grass in the plain, and Allen smiled faintly and dragged his sword away. Devil's skeleton chased after him, and the two sides chased on the grassland. Allen circled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to draw out all the nearby monsters, at least thirty or forty heads. When he saw the gate of Stormrage Fortress, he stopped, then dragged his sword back into the group of puppets.

A fierce battle.

When Allen walked towards the towering walls of Stormrage Fortress again, he had a mess of weapons on his body, all of which were picked up from the hands of the monster. From spear to battle axe, no one is the same. Because there were too many weapons, Allen only picked up a dozen of them, but it was enough to serve as a proof of military exploits. As he walked, he recalled the process of the battle just now. During the entire battle, he basically didn't use the source power. Even so, the supreme body is much stronger than any creature in this universe. What's more, when he was promoted, Alan's body in the gate of flames was almost destroyed. Now his body is purely condensed from the source of flame. The power between the feet is comparable to the power of the ancient behemoth, even if it is not driven by the source force, it can easily cut the body of the monster.

He is trying to combine the twilight will and the huge experience he has accumulated, and concise the combat skills, in order to achieve greater power and less consumption.

All this was prepared for the battle against the Son of Twilight and even the Creator.

At this moment, Stormrage Fortress is engaged in a fierce war, and countless Burning Legions are attacking the fortress. The Glenn Giants and Dobia's coalition forces in the fortress can block the offensive. Alan can be said to have smashed through the army of the Burning Legion. When he stood at the gate of the city with his body covered in bath, and handed Philip's token to a Dobia officer, the officer confronted him. With awe.

This respect comes not only from Philip's token, but also from the bundle of weapons behind Alan. He was quickly invited into the city and met the commander of this fortress, a bloodthirsty Narius, an imperial general of Dobia.

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