Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 768:   wrong estimate

"Well, I saw it." Roddy's voice sounded from the headset and behind Alan at the same time, forming a strange chorus.

Allen looked back and saw Roddy emerge from the woods behind. He wore an axe in armour, bit a cigar that had just been lit, and spit out a smoke ring. He said, "It seems that our Lord Spearman is already old. Otherwise, why would he be so stubborn, even a 20-odd class? Beauty can't be done. Hey, it's really **** big, that breast and butt, tut."

"Shut up, bastard." Fording's voice rang.

If you take the place where Karin was shot as the origin and draw a straight line extending to the west, after a distance of 1,800 meters, you will see a lonely mountain. There is a natural rooftop on the mountainside of the lonely mountain, where Fording is sitting. He put the sniper rifle to his feet and said to the headset: "Yes, I missed it. But if you want to change to you bastard, I'm afraid it will be noticed before the shot is fired."

The "jerk" in Fording's mouth gave a dry smile, and the nickname of Gun Demon was not for nothing. Fording's sniper technique is not the first in the entire federation, but it is also in the top three. If even he can't make Karin a headshot, let alone change to Roddy.

Roddy's marksmanship is notoriously stinky.

They planned the operation after Karin attacked the camp≌. Karin was attracted by Alan and asked Fording to kill him. Roddy hid on this end of the mountain stream to prevent Karin from being seriously injured and going crazy and attacking Ellen frantically. This plan can't be described as thorough, but with people like Roddy and Fording sitting in town, it can be said to be a good deal.

Unexpectedly, the whole plan was messed up in the hands of the strongest Fording. Fording himself was depressed. He could clearly see the fierce battle between Alan and Karin in the forest. During their battle, Fording made an accurate estimate of Karin's height, weight, flexibility, speed and reaction ability. But when he sent the kill shot, Fording clearly felt that Karin's physical data had changed significantly at that moment.

The biggest change is that her weight suddenly changed, becoming very light, at least drastically reduced by two-thirds. That's why she can slip in time to avoid the shot Fording originally pointed at her head. Fording hasn't seen any opponent that can adjust his weight at high speed, and Karin did not experience any fluctuations in power at the time. In other words, it was not an ability, more like a natural ability.

Also called talent.

The talents of each race are different, but the talents of the Gly clan have always been known for their rough skin and toughness. For the first time, Fording knew that they could lose weight instantly. Perhaps that is only Karin's unique talent?

Fording said in the headset: "Anyway, Ellen. If you bump into her next time, you have to be careful. That woman is pretty weird, she can instantly reduce her weight, so I miscalculated her reaction and speed , This will fail."

"I see, Mr. Fording."

"Forget it, the woman was also seriously injured, at least she won't come back for trouble in a short time, let's go back." Roddy carried the battle axe on his shoulder and spit out a flue.

He didn't seem to intend to ask about the relationship between Ellen and Karin, which made Ellen breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't want to lie, but he didn't want Roddy to know about the Burning Road. Some things are destined to be inhumane.

It was late at night.

It was like a blood gate fortress in a capital city, without the bustling scenes of the day, just like a man who was completely washed out. After the enthusiasm of the blood has faded away, only the peace that has settled over the years is left. Among the fortresses, only those high-rise buildings flashed with red warning lights, and those flashing red lights were like blinking eyes. Only the scattered buildings still have lights on, just like the top floor of the command building, each window shows bright light, attracting the attention of many nocturnal creatures.

A few pointed bat wings and hairless strange birds landed on the outer edge of the window room of the building. They pecked the high-strength fiber glass of the windows. Naturally, with their strength, they couldn't break through these even source-powered bullets. glass. So a few strange birds tilted their heads and made a sound from their mouths that only they could hear.

One of the strange birds looked towards the hall inside, where only a few people were on duty at night, monitoring the fortress and even the entire high ground. At this moment, on the command bridge above the hall, a figure suddenly appeared behind a piece of metal railing. The figure had an indescribable sense of oppression, and the bird just glanced at it, and suddenly lost consciousness and went straight down. Its two companions screamed, and Zhang Yi chased them down.

Seeing that it was about to fall to the ground, the strange bird regained consciousness. He fluttered his wings indiscriminately and flew up again, merged with the other two strange birds, and then chuckled away from the command building and flew in other directions in the dark.

Lu Sen waved to the people in the lower hall: "You go out first."

A few people look at me and I look at you, but they dare not ask anything, they filed out of the hall. Lu Sen said to the empty hall: "Connect me to Marshal Capello's private channel. The access code is x3178ep."

Wisdom brain’s inorganic synthetic audio sounded: "Sound sampling is complete, good evening, General Rusendonan. Your authority has been confirmed, please wait a moment."

The screen in the middle of the hall lights up, obviously with a progress bar. This progress bar is quickly filled with blue light, and when the progress bar turns completely blue, a picture appears on the screen. The background of the picture is a bedroom. There is an oil painting on the wall of the bedroom, which is a portrait of Caprow. The marshal in the portrait is in his prime, and the edges and corners on his face are sharp like knives, which makes people feel painful.

It's a pity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he is old. Rusen thought.

At this time, Capulo was caught in the picture. He was wearing a nightgown, with the neckline of the nightgown open, revealing the tangled black hair inside. The marshal was holding a glass of wine. In Lusen's memory, Capulo seldom touched this kind of object before going to bed. He often said that adequate sleep is the basis for winning a war. But now, he not only drinks but also smokes. The no longer flat abdomen and the loose skin at the corners of the eyes told Lu Sen again.

He is old!

"Marshal Capro!" Lu Sen stood straight, clenched his fist and slammed his chest. This was a federal standard military salute.

Capro shrugged: "All right, Lusen. You use a private channel to meet with me, so you don't have to salute. It's so late, and you haven't rested yet? That's not alright, you are an important pillar of Bloodgate Fortress. Work is certainly true. It’s important, but take a break too, old friend."

An old friend made Ruson's eyes fluctuate slightly. He lowered his head slightly, and slightly blocked his gaze with the brim of the black military hat, and said, "I should say this, old friend. Tobacco and alcohol will only hollow your body. When did you like these things? ."


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