Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 769:  Hidden disease

"Hahaha, Rusen, it's really strange when you also preach to me."

"I'm just doing my friend's duty."

"Okay, okay, you are serious when you work, and you are still like this when you are free. I said Rusen, no wonder you are not a woman." Capello took a sip and said, "This is the last drink. Stop drinking. , Speaking of it, when we were young, I remember that you and a laboring girl were very good. What is her name, Daphne? Wea? Or Jolie?"

"She's Wei Yali." Lu Sen's eyes changed slightly.

"That's right, it's Viali." Capro put a smile away, a look of regret flashed in his eyes: "You should stay at the time and be with Viali, maybe you guys are already several grandsons now Grandfather."

"If I stay, there will be no story after that."

"But that girl..."

"Stop talking, old friend." Ruson looked up, his one-eyed glance was gone: "I swore to the battle flag of the Federation, I will devote all my energy and life to the Federation in this life. I don't have so much energy to talk about love. ."

"So you are a boring fellow, Federation... Hey, is it really worthy of your entrusting so much?" Capulo said this as if he was asking Lusen, but also asking himself.

The two fell into silence.

After a while, Capulo gave a light cough: "Wouldn't you talk to me about this specifically?"

"Of course not, you didn't mention it yet. People often say that remembering the past is a proof of old age. Your lion looks old enough, otherwise, how could you keep remembering the past."

Capro laughed and cursed: "Go away, damn, you think you are young. Old fellow, you are not much younger than me."

A rare smile appeared on the corner of Lu Sen's mouth, but the smile disappeared quickly, "So, how about you?"

"How about what?" Capro patted his chest: "I'm fine, except that my muscles are not as strong as when I was young, or I can bubble up the beautiful ladies on Babylon, they will definitely scream for it. . As for other aspects, I am fine."

"I have known you for thirty years, right?

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page)? "Lu Sen's topic suddenly changed.

"Maybe more, **** it, Lu Sen, what do you want to say!"

Russen Ning fixedly looked at the marshal on the screen: "You know, I have known you long enough. Then tell me, old things. If your body is still like before, why can a tanger entangle you for a day? ?Now you still tell me that I am fine, do you think I will believe it?"

Capro looked at him blankly, and after a while, he smiled bitterly and said, "Damn, I know I can't hide from you, old fellow."

"So, how are you doing?"

"Well, it's not so good." Capro said, spreading his hands: "The Agareth's supreme back then left me a very deep memory, Rusen, I don't think I can forget it for a day. Because That injury is still in pain."

He pointed to his chest: "I retired for twenty years, not for rest. But unfortunately, these twenty years did not allow me to disperse the memories that the supreme left to me. He remains in There is only a trace of energy in my body now, but this is definitely the most stubborn trace. I have used all the methods, and I can't get it out of my body. On the contrary, it becomes more and more entangled with me... "

Lu Sen took a breath: "What does it mean to get deeper and deeper?"

"Meaning, that little thing has invaded my heart now. Yes, it will slowly eat me. I don't want to admit it, but I'm sorry, my life has entered the countdown. God knows how much time I have to spend, It depends on the little thing's mood. If it eats slowly, then I may live for another 40 to 50 years. If it eats faster, then I may only have ten or eight years of life left. "

"You asked me why I was entangled with Tanger for a day. That's because I didn't dare to use my full strength." Capro smiled and said, "I used half of my source power to build hundreds of layers of defensive nets in my heart to stop that thing. Erosion. If you drive at full power, it's hard to guarantee that the little thing won't take the opportunity to drill in. A tang is not qualified to make me desperate, man.

Lu Sen was relieved. He shook his head and said: "I don't even know about this. When are you going to block the news. You should go back to Babylon, and the Federal doctor may have a way. For example, physical surgery can help you change your heart, so you on

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) completely separated from that thing. "

"Don't be kidding, what's the difference between me and the waste?" Capro shook his head and said, "What's more, my heart is already very different from ordinary people. Do you think the federal doctors can find me exactly the same? That obviously doesn't work. , Don’t worry about me, Lusen. Unless either of the two supreme Agareths is here, even if half of the power is used, I don’t think there is a person on this planet that can threaten me."

"As for how outsiders guess the outcome of the Battle of Mekalin Hill, let them guess. Even if the New Party feels it is acceptable, at least they will not do anything unusual until the end of the war here. Although the wolf acts boldly and even willful. But there is one thing I admire about her. She will never use the overall situation of the Federation as the fulcrum of trouble. This girl, like you and me, has the pride of being a soldier."

"No matter what, you must take care. I don't want to attend your funeral. If there is such a day, I won't spare you." Lu Sen hummed.

Capulo said haha: "It's late at night, I'm going to bed, you old thing, hurry back to the bedroom."

"Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's right. I just received a request from Idahuaxing. Three days later, they have a fleet to go to Bloodgate Fortress."

"What are they doing?"

"It's not for their Royal Highness. In short, you greet me a good guest. I have to be busy rebuilding the fortress."

Ruson snorted, Caprona was an excuse at all, he just didn't want to entertain Idahua's envoy.

At the end of the communication, Rusen murmured while holding on to the railing: "You have this kind of dark disease, old friend. You are not only old, but also sick. How can an old and sick lion guide us... "

He shook his head, moving back and forth on the bridge, as if hesitating. In the end, he sighed, took out a tablet brain, quickly typed an encrypted message, and then sent it to a mysterious account. After doing all this, Lu Sen's forehead was actually sweaty, and he even fought a strong enemy. He sighed: "Finally, I have reached this point. It seems that you and I will never look back. Capulo... take care."

(End of this chapter)


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