Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 806: Just come to find the difference (1)

Fording scratched his head, took a deep breath, and yelled at the forest under the faint night: "Maine, you old boy, I know you are inside. Get out of here quickly, otherwise my black sun will burst. But you don’t have eyes, and wherever you fall!"

His volume was so loud, and the night was so quiet, so the sound spread throughout the forest, startling countless flocks of birds. The lights in several directions in the forest suddenly intensified, and Fording looked in his eyes and wrote down all the directions.

At this time, a voice came from the other end of the forest: "Mr. Fording is visiting late at night. Alexander should have welcomed him. But Mr. Fording's words are too much. I don't know when I, Alexander, offended you."

This voice is definitely not Maine.

Fording glided past the expeditionary figures in the Alexander family in his mind, and immediately understood who it was, so he shot his gun and said: "Boken, can you represent Maine and the entire Alexander family? If not, give it to me, let Your **** brother came out to see me."

It was Borken from the Alexander family, commander of Fengshen, and brother of Maine. His voice sounded again: "This is the defense zone of the Alexander family. As the commander of Fengshen, I have the rights and obligations to interrogate all matters in this zone. If Mr. Fording is a guest, then I welcome it. But if you are here to find fault deliberately. Although Bethkode is famous, my family is not afraid."

Fording laughed: "I'm here to find the difference, hahaha. It turns out that Alexander's house is full of turtles and eggless birdmen. Borken, don't be official with me and ask the old man Maine. What is it? Whoever is looking for the fault, if I take a moment longer, my Master Ellen will ask him to kill him!"

"Beskard doesn't want to stand up enemies in vain, but if anyone who doesn't have so long eyes and dares to attack our family heir, don't blame us for being polite. Maine, get out of here and tell me about this account. How do you count? If you don't say anything, I can just shoot the gun."

Fording's black sun smashing bomb was not a joke. Although the sniper bomb did not look long, it was not a problem to turn the entire defense zone of Alexander's home over. Boken lost his voice when he was so threatened. But another voice sounded from the dense forest to the west: "The Gunner Fording is crazy enough, but have you ever thought that this is a federal control area, and the military will not allow you to mess around. Not to mention Alexander The home is next to my Smith's. If you accidentally get a stray bullet, how does Bethkod plan to compensate?"

This voice has no fear, it has a threatening voice, and the voice has a little gold and iron, which sounds very harsh. With such a special voice, Fording knew who it was almost without guessing. He lazily said to the voice: "Mr. Randy, insiders don't speak layman. Although my gun is not as good as Marshal Capello's sound, it can be regarded as a finger . Even if I set off the defense zone of Alexander’s house, I will never touch the Smith’s house. But you, I know that Smith and Alexander have an alliance relationship, but now Maine is attacking my successor, if Randy Mr. also planned to put his arms sideways, so Fording immediately patted my **** and left."

"But after that, what will the outside world say about the Smiths, hehe, I think Mr. Randy is looking forward to it too?"

At this moment, it was Randy, the head of the Smith family, who presided over the defense zone. As one of the three giants, how could he not understand the rules of the game among the nobles. The rule is simple, no matter how the two families hate each other, they are forbidden to shoot at the next generation. Especially the heirs of the opposing family, of course this is the rule on the surface. If you want to do it, you can, but you have to do it beautifully. It's so unconscious that even if you know afterwards that it was you, but because there is no direct evidence, you can only endure it, or take revenge from another aspect.

But if it's like this, Fording directly picks out the words, and Maine shoots Allen and catches the gunman. So if Smith added any further interference, it would only attract percussion instruments. From damage to reputation, the worst is to stand up enemies out of thin air. Either way, it was not Randy's wish. So there was a muffled hum from the forest to the west, and there was no sound.

At this time, a deep voice sounded from the defense zone of Alexander's house: "You keep saying that I took action against your young master, is there evidence?"

This sound was Maine. When Fording heard it, he immediately locked his way, but laughed: "Maine, you are not a three-year-old child. Wouldn't Lao Tzu blame you for no reason? The evidence, I am the evidence. You I forcibly took my smashing bomb, and my source of strength remained in my body is the evidence! If you still don’t want to admit it, then what are you not a soft-blood?"

"Nonsense. Fording, this is a strong defense zone, please leave immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite." Although Maine was tough, he was a bit strong and dry. It's all because he avoided Fording's words, and when people understand it, they know that there must be something tricky.

"You're welcome? That's right, I'm afraid you are too kind." Fording ignored him, locked in the direction of Maine, and jumped down from the **** with his gun, rushing down into the dense forest like a big bird. Immediately there was an exclamation from the foot of the mountain. It was Fording to speak, but Alexander's Fengshen had already sent an army. Originally it was just in case, but no one thought that Fording really acted!

Suddenly, this army was a little messy. Even though there was only one person above, it was Spear Demon Fording, the strong Xi under Old Horn's hand. As long as he is a little older, he knows that Fording is an extremely difficult person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His combat power is comparable to generals, but he is not subject to many constraints like those generals.

No one knows what he will do.

Almost at the same time that Fording jumped down the hillside, two auras in the Alexander defense area soared into the sky, and then two rainbow lights, one yellow and one blue, rose into the night sky, almost flashing from the sea of ​​forest trees, and in an instant it crossed a kilometer distance !

But no matter how fast they were, they couldn't be faster than Fording. When the two rainbow lights lit up, Fording had fallen to the foot of the mountain, facing the army surrounding him. He smiled slightly, and suddenly made a forward motion. The soldiers of Fengshen finally broke the last line of reason under the tremendous pressure. I don't know who opened the fire first. In short, a dense flame suddenly lit up at the foot of the mountain.

In the continuous gunfire, Maine roared angrily: "Stop, who made you fire!"

Hearing his voice, the soldiers regained their senses a little, and the officers around him kept calling "cessation fire", so the soldiers stopped attacking. At this time, the two rainbow lights were able to arrive. Falling to the front of the army from top to bottom, Maine glanced at his brother Boken next to him, and both saw the bitterness on his face from each other.


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