Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 807: Just come to find the difference (2)

From the appearance of Fording, to the conversation with the heads of the two big families, to jumping off the hillside to cause Fengshen's attack. The whole process is neither long nor short, nor short. At least, Xingyuan Fortress should know what happened, but until now, no one from the military has intervened.

The Whisperer Forest in front of Xingyuan Fortress seemed peaceful, but in fact it was part of the defense zone. In addition to the two family residences of Alexander and Smith in the forest, the Federal Army's defense zone is also in it. On the west side of the forest, in one of the Smith's camps, in the only tall building, a man stood in front of the French windows. He wore a long, blazing flame-like coat, with deep-fitting armor inside, and black gloves and boots. The man had a short, neatly cut head, and his head and beard were gray.

He has a pair of amber eyes. At this moment, these eyes are looking out the window and the forest in the night.

A graceful woman came up.

She was wearing a noble dress that was out of line with the battlefield, and the skirt that was cut into a fishtail shape dragged on the ground as she walked, like a real fish. She walked to the man's side, hugged him from behind and asked gently: "Aren't you going to come forward?"

"Of course not, Cersei," the man said, his voice really not pleasant, let alone so-called magnetism. The man’s voice is like the sound of iron sand being stirred and rubbed together. It is blunt, faintly sharp, and ear-piercing: "Here, Fording represents the old Horn to many degrees. This guy acts without fear. It's definitely not the kind of person who came here, and he wouldn't be guilty of convicting Mein for nothing. Since he came, it means that Mein did do something against the rules and was caught by Fording."

"But aren't we allies with the Alexander family? If at this time..."

"No, dear." The man lightly pressed the woman's hand: "I have already said that, that's enough. And Fording has never crossed the line, then I have no reason to interfere. Moreover, if Maine even this If things are not handled well, then he is not qualified to be my ally."

"Well, my Lord Randy, you are always right." The woman leaned on his back and closed her eyes and smiled.

"Of course." The man's tone was self-confident and proud, and he immediately frowned: "It's just that I can't figure out why May wants to do this."

"You mean what Fording said?"

Randy pulled the woman back: "I don't like Maine, he is more like a businessman than a patriarch and a warrior. But Vig gets a good deal on him, so I don't mind cooperating with him."

"Speaking of it, this is the second time he has shot against the Beskard's kid. The first time is fine, but this time, I think Maine made a wrong bet. Yes, I have also heard of it. That little guy. The potential is good, but it's too early to support a family. If Maine can't wait to kill him because of this, it would be too superficial to break Bethkod's century-old foundation. Randy said proudly: "Which family will put a heavy bet on a person, even if that Ellen is favored by Old Horn, I won't stop that Old Horn will not do a few more preparations. Maine is also Stupid, he can kill a few. What's more, instead of busy cutting off Beskard’s successors, it is better to focus on his family’s business. Only if you are strong can you be truly strong. This is the truth for Maine. I don’t understand, and it’s no wonder Bethkod kicked Alexander back to his original position as soon as he recovered."

Cersei took his arm and said: "So he can only be a businessman forever, because the businessman's eyes only see benefits, but ignore other things."

"That's right." Randy patted the woman's face happily, then kissed affectionately.

At the other end of the forest, Maine's mood was not so happy. The smell of gunpowder after the machine gun shot in the air is still wafting gently. The dual-purpose rifle equipped in the hands of the Fengshen soldier can switch between physical and magic modes. Generally speaking, there are more opportunities to use physical bullets. After all, the source of these soldiers is limited, and they cannot withstand the several extractions of the magic sequence.

In the situation just now, the soldiers acted almost instinctively, most people still used the physical shooting mode, and only a few people turned on the magic transfer system. So now these few are tired and get on the ground. In an instant, 80% of the source power in the body was transformed into bullets, and after being empty, they became worse than ordinary people. And this round of shooting has filled the foot of the mountain with dust and smoke.

From time to time, the sound of rocks falling behind the smoke sounded, and no one knew how Fording was at the moment. But what is certain is that the Spearman is still alive and alive well. If this round of shooting can kill him, then the opponent cannot be Fording.

Mayin was impatient to wait for the night wind to blow away the dust and smoke, his eyes lit up suddenly, and a gust of wind appeared out of thin air, washing the smoke away. Sure enough, Fording stood there in his spare time. Armed with a gun in both hands, he has never even lost money. Suddenly, Maine's eyes shrank sharply. He saw Fording's face, a drop of blood was rolling down, leaving a small flower of blood under his feet.

Fording opened a hole on the side of his face. The wound was not deep, but rather shallow. No matter how shallow the wound is, it is enough to bleed. The blood actually didn't shed much, but even a single drop seemed so abnormal. You must know that strong people like Fording's level, their physical strength can no longer be treated with the eyes of human beings. When advanced to the level of the dominator, the constantly evolving body has actually departed from the human category.

Whether it's Fording or Maine. Strong people like them just look like humans in appearance, but in fact, they are completely different from humans in terms of genes and even muscle tissue. Otherwise, if you don't have a strong body, how can you support the source of violent movement in your body?

Therefore, ordinary physical bullets can hardly injure Fording, let alone rubbing Fording's face, as long as they are close to his body, they will be shaken into powder by the strong source force attached to the surface. But Fording was injured, so there is only one possibility, that is Fording deliberately.

Maine had grasped Fording's plan in an instant, and sighed with a wry smile: "Why bother?"

Probably only Fording knows the meaning of his sentence, and the gunman shrugged: "I should ask you this sentence. But now, all this is meaningless. Hey, Maine, isn't this your defense zone resident? "

Alexander's residence is not small, but it hasn't extended to the edge of the Whisperer Forest. In fact, even if you get bigger, the edge of the station only comes to the middle of the forest. Of course Maine wouldn't make a fuss about this, so he nodded without expression: "No."

"Okay." Fording smiled and pointed to the wound on his face: "Then, this was injured by yours, right?"

"Yes." Maine still admitted.

"Not in the area of ​​your family's residence, but you were injured by your people. Then the question is, Mr. Main, what are you going to do with this account?" Fording put a smile away, only endless ice cold in his eyes: "Perhaps let me tell you that some people will probably die tonight. As for how much, it depends on Mr. Maine's decision."

"What do you want!" Fengshen's commander Boken finally couldn't help but uttered, and Maine's shadow could be seen on his face. But he is taller and stronger than Maine. If Rumain is a jackal, then the commander in front of him is a lion. His majesty is more suitable than Maine to be the head of the family.

Maine raised his hand and motioned to Boken not to interfere. He slowly looked at Fording and said: "You have done so much to force me to do it. I repeat, even if I shoot Allen, I won't have your turn to take revenge. If you want revenge, let Old Horn do it yourself!"

"Maine, Maine..." Fording lowered his head and looked at his feet, his face covered by shadows. He whispered: "You know? If it weren't for the master's disagreement, I would have wanted to kill you. You sly and despicable fellow. What else would you do besides being able to provoke a black hand in your back?"

"Let the master come by himself? Of course, he will definitely come. But before that, let me charge some interest first!" Fording suddenly raised his head, a **** luster rose from the depths of his pupils, and they quickly condensed into one. Crosshair.

Maine's head was set in the sight, and Fording's hand moved. His range is actually not large, he just lifted the gun in his hand, but his momentum soared into the sky with this action. Maine's mind was blank immediately, and when he reacted, he realized that he was forced to activate the engraving arm by Fording's movements and aura. It was just that when the crystalline armor that had been plundered by the void was put on him again, a layer of incompatible dark mist flowed over the pieces of armor. When they flowed past the end of the armor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they spewed out a few small black flames.

Maine's face instantly turned ugly.

Behind him, Borken's face was also a little ugly. And Fording laughed: "You won't admit it before the next round. Maine, if you didn't fight with me, why would you still have the source of my black sun burst bomb!"

For Maine, denial seems pale at this time, as for admission? This kind of slapped mouth made him even more embarrassed. Without concealing the murderous intention in his heart, he dashed forward and slammed Fording in the chest with a punch.

Fording sneered: "Didn't you say that I came to find the fault? Yes, I just came to find the fault!"

After that, Fording's figure was submerged by the red flames spraying out of his body. The dazzling flames rising into the sky like a volcanic storm not only flooded Fording, but also swept Maine in. Then a faint and complicated sound rang out from the strong light. Just by hearing the sound, it was impossible to judge the situation in the flame. When it fell in the ears of ordinary soldiers, it was probably just a few monotonous sounds, but in Borken, each note could be broken into hundreds of sound waves of different frequencies. In other words, the two in the flames were using unimaginable The degree is fighting!


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