Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 811: desire

"To be honest, I don't like this." Hubble muttered, "Whether it's the sky or the void, that's not where the Cato people should set foot."

With a wave of Belmode's hand, a large cloud of dark fog rushed out in front of Hubble, opening a shadow channel: "Just once, maybe you will like this method in the future."

"That's the hell." Hubble roared and slammed into the shadow tunnel. At first, it was the darkness of invisible, but the process was short. After a short period of time before adapting to the darkness, light can't wait to flood in. Hubble's eyes lit up, and what hit his eyes was the flame and Karin's tall back. Hubble's gaze fell heavily on the round buttocks, and Karin suddenly gave a sharp shot and turned her head and glared.

"I'm **** you!" Hubble yelled, reaching for a virtual catch, the space behind him was constantly twisting, and the tips of guns protruded out of thin air.

Rage Gun!

Hubble grabbed a spear casually, and the rest continued to flow out, but turned into black and red rays of light into the battle spear in his hand. The energy of several shots overlapped in an instant, and the gun in Hubble's hand began to become unstable. It no longer maintains its previous spear form, but turns into a hazy black light. Around the black flames, there is a dense red electric light entwined with spider silk.

Even though he didn't have the form of a gun, Yuan Li jumped several levels in succession. Hubble seemed to be catching an energy storm in his hand, and he pointed to Karin with endless violent intentions.

At the center of Karin's eyes, the golden pupil suddenly shrank into a line, like a lizard. She screamed suddenly, and finally knew where the terrible killing intent came from. But she didn't expect that the Catu people would appear behind her through some kind of space shuttle ability, and the mechanical arm smashed out in a hurry, but the strength of 10% was only enough to condense 60% to 70%.

The iron fist hit the tip of the gun, unexpectedly there was no loud collision. The spear-shaped flame in Hubble's hand pierced Karin's fist and fingers, and the outer shell of the mechanical arm made by the Kidd kept cracking, sinking, and shattering! Large and small pieces of metal flew like raindrops, and the energy pipes in the arm began to explode. Karin's face changed, and finally put aside all his worries, and madly pressed Yuanli into the robotic arm. Then he flicked the flames of Hubble's gun with his hand, and then opened his palm. Spit out a cannon barrel in the palm of his palm, the source of power was transformed into a cannonball, and he was about to blast Hubble!

"Roar!" Hubble let out a roar, not evasive, but the crystal on his chest lit up, instantly pressing a dazzling light across his body through the lines. His hand was full of flames and plunged straight into the barrel in Karin's palm.

The Yuanli heavy artillery blasted down suddenly, and Hubble was instantly submerged by the waterfall of light. However, Karin's arm was steadily shattered, and the black and red gun flames advanced all the way, like a ferocious black dragon tearing Karin's arm to pieces. The mechanical arm exploded continuously, and the large and small parts fragments entangled the flames and splashed around like rain. Karin screamed and retreated, the gun flame that almost hit her eyes suddenly lit up and exploded.

A thick, ferocious black and red pillar of fire rose into the sky, and a penetrating explosion instantly spread across thousands of miles. This dull sound can be heard in a small mountainous area, and then the accent gradually turned into a billowing hum and spread away.

In the valley, Karin stumbled out of the pillar of fire. The ability of the deflagration zone has ended, but the ground

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The noodles are still smoky, and it is amazingly hot. Karin's face was distorted and scary, and the close explosion of the rage gun was not so easy to catch. Her entire mechanical arm was more than destroyed, and even the armor on that side was removed in pieces. As a result, most of the **** were exposed to the air, but the full peaks were not as attractive as before, and the large areas of skin were charred by the high-temperature flame of the explosion. The chest, waist, and even thighs were not immune, and there were even small black spots on the cheeks, completely ruining Karin's original delicate appearance.

Karin couldn't help screaming, the loss of this degree had exceeded her expectations. At this moment, another strong murderous opportunity came. The diffuse blue smoke suddenly parted on both sides, so Karin saw Alan.

Allen was swooping along one side of the mountain wall, and he was running on the sloping mountain wall with great momentum. At this moment in Alan's body, the natural disaster circuit, the blade of a prairie fire, burning, and pain multiply. Loops and abilities are constantly being released and superimposed. When the flame pattern on the back of the hand floated, and a few hot smoke quietly floated around. The internal source forcefully retracted the heart, and then instantly pumped the limbs and veins, pushing the explosive force to every corner of Allen's body.

Alan dragged the knife, his figure blurred.

Karin's chest rose and fell violently, and there was a sudden wave of waves. She screamed and slammed her fist. The fist blasted again, and Allen had disappeared. And the mountain he was on was like being covered by an invisible cannonball. First the mountain suddenly sank, then a stream of rocks burst out, and the mountain wall exploded. Large pieces of rock fell off and shattered until a round pit with a width of more than ten meters and a depth of nearly two meters was dug out. The collapse of the mountain finally stopped.

This is an overbearing punch, but no matter how overbearing it is, it won't hit the opponent.

When Karin was still searching for Ellen's figure, a flash of blood flashed through the corner of her eye. She stared at this **** light, only to find that it ploughed straightly across the outside of her arm, continuously extending back. Time seems to freeze at this moment, and then stop moving forward. So there was a slight noise in the valley, but the slight noise instantly turned into a wave of sound. The sound of the tide is like thunder, and the dust on the ground is like being held up by an invisible hand, and then rolled into a cloud of smoke by the long-arriving torrent of air. Thick smoke billowed over Karin's side in an instant. Only then did Karin feel a pain in his arm.

Then it became a heart-piercing pain!

A wave of blood shot along the outside of the arm, and Karin heard the sound of tearing her flesh. In the sound of tearing apart leather, blood and meat scraps shot outward. Karin's hand was mercilessly torn apart, and her arm bones could even be seen deep in the rolled muscles!

Alan's thunder light almost cut off his arm, and the ability to multiply pain gave Karin a taste of hell. After repeated blows, Karin's breath is no longer strong, and her body temperature is even more frightening. When fighting the intense pain brought by the proliferation of pain, her thoughts became messy. So when Belmode floated quietly from behind Karin, the giantess knew nothing.

Until Belmode pulled out a short knife with dark flames in each hand, and lashed out at the sides of her neck, Karin always hid a terrible killer behind her.

The Dark Flame Dagger had plunged into the sides of Karin's neck in the blink of an eye, but the seemingly delicate skin and muscles became tough in an instant. The knife only broke through Karin’s skin and inserted it

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Two points, it is absolutely difficult to enter. Belmode suspected that he was inserted into a pile of entangled steel cables, and Karin's body was so strong! As soon as Belmode bit his teeth, he pushed the knife forward to enlarge the wound.

Suddenly Karin was full of purple hair, and her hair bounced and pierced out, making a sharp piercing sound!

Belmode made a decisive decision, stopped fighting, and flew back with all his strength. However, the purple hair was still swept on his body. Suddenly, he flew out with a cloud of blood mist as if swept by thousands of blades.

At this time, Allen recovered from the shock of Thunder Light's power. Still wanting to lift the knife again, Karin suddenly dashed. She ran forward without looking back, and her rumbling footsteps sounded all over the valley. Soon, Karin has become a figure without going. She was also simply, knowing that there was no hope of fighting Alan in this situation, and simply let go of this opportunity and leave the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Alan looked at the shrinking figure with complex expressions, and he wanted to catch up. Just as Karin didn't want to let go of his feast, so every cell in Allen's body was eager to get Karin. That kind of strong desire even overwhelmed Allen's reason, making him desperate to catch up. This impulse originated from instinct, and Allen had to use a great will to nail his legs in place.

It wasn't until Karin disappeared completely that the strong feeling gradually disappeared, and he was also relieved. Whether it was Belmode, who had hundreds of wounds all over his body, or Hubble, who suffered from Karin’s frontal heavy cannon and was seriously injured, Alan could not leave them alone. What's more, there is always a gap between Alan and Karin's level. Even if the woman is seriously injured now, it is hard to guarantee that she will not have the means to die together.

That was definitely not the result Allen had hoped for.

He stuck the heavy knife on the ground, and first helped Hubble up. There is almost no good meat on the body of the Catu people, and the hair is burned into a mess under heavy artillery. Fortunately, Hubble was breathing heavily, and it seemed he could not die. Then he found Belmode, the man’s long coat had become a strip of cloth, and the clothes inside were torn open. Fortunately, the protection of the night hunter allowed Belmode to avoid fatal injuries.

Moved these two people to a place near the mountain wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen took out two potions and stuck one on each of them. In addition to various nutritional ingredients, the medicine also contains stimulant ingredients. After the medicine entered the body, the eyes of the two gradually began to shine. After a while, Hubble spit out a mouthful of **** sputum on the ground and cursed: "This stinky woman is scary enough, and almost broke my egg."

Hearing this big guy's violent and swearing words, Alan didn't feel harsh, on the contrary, he felt a kind of cheerfulness. He patted Hubble on the shoulder and said, "Then you still want to ride her?"

Hubble rolled his eyes and said, "Why not? The more difficult a woman is, it will be better to do it. On our planet, which woman you want to be, you have to knock her down first. Otherwise, it will be knocked down by her. She did it, and the meaning was a thousand miles away."

Belmode, who was next to him, also eased his breath, stared at Hubble for a long time, then shook his head and sighed: "Damn, this guy has such a strong taste."

Hubble glared at him immediately, but after a moment, he was with Allen. All three of them laughed, only the sound of laughter just started. Two of them turned into screams, but they affected the wound.

(End of this chapter)


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