Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 812: uninvited guest

Seeing the two grinning faces, Alan stretched out his hand and patted them again. This shot made the two people scream in pain, but a peculiar source force rushed through their bodies like a tide, and both Belmode and Hubble opened their mouths and spouted a small mouthful of blood mist. The blood mist is very small, but the blood is almost black. After spraying this blood mist, both of them felt that the whistling was much smoother.

"You rest, I will go around." Allen's shot vigorously shook their internal organs and forced out some of the blood that had accumulated in the two of them, helping them to recover from their injuries. Now the potency of the medicine is beginning to melt, and flow along their blood to the whole body. The effect of the initial stage of the medicinal properties is the best. At this time, they need to consciously guide the source force to stimulate the medicinal properties to achieve the purpose of rapid recovery.

Both of them sat quietly, and Allen lifted the knife and walked in the direction Carlin had taken off. He is not going to hunt down, but it is necessary to establish a line of defense. The canyon is definitely not a safe place, and the planet of Eden may not be as beautiful as its name. In other words, behind that beauty, there is always something deadly.

No matter what kind of planet there are dangerous creatures, the more highly evolved the planet, the more so. For planets like the Garden of Eden, the level of dangerous species is not lower than that of the Earth. Although there are not many dangerous species that can threaten Allen right now, unless it is the mother of the earth like the mother of the earth encountered in the heart of Frost Frost, the overlord of the planet, the dangerous species in the dangerous species, will they treat Ai Lun poses a deadly threat.

As for this canyon, Alan could vaguely sense a few wild and powerful auras, but these auras were far away. I would never attack here suddenly, but it is still necessary to guard against those giant wood worms or other canyon creatures. He is not afraid, but the Belmode two are recuperating, it is better not to disturb them at this time.

The process of setting up the defensive line is very simple. Allen took the place of the two Belmods as the origin, took a hundred and half a meter, and waved it randomly on the ground with his blood, leaving a knife mark. Then walk along this distance, and the distance is another four or five meters. In this way, he made a circle around the origin and drew a semicircular cordon. The knife marks left on the ground still have his breath, and dangerous creatures will keenly sense these breaths to make comparisons and judgments.

Smart guys will stay away, because Allen's remaining breath carries the killing intent that they dare not rush. Of course there will be stupid ones, such as a vicious dog with thorns all over. When Allen made the last cut for this warning line, it jumped off a stone strip in front, and demonstratively spread all the thorns on its body in Allen's direction. This is a canine-shaped creature, which is different from the canines of the earth in that it is covered with porcupine-like thorns.

These thorns can be defensive, and can be shot out when needed, becoming the natural weapon of this stab dog. Spurs are not a powerful and dangerous species, their only trouble is the number. The habit of living in groups is a bit like wolves, but the team of stab dogs has never been huge. According to the federal data records, these creatures can only stay together at most three or five.

The thorns on their bodies not only defend against natural enemies, but also make their compatriots inaccessible.

The spurs are not intelligent, but they are wild. Like this stab dog, its small triangular eyes are full of fierce light, hot smoke is emitted from its nose and kisses, its hind legs are sawed, and the front end is slightly protruding, preparing for a charge. Then it rushed over, and when it rushed over, Alan seemed to see a sea urchin running away. He shook his head, thinking about whether the stab dog's meat was delicious or not, and then the blood floated up like a feather and fell.

The stab dogs are very good at short-distance bursts. The unique muscle and bone structure of this creature allows them to enter the pole without a run-up. Their limit can reach about 80 kilometers per hour. This kind of instant addition allows them to escape many crises and kill many prey. But today facing Allen, this degree of advantage has disappeared.

This vicious dog, which was still on the way of charging, suddenly sank as if being crushed by an invisible mountain, and then leaped to the ground. Then there was a sound of crushing bones, and after a while it could not get up. Those hard thorns on his body are still wide open, but bleeding is constantly bleeding from inside.

Alan had just killed this vicious dog, and two or three stab dogs of similar size came out from the shadow of Shanyin. The death of compatriots not only fails to warn them, but arouses the ferocity of these creatures. There was a wild roar in the canyon, followed by a few dull sounds, and finally the roar quickly turned into a moan. The change in voice showed the clever guys a scene of being hunted instead of hunting, so those guys who wanted to try to attack the cordon now all retreated to the most hidden place.

Hubble opened his eyes sharply when he was still confused. I don't know when the sky is already dark, and there is a bright fire light not far away, and countless flying sparks float up in the sky, like stars hanging upside down. It’s just that the Catu people have no intention of appreciating beautiful things. What attracts him is by no means the dreamlike Mars, but the smell of seductive fragrance, which makes Catu’s stomachs gurgling. ring. All the organs in the body are reminding Hubble that it is time for him to eat.

Belmode also woke up, also smelling the smell of meat. But it is much more restrained than Hubble, at least not drooling. He stood up and walked to the campfire. The campfire is littered with hard thorns, hundreds of which are long and short. Not far away are a few skeletons. From the structure of the skeleton and the piles of thorns on the ground, Belmode can easily sketch the picture of the stab dog in his mind.

There are a total of four skeletons. As for the meat stripped from them, Alan spreads it on the red stone and roasts it. Allen used large and small crushed stones to build together, with dead wood piled in the middle, the dead wood was ignited by flames, and flames and heat waves were gathered in this stone barrier. The surface temperature of the stone barrier is very high and the heat is average. The dog meat was spread on it, and the fat was grilling so much oil.

Allen turned the slices of meat from time to time to keep them from burning. Seeing the two waking up, they laughed and said, "You really know how to choose the time, and taste the game you brought to your door."

"I don't know if these things can be eaten." He added.

The shadow was like a mountain, and Hubble had walked to the fire and reached out to grab a few pieces of barbecue on the stone base. After blowing vigorously, he threw it into his mouth to chew, and immediately squeezed the oil from the teeth. He don't chew and say, "I can eat anything. When I chased Vasak's Jiufang, I even ate the roots of trees. Even if these things are poisonous, they can't poison me. Oh, they are really fragrant. ."

Belmode also revealed it, but not as anxious as Hubble. Let the night breeze move the high temperature of the barbecue itself before putting it in your mouth and chewing. There is not much fat in the spurs, but their meat fiber is very fine, even if it is refined meat, it is full of elasticity. It's also a delicacy to eat after being cooked. Seeing that both of them were eating, Alan was not polite. He picked up a slice and tasted it, only to find it tasted good.

While eating, he said: "It reminds me of when I lived on the surface, there was no bread at that time. Every day the sun rises, I have to hunt. If I can't hunt, I have to starve."

"I heard that memories are proof of old age, master, you don't look old." Belmode began to wipe out the second piece of barbecue.

Allen shook his head: "The memory is for me to remember only what kind of road I walked along, and how should I go on this road."

Hubble took a big hand and threw a few pieces of still oily barbecue into his mouth: "It's not that complicated to come and go. For me, there must be the **** Vasak at my end. Only by killing him, the end will become a new starting point."

Allen and Belmode looked at each other, and the latter sighed, "It's rare that our big guy said such philosophical words, hey. It's a pity that there is no wine here, otherwise I have to have a drink for this."

Hearing the wine, Hubble's eyes lit up: "We will go back tomorrow, and I will soak in the wine barrel for three days!"

Allen raised his forehead and said, "I'm afraid we don't have such a big bucket."

Then the three of them laughed.

The laughter stopped a little hastily, and Hubble had put more stuff in his mouth. The meat of the four spurs, this big one has almost eaten one and a half, but the appetite is still bottomless. Allen and Belmode felt a little bit. Belmode wanted to stand up, but Alan held it down. Then he said in a certain direction of the shadow: "Since it's here, don't hide it anymore. I can hear the sound of drums in your stomach."

At this time, Hubble knew that the guest had arrived, but the other party did not arouse his reaction, presumably not a powerful role, so Hubble continued his feast. The minds of Cato people are so simple many times.

There was a faint sound in the shadow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a light sound of a wind-blow stone rolling across the ground, and then two figures gradually appeared in the firelight. One wild and sexy, the other petite and smart.

Allen was slightly surprised and said, "Is it you?"

The two who walked out of the shadows were all women. The one walking in the front was Lola holding a giant sword, and the one behind was Talikova. There was a smile on Lola's face, and Talikova puffed her cheeks as if she was angry.

"Your ears are well-versed. After all this distance, you still hear the sound of Talikova's belly drumming." Lola said with a grin.

The girl behind showed two fangs and shouted: "Is it wrong to be hungry?"

Allen smiled and said, "We still have food here. Would you like some?"

Tarikova swallowed, trying to stop her urge to pounce on the barbecue, but she pulled out a pair of short blades from the outside of her legs and said: "Shut up, human. Don't want to seduce me with food, I...I am I'm here to avenge you!"


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