Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 813: instinct

"Vengeance?" Allen shook his head: "You followed so far, miss, you are really stubborn."

"Right, I often say the same. Talikova is stubborn, but it's really nerve-racking." Lola walked over generously, thrust the giant sword into the ground, and then sat down very naturally. Go down. Reached out and lifted a piece of roasted meat and put it in his mouth to taste, his eyes lit up and said, "It tastes good."

She looked at Talikova: "Are you sure you won't come here?"

Tarikova was startled, and then screamed: "What are you doing, Laura! Have you forgotten where you stand? And, you said you would help!"

Luo stretched her hands and covered her ears, half-squinting her eyes as if she was too noisy: "Really, you don't have the strength to fight if you don't fill your stomach. You little guy, you should learn to work around. For example, now, are people generous? Ask us to eat, then we should eat. Unless you want to fight hungry?"

Talikova thought for a while, and finally seemed to have made up her mind before striding over. Looking at the steaming barbecue on the stone base, she revealed two sharp teeth, and a short knife was inserted into the two pieces like lightning, and then it flashed back more than ten meters before eating with peace of mind.

Hubble burped at this moment, patted his stomach and walked away. He lay down in a spacious area, and within a few seconds he snored. Tarikova couldn't help but glanced at the big man, she couldn't figure out how Hubble could sleep. Obviously he and Lola have already come to the door, shouldn't they be on guard at this time?

Looking at the other man in long clothes, he has moved to the bonfire, only focusing on stirring up the dead wood in the fire, so that the fire will continue to burn longer.

On the edge of the stone rampart, Ellen and Laura sat across from each other. Alan sat cross-legged, cutting a piece of dry wood with the devil's praise. He peeled off the surface of the wood, and the force of each cut was just right. So the bark flew, quickly revealing the texture below. At first, Allen had to think about it for a while, but later, he didn't think about it. The knife fell faster and faster, and a piece of dead wood was quickly cut off by Alan.

Laura, who was sitting opposite, ate the barbecue unceremoniously while staring at Allen. So one continued to carve wood next to the stone rampart, while the other almost forgot to eat. The atmosphere of the camp became a little weird, and Tarikova was keenly aware of this. She didn't even know why Laura looked so enthusiastically at the piece of wood in Allen's hand.

Allen was just carving something.

The wood was cut, hollowed, and drilled in Allen's hands. The dagger served as a variety of tools in his hands, sometimes drastically, sometimes as delicate as silk. When the image of a wolf head was completed by Allen's knife, he breathed out a long breath. During the entire process of carving just now, Allen almost held his breath!

The wolf head in his hand is nine points similar to Bai Fen. Especially those eyes, the firelight beside them seemed to give soul to these eyes. From those eyes, Lola saw many things. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that a wooden sculpture could express such deep emotions.

But what shocked her even more was the texture on the wood carving.

Those textures that are straight or curved are all produced from nothing. They started under Allen's knife, and without Allen's knife, they wouldn't have appeared in this world. And in these textures, what Lola saw was a deep understanding of power and knife. Without this understanding, these thrilling lines would not appear. The Hulma people have no theory on the understanding of skills, and Laura can't evaluate Alan's level of skills, only knowing that it is difficult to shoot the horse.

Suddenly she finished the barbecue in one bite and clapped her hands: "I originally wanted to fulfill my promise, and I would have a fight with you after filling my stomach. But after reading the wood carving in your hand, I think I'll forget it."

Laura turned her head and said to Talikova: "Let's go, I can't beat him."

Talikova exclaimed, "You didn't even try!"

"Some things don't have to be tried to know." Laura shrugged: "Little guy, don't be so stubborn."

"You mean, I just let go of the guy who was seriously injured Aliman!" Talikova looked unwilling.

Laura laughed: "At least he didn't kill Aliman, and even if he killed it, it is not surprising. After all, under the circumstances at the time, our two sides were hostile in nature. However, I believe Aliman When you walk out of the mountains and forests, you are also ready to die. This is the consciousness of every soldier. As for the hatred with humans, do you think this can be solved by the two of us?"

"Lola, they drove us away. They drove us away from the land where we have lived for generations, even if Aliman is aside. Every Hurma shouldn't regard humans as mortal enemies?" Tali Kova yelled angrily, her hand holding the double-edged blade was already shaking slightly.

Allen sighed slightly at this time, stood up and said: "I have read the research report on your Hurma people. What you call the land where you live for generations is actually the ancestor of your tribe who snatched it from other people. Coming."

"Whether you admit it or not, expansion, aggression, possession, and expansion are almost biological instincts. Whether it's beasts or intelligent creatures, it's all the same." Allen shrugged, "I don't want to shirk the facts that kill your people. Just simply think that this kind of hatred is meaningless. The strong always want to conquer the weak, just like us now. And before we came to this planet, how could you, the strong, have not done the same thing."

Talikova looked confused, apparently she had never thought of such a thing. For her, humans have dealt a heavy blow to Aliman. She wants to avenge her elder brother. Everything is as simple as that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now she finds that the world may not be as simple as she thought.

Allen gave a bitter smile: "Furthermore, the war and hatred between the two races. How can we make it clear? Of course, I understand that you have to avenge the people. But I will never let it go. Butcher, if you want to do something like this, just come."

Laura smiled helplessly, trying to persuade the stubborn girl. Talikova suddenly yelled: "I don't care so much, I want to avenge Aliman!" She gave a shot, and people rushed towards Allen like a cannonball. Lola's face changed, she stretched out her hand to catch it, and the giant sword next to it jumped into her hand. She raised her sword, but was about to shoot Talikova. This sword made the girl slightly injured at most, but it was better than being severely injured or even killed by humans.

Allen understood what Lola meant, but didn't intend to stop it. But suddenly he seemed to be aware of something and opened his mouth to scream, but he slammed into Lola. As a result, it was beyond Lola's expectation. So the sword shot towards Talikova changed lanes midway and cut it towards Alan.

Only then did Allen's exclamation reach her ears: "Be careful!"

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