Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 830: Confrontation

"these are……"

Belmode also came forward and looked at the supplies in the box. Of course, Lola and Talikova couldn't see what these steels were, but Belmode recognized it: "It's Vale blue steel. This is not a federal strategic material. Why is it here?"

Allen solemnly said: "I still remember that in Froststar before, I accidentally discovered that this kind of Vale blue steel was in the trade between the ghosts in the Federation and the Catu people."

He opened several other boxes, most of which were Vale blue steel. But in one of the boxes, there was another black metal box. There are dark red lines on the box, and the whole box is so integrated, Alan can't find a way to open it. He checked it all over, but he could only give up: "This cargo box should be encrypted, using the method of `Pig`Pig`Island`Fiction`www.huhuom shouldn’t belong to Catu. And the style of the box seems to be where I see it. Over..."

He suddenly remembered the mysterious starship in Chaos Canyon. The starship was pitch black with dark red lines on it, which was exactly the same as this box. Allen said: "The trade between the ghosts and the Catu people in the Federation that day included the shadow star diamond in addition to the Vale blue steel. The shadow star diamond contains the source power of the dark attribute, and a large amount of accumulation When we are together, it will have an impact on the gravity of the surrounding space. If I'm not mistaken, this box should contain the Shadow Star Diamond, and its role should be to isolate the Star Diamond from the outer space."

"Then these things, where does the alien want to transport them?" Belmode took a few steps back, there were a dozen cargo boxes here. What's inside are all strategic materials, which are federally controlled materials. The irony is that they are now mounted on an alien mothership. Looking at these cargo boxes, Belmode also felt a little heavy.

At this time, Allen moved slightly and smiled: "Hubble is back, I hope he has good news. No matter where these things go, if we blow up the mothership. I think the inner ghosts of the alien race and the Federation will have heartache for a while. ."

"It is estimated that this time will not be too short." Belmode agreed.

"What are you doing?" Hubble strode in at this moment: "Damn it, this mothership is really not so big. I have a hard time figuring out where its power room is, but the ancestors are on it. There are actually three main power rooms, very secondary energy storage rooms. If you want to blow up this ship, you will obviously have to blow up all these dozens of rooms, but our manpower is obviously not enough."

Allen was startled, but he ignored the question. Just consider this mothership as an ordinary starship, and an ordinary starship is just a power room. But the size of the mothership is so large that one power chamber is obviously not enough, so it is not surprising that there are three main power chambers and ten energy storage chambers. The problem is that there are only five of them. It is not that difficult to blow up all these rooms.

Allen thought for a while and said, "It's good to blow up the three main power chambers. There must be an energy pipeline connected between the reserve chamber and the power chamber. Once the main power chamber is blown up, it will cause a chain reaction, so we don’t have to be so troublesome. Go and blow up all the rooms. There is neither need nor so much time."

"That's true, the main power room exploded, I don't think the ship needs to fly." Belmode nodded in agreement.

Hubble slapped his mouth and said, "It doesn't matter whether he is the main power room or the reserve room, just don't stay here anymore."

Knowing that he could not be idle, Allen smiled slightly and asked Belmode to bring all the backpacks and energy guns he had stolen. Spread all the weapons and ammunition on the ground. There are four energy guns, and there are seven or eight fragment explosive mines used by the Catu. In addition, there are some solid-state batteries, which can also be used as bombs when bundled together. But this is obviously not enough to blow up the three main power rooms. Allen looked at the warehouse and said: "We are looking around. Since this is a material warehouse, there should be weapons and ammunition."

"No need to look for it. Our weapons and supplies have always been stored separately. Vasak thinks that his soldiers are too stupid. If you put the weapons and supplies together, they will be damaged by those stupid people. You must know these things, but Bought it from the Nirm. If it is broken at the end of a battle, Vassak will probably get mad with anger." Hubble speculated a little bit maliciously.

"In this case, there should be rooms like weapons depots in this ship." Allen said, at this moment, an indescribable feeling hit his heart.

At that moment, Allen seemed to fall into a hole filled with carrion. A rotten flesh-like rancid odor went straight through his nose, making him almost vomiting. He could no longer see Belmode and others, all he saw was a bleak green mist. Suddenly two ignition lights appeared in the mist, and the green mist burned with a bang, turning into a blazing fire! Just in the blue fire, a towering figure like a mountain broke out of the blue fire, and Allen showed his eyesight, but couldn't get a full view. Consciousness gazes up, and only sees countless blue steel ridges, as if the iron front of a steel mountain came out of the blue fire!

Then a huge ocean of resentment and killing intent hit his face, and Allen was like a person who fell into a sea of ​​anger, and was quickly overwhelmed by a tide of killing intent. He suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, but people came to wake up. Seeing Belmode and Laura looking at herself with weird faces, Hubble stood aside like a sculpture, her eyes blank. After a while, his whole body was shocked, bleeding from his nostrils and mouth, his expression immediately depressed by three points.

"God, what's the matter with you?" Laura whispered, holding onto Ellen first.

Allen shook his head: "I'm fine, it was..."

"Crossell!" Hubble took the words: "It's that guy, who hates giants of all life. That guy has started to act!"

When the voice fell, everyone was shocked. From the far east, a momentum skyrocketed, its momentum was fierce and domineering. As if for fear that others would not know, it quickly expanded from things. It's just different from Crossel's terrifying murderous aura, this aura is magnificent in the domineering, self-reliant, grandiose. In addition to giving everyone a strong sense of oppression, it was not as desperate as Crossel.

Moreover, this second momentum is felt even by Belmode. Unlike Crossel, it seems that only a few people feel it.

Soon after these two auras rose, a thunderbolt suddenly rang out from the endless void that passed through the thick war clouds above the air battlefield of the two fleets. Suddenly, all the voices on the entire battlefield were suppressed by this absolute loud noise. There was only the sound of rolling thunder in the whole world, and many spaceships swung around like drunk, and even collided with each other and exploded.

Many accidents occurred in the fleets of both sides, and even the light sources on the several battleships of the Golden Lion suddenly flashed. It wasn't until the shields opened one by one that the battleship returned to stability. Only the Golden Lion stood still, but many sparks jumped out of the hull from time to time. As for the alien fleet, the black shadow titans guarding the center opened their shields. These shields have different shapes, some are round like a ball, some are just a few black shields, and some are simply chaotic black electric lights. Regardless of the type of shield, the surface flickers constantly.

On the ground battlefield, some speeding vehicles were out of control and left the team, while more soldiers overturned on the ground. After a while, he got up again in fear. Fortunately, the Catu people are not doing well. Most of the energy weapons in their hands have misfired and exploded. This shows the poor quality of the weapons sold to them by the Nirm.

The thunderbolt finally disappeared, but the clouds accumulated over the battlefield became lower and lower, and the wind suddenly became violent. The strong wind brought up many fine stones in the mountains. These small things that usually seemed casual, now slapped on the chariot spaceship, but they made a sound like a shower. However, many red marks will be left on the fighters of both sides. Its strength can be seen in one or two.

The sky was getting dark, it was daytime, but the light became extremely dim. The color of the cloud is like ink, bursting with light of different colors from time to time in the center of the ink cloud. Whenever the strong light is on, you will always see a huge figure like a demon god, and roar like a wild beast. No one knows what happened above the clouds, only that the top powerhouses of both sides have already handed over.

A stone fell from the air and hit a slender figure on the high rock. But before touching this figure, the stone suddenly disintegrated, shattered, and annihilated in mid-air, and finally turned into a few ash smoke and dispersed with the wind. The gray and black horsetail danced wildly in the wind, like two flames of different colors. Catherine's cloak was turned into a cloth strip in the previous battle, and it has been torn away by the major general. Now a tight-fitting general's uniform clearly outlines Catherine's beautiful body and becomes the only beautiful thing in this barren rocky mountain.

Catherine leaned on the high rock and looked up. The sky flickered in the distance, and the fight between the two powerhouses made the situation change color, which was really terrifying ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But above the earth, there was an unusually flat ground. A huge mothership on the ground seems to be undergoing maintenance, and many engineering machines are busy working around it. It can be seen that many machines have begun to be recycled, and the repair work may have come to an end.

The major general took out a tactical board with a radar window on it. In the radar, the signal source representing Allen came from the mothership. Catherine frowned and said in a low voice, "It's really going to cause me trouble!"

Suddenly, many lines on the surface of the mothership's fuselage began to light up. Catherine was taken aback, and it seemed that the mothership was about to take off. It can't even wait to recycle all the engineering machinery, and doesn't know where to rush to. But no matter where you go, it's bad news for Catherine, because Alan is still on it!

"Damn it!" Catherine jumped up, scanned her surroundings quickly, and then moved, leaping towards the hill closest to the mothership.

In the mothership, Ellen and the others also felt the shaking of the hull. After a daze, Belmode shouted: "No, it looks like it is about to take off, we have to explode the power room quickly!"

Allen shook his head: "It's too late. It seems that the foreign race is afraid that the Federation will find this mothership. It will take off so impatiently, so I will be even more curious. What is the purpose of this ship?"

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