Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 831: Unknown Voyage (1)

The earth is roaring.

The lines on the mothership are getting brighter and brighter. When all the lines are lit, the force field generator on the ship also starts to work. The net weight of the mothership is comparable to that of a mountain range. In order to make the hull float in the air, the corresponding gravity must be offset. Under the action of the force field generator, the gravity around the mothership is completely changed, and the electric fire and twisted light and shadow that pass by from time to time outline the edge of the force field.

Within the scope of this force field, those engineering machines that were too late to evacuate burst into electric fire, and then floated and twisted in the gravity force field. Even if the steel machine is like this, even if the Catu's physique is stronger than the normal life, they can't violate the power of the force field. So the Catu people floated up in the air yelling, their eyes were bloodshot, and then they exploded like balloons.

Suddenly, a circle of blood mist appeared around the mothership. The strong blood is enough to make people vomit, the ground is collapsing and splitting. Under the stirring of the gravitational storm, this flat ground cut a layer of life, and tons of sand and rocks floated in the air with the mothership. They rotated and danced, forming a cloud of muddy sand. The mothership slowly lifted off, roaring like a beast.

It turned slowly, turning the hull. However, this seemingly simple action brought a violent wind. The wind blew Catherine's footing almost unsteadily, and the major general had already reached the top of the hill closest to the mothership. From her direction, the mothership seemed close at hand, but in fact Catherine was still hundreds of meters away from it. It's just that this kilometer-long mothership is so huge that it creates the illusion of distance.

Compared with the mothership, Catherine is like an ant. Almost negligible among the desolate and monotonous mountains, the mothership began to move. It slanted upwards, and when it moved, the airflow brought by it formed a strong impact, causing the top of Catherine's foothold to vibrate and collapse.

Catherine started to run backward, her speed was no longer slow. But the mothership overhead gradually passed her, and after a while, the hull was like a huge dark cloud covering Catherine's head. The major general could even see the joint lines of the hull mecha, and as the mothership moved, the gravity field began to affect Catherine and the ground under her feet. So she rose slightly into the air as if out of control, Catherine's eyes lit up, and the active light burst out from her body, counteracting the influence of the gravity field on her. Then he stepped **** the ground, and the whole person turned into a rocket and rushed into the air.

The armor of the mothership continued to expand in her eyes, and Catherine's eyes drenched. The snake sickle in his hand suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, the sickle face was nailed to the mothership's outer armor. The outer armor of the hull was easily cut like a piece of cheese at the tip of the snake sickle, and fixed there. Catherine stretched out her hand to give in, an invisible force field connected her to the snake sickle, and then under the pull of the reaction force, Catherine floated towards the mothership like a fallen leaf.

After a while, she was already attached to the bottom of the hull. Catherine stretched out a hand, five white and slender fingers easily lifted a piece of bottom armor to reveal the interior of the ship cabin. She smiled faintly, put the snake sickle away, and got in. As soon as it entered the hull of the ship, the mothership’s brains scanned the gap, and while pushing the spare armor to close the gap on its own, it also sounded a sharp alarm to remind the people on the ship that foreign enemies had invaded.

Catherine snorted, looked at the tactical board, locked the Allen signal

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The direction of the source, it will go away. A moment later, a team of Catu guards arrived at the scene. One of the characters who appeared to be the captain awkwardly operated the brain terminal near the corridor. After ten seconds of fiddle, Catherine finally appeared on the terminal screen. The captain clicked on Catherine's image, and then shouted at the opponents: "Find out, kill this woman!"

The sound of the alarm made Karin open her eyes.

She had a long dream, in which she seemed to have returned to her childhood. The period of childhood was undoubtedly a nightmare for Karin, and this nightmare has persisted for a long time. On the giant star Missier, the status of women is always lower than that of men. This is not only a gap in gender, but also a gap in combat power. Although the women of the Upper Glyn tribe in Missile also have a certain amount of combat power, on average, they are far behind men.

Not to mention that it is not comparable to those giants with names, such as the length of giants, the chaotic Aizuoge, the Beaverus of Gangyan, or the hateful Krosel who is fighting in the Garden of Eden as the commander of the coalition at this moment. These prestigious male giants, whether they are good or bad, have incomparable influence on this huge planet of Missier. No one among the female giants can compare to them, and even the next-level Hellfire giants are not the women of the Gry tribe.

The most outstanding among them is equivalent to the level of ordinary dark Titans.

With such a huge gap, Grameen women have always been regarded as tools for fertility. Due to the low reproductive power of the Gram, a woman is often the plaything and tool of several men at the same time, or even more. Karin, born under this background, showed extraordinary potential at birth, which makes her look like a freak among the giants.

The extraordinary potential did not bring Karin luck, on the contrary, it became the source of her nightmare. She didn't even know who her parents were, and she was already a slave when she consciously started. And she is not an ordinary slave. She needs to fight the most ferocious beasts in exchange for daily food to maintain the basic needs of survival. In many cases, she will become a tool for fun. Those dark titans were happy to vent on her, because her surprisingly strong body was able to withstand their ravages, so for a while. Karin doesn't even have to fight the beasts, as long as he pleases the dark titans, he can maintain a basic life.

But who wants to live like this forever, so she gradually fell into darkness. After adulthood, her power has surpassed ordinary male giants. So she killed her slave owner, and after a short period of escape, Karin gradually gained her own name. Because of her ability, she was given the name of Disaster Blade. From then on, she was no longer a slave, but the one who captured the slave.

Her current distortions and perversions are mostly related to her childhood. But now remembering things from a long time ago, instead of making her feel happy, she was even more angry. As a result, the liquid in the repair machine suddenly burst into strings of bubbles, and the fuselage continued to emit electric fire. Finally, the top cover suddenly bounced out and hit the ground more than ten meters away. The nutrient solution in the repairing machine flows all over the place.

Karin stepped on the green nutrient solution and walked out of the repair machine. She was naked, two full peaks stood proudly in the air. At her broken arm

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), a pitch-black arm replaced the original mechanical arm. After the brain transplantation, it is obvious that this arm taken from the Judge Glenn is more powerful and flexible than the Kidd manipulator.

It not only made up for Karin's combat power, but also her trophy. She looked at the arm with satisfaction, and then found the armor option in the brain terminal. After a while, the ceiling retreated to both sides, a mechanical arm hung down, and a metal box was placed on the ground. While retracting, the robotic arm opened the metal box. Many parts in the metal box are now working, deforming and stretching the box, and finally forming a hanger.

On this metal pylon hangs the armor that originally belonged to Glen the Judge. This is a set of black armor with many faint green patterns on it. The shape of the armor is simple but without losing its majesty, Karin can fully imagine the style when Glenn put it on. Even in the high-tier Titans, Glenn is a big man. Unfortunately, now this big man has become a pile of scraps and has been discharged from the mothership. I am afraid that his flesh and blood has long been integrated with the earth.

So this set of armor became Karin's belongings. With the help of several mechanical arms, Karin's attractive body curve was gradually wrapped up by the angular deep armor. While assembling the upper body of the stomach, when Karin gathered her purple hair. It can be seen that there is a spar embedded in her smooth back. The light and mist in this spar spewed out, and the dots of fluorescence suddenly rose and disappeared, like those beautiful nebulae in the universe.

This crystal is actually Glen’s crystal nucleus, and Karin uses a transplant to insert it into her body. Now that her nerves and blood vessels have been initially connected to the crystal core, Glenn's crystal core will provide her with extra source power. Although this will not allow Karin to advance immediately, it has doubled her total source power. many. Double the total source power, which means that Karin can fight for the time and the ability to blast will be doubled!

This is a direct addition to combat power, and if you deeply analyze Glen’s crystal core. Karin can even use some of the judge's abilities, of course, she can't do it now. But even the increase in the total source power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is already a huge gain for her.

Soon, this spar was covered by dark armor. After the armor was equipped, Karin checked it again. The armor is also equipped with some weapons. Including the energy cannon that can be stretched freely on the back and shoulders, the electromagnetic kinetic energy gun on the outside of the right forearm, and two high-frequency oscillating beam knives housed in the armor of the legs. With these weapons, Karin's combat effectiveness is even three points stronger than in her heyday.

She checked the hidden wounds in her body again. The injuries were basically stable and 70% healed. Although they have not fully recovered, fighting is not a problem. Even she can fight at full force for a period of time without worrying about the recurrence of hidden injuries, which is enough for her.

"Wait for me, brother." She smiled, and then suddenly stood at the porthole when she was about to leave. Outside the porthole is no longer a mountainous area with peaks, but a dark space. From here, one can also see the distant stars, Rin Shuang and Dragon Nest, radiating their own unique light in the universe. Karin's smile froze and she almost screamed.

The mothership was lifted off. If she left the Garden of Eden, how would she settle accounts with Alan?

(End of this chapter)


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