Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 835: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

Allen's pupils dilated slightly, and he saw a bizarre prismatic bullet wrapped in a blue halo shooting at himself in the chest. This bullet has a huge caliber, and Allen has no doubt that it is powerful enough to make a hole through his chest. Even though he is equipped with the Eternal Guardian at this moment, judging from the power radiated from the bullet, the armor is not enough to block this kind of strong kinetic energy bomb!

Then a scream sounded out of thin air.

The scorpion gun in Catherine's hand suddenly tried to rotate, the cyan flame formed a belt of light, and the tip of the spear rotated endlessly, forming a blue spiral flame. The scorpion gun shot out with lightning, hitting the prismatic bullet. Catherine shook violently, as if being hit head-on by a high-speed train. Suddenly he backed away, and the spiral flame on the gun exploded, turning into a jet of source force jetting in all directions!

In the muffled sound, the bullet also twisted and deformed, suddenly bulging in the middle part, and then exploded. There was a muffled shout from someone injured in the front of the passage, and then a little bit of green light reappeared, and the barrage was like rain. But these bullets no longer had the deadly power of the shot just now, and Catherine's scorpion gun was connected to blast one bullet into the air. Belmode's Mist Crow, Lola's Great Sword, and Tarikova's double knives also flew at the same time, helping Catherine to stop the bullet rain.

Hubble roared and rushed straight to the attacker in the distance. The man seemed unwilling to be entangled by Hubble, and immediately moved his shoulders a bit, and a rugged energy gun rose from behind and pointed at Hubble. A bleak green light lit up from the large-caliber muzzle, and suddenly the blue light was overwhelming, and a strong energy bomb blasted towards Hubble in the sound of a sigh.

Hubble stopped abruptly, inhaled, drank violently, then blasted out with another punch, hitting the energy bomb remotely. The energy bomb twisted in the air, suddenly exploding into a blue fire. The blue fire washed the surrounding space like water, and the metal walls and ground of the passage were washed by the blue fire, and they all melted silently. This powerful flame comes fast and goes fast. In a blink of an eye, it quickly died, but after the flame disappeared, the attacker had disappeared.

Allen stepped forward and found a fragment of the warhead. As soon as his fingers touched the shard, his eyes suddenly darkened, and then Karin's figure flashed past. Then everything returned to normal. Allen was startled, and Catherine's voice sounded behind him: "Strange, that guy doesn't look like a Catto, but he's shorter than the Gly Giant, and he's not a Dark Titan. But the power is already fast. I caught up with the high-ranking Titans."

"That's Karin..." Allen said solemnly: "A female Glyy giant."

Belmode and Hubble looked at each other. The latter scratched his head and said, "Why is that woman on this boat? I thought we had hurt her badly last time, enough for her to lie down for ten and a half months."

"Who knows, only one thing is certain, things are getting more and more complicated." Allen shook his head, and when he looked at Catherine, his face changed: "You are injured!"

Catherine was pressing her waist with one hand, and a few bright drops of blood were leaking out from between her fingers. She looked pale, but she shook her head and said, "It's just being scratched by the stray bullets, it's not a hindrance. Go ahead, and act as we said before."

Belmode looked at her a little worriedly, a sudden surge of momentum surged over Catherine, and she kept pushing up. She said coldly: "Hurry up, I'm not as weak as I need you to worry about!"

Allen also nodded at them, and gave his portable brain to Belmode for contact. Belmode made a gesture to the Hubble and the four of them left first. After they left, Allen said, "Okay, let me take a look at the wound. They are gone, so you don't have to be brave."

Catherine snorted, but unbuttoned her uniform jacket. Untied her uniform in front of Alan, she wore a piece of underwear inside. Now that one side of the underwear had been stained red with blood, Catherine rolled up the corners of her clothes, and a **** wound on the waist side made Alan's heart tremble. As Catherine said, it was just a bruise. But know that she is a general and powerful. Even if her body strength is not as strong as Ellen, her defensive field should be enough to block such stray bullets.

If even a stray bullet can injure Catherine, does that mean that the major general at this moment is actually an outsider? Alan noticed that Catherine's breath was a little strange. It seemed that he was not as refined and pure as usual, he frowned and said, "You were injured before?"

"It's impossible to kill a high-ranking Titan without a price?" Catherine said lightly.

But Allen knew that the price would probably not be small. It seems that Catherine deliberately suppressed the injury in order to find him as soon as possible. This is why she became weak, otherwise even Karin would never be able to bruise her with a stray bullet.

Catherine tore off a button on the neckline, broke it gently, and split it in half. The button was hollow. She poured a bright red pill from it and threw it into her mouth. Not long after swallowing, her face turned into a faint flush, and her aura was much stronger than before. Moreover, the wound on the waist began to close on its own, and it seemed that this pill was not simple.

"The first aid medicine used in the military, with it, I can't die."

Allen shook his head, tore off the sleeves of his uniform, and tore them into strips of cloth, and then helped her wrap her waist to fix the wound. After all this, Allen looked at her and said, "Thank you."

"It's too early to thank me. Let's wait until we get back. Also, don't you think you should add some thanks to show your sincerity?" Catherine blinked and swept away her indifference. But soon, she returned to her usual icy appearance. She buckled the uniform again, then took the scorpion spear and said, "Now you can go, Master Ellen."

Allen smiled helplessly.

At this time, a dull popping sound rang from the distant passage, and it should be Belmode and the others who had encountered the enemy again. Catherine pulled Ellen, who had already planned another route, far away from Belmode and the others. At the moment when the enemy soldiers in the mothership were attracted to the past, Alan and the others felt unimpeded.

As Alan left, Karin's feelings for him gradually disappeared. But as long as Alan is in this mothership, Karin is confident that he can find him. But by no means now, this is not a good time. Like just now, she wanted to give Alan a cold shot. Unexpectedly, the human girl next to her was so powerful, not only was she aware of her breath, but she bounced off her full-strength kinetic energy bomb with a single blow.

Looking back now, the girl's uniform and the star on the epaulettes all showed her status as a major general of the Federation. It was just how a major general could get on the mothership, Karin became more and more confused, and simply marked Glenn and Ohm as incompetent. If it weren't for their incompetence, how could a federal major general enter the mothership? Every general is an enemy that absolutely needs attention. If a major general can swagger into the mothership, then even if he sees the Federal Marshal, Karin will probably not be surprised.

If it wasn't for Glenn's incompetence, then Karin might have killed Allen with a single shot. After all, he looked so weak, so weak that he seemed to be pinched to death at any time.

The more Karin thought about it, the more she hated Glenn and Ohm.

At this moment, the side of the passage where she was running was arched without warning, followed by metal fragments and the many electric boards and cables on the wall interlayer. Countless fragments carried fierce energy, and smashed towards Karin happily. Karin let out a soft cry, and the person moved to the side. At the same time, two beam knives on the outside of the thigh came into his hand, dancing out two ball of knives, and blasting the fallen fragments.

Don't glance at her during her busy schedule, and saw a tall figure rushing out from the wall. Suddenly a big hand peeked out of the debris and debris, passed Karin's knife light, and strangled her neck heavily. Then she pushed hard, pressing her back, and finally slammed her head against the wall. Raising that hand down, Karin had to support her toes to prevent her body from hanging in the air.

Only now did she see the owner of this hand. It was an extremely burly, strong giant. He was like a building made of rocks, and the breath radiating from the whole person made Karin feel depressed and uncomfortable. The strength on the palm of the opponent almost suffocated her, her eyes fell on the giant's grinning face, Karin reluctantly said: "Master Ohm, what are you doing?"

Ohm the Destroyer let out a nasty giggle from his throat, his eyes rolled up, all of them looked at Karin. In an instant, Karin felt like being stared at by more than a dozen ohms at the same time, and the feeling was creepy. Then Ohm said, "This is a good question, Scourge Blade? Miss Karin? How would you like me to call you? But it doesn't matter, the key is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ why you are on the mothership. I don't remember this. You are a woman in the ship’s list!"

Ohm's hand lifted up a little bit again, this is such a small distance, but Karin's toes completely left the ground. Karin had to step on the wall, using the strength to support her body so as not to really suffocate. She still smiled and said, "Whether you believe it or not, in fact, Lord Glenn invited me to board the boat."

"This joke is not funny at all." Ohm shook his head and said, "How do you think I found you? Yes, I already knew Glenn was killed by you. Although you did it cleanly, I don't know what you used. The way to kill the bastard. But I can’t read it wrong, besides, if you didn’t kill Glenn, it would be impossible for him to let you equip the dark trial."

Karin still said: "This is actually a misunderstanding. If you are willing to let me down, I am willing to explain to you in detail. And you see, I can also provide you with some special services. I guarantee that these services are even Lord Lun has not tried it either."

Ohm looked like he was moved, and he reached out his other hand through Karin's skirt and squeezed her hips hard. Karin groaned quite cooperatively, and then gazed at the burly giant in front of her with winks.


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