Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 836: Repair injury

"No wonder Glenn likes you, you do have a taste." Ohm let go of his big hand slightly, and Karin's body slid against the wall. Karin smiled, as long as this big guy is interested in her body, then things have not reached the point where they cannot be turned. However, just as the toes touched the ground, Ohm suddenly bent her knees and slammed them, and the strong knees hit Karin's lower abdomen, almost breaking her waist with the tremendous force. Karin shook violently all over, and she arched her body involuntarily. There was a sweetness in his throat, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then he looked at the giant in shock.

Ohm grabbed her hair with a grin and raised her head and said, "But don't think of me as Glenn, you slut. Don't I know who you are? Yes, you Well done, I almost wanted to **** you just now. But Glenn got your trick while doing you, right?"

"I wouldn't make such a mistake, if I were to ride you. I would kill you first, and then check if any abnormal operations have been done in your place. I guess there must be, otherwise how can I get the qualification? That guy Lun. So you see, maybe you should use your mouth to serve me. At least there shouldn’t be anything biting in your mouth. Oh, you still have teeth, but unfortunately those little things probably can’t bite. Move my big guy. On the contrary, they can make a little fun!" Ohm lifted Karin and slammed her in the chest. Despite the armor protection, the impact force violently shook her body through the armor, causing her to spray another blood on Ohm's face.

Ohm wiped his face, stuck out his tongue and licked Karin's blood, and then drank: "The blood of a **** is disgusting!"

Suddenly, there was a masterpiece of Biguang. It turned out that the energy gun behind the pitch black trial rose, and a ball of bicolor light bombarded Ohm's muzzle. Ohm's face changed, and Karin quickly let go. The other hand swept the energy bomb, detonating the group of blue light between the two. The impact of the explosion still flew the bullet out of the size of Ohm, and then the dismal green flames washed around the channel like flowing water. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Karin stretched out her hand to catch it, and the two beam knives on the ground fell back into her hands.

She gave Ohm a hard look, but chose to rush to the left. Ohm roared: "Stop her!" At the same time, he put his hands on the ground and bounced like a solid shot.

Two Gryian giants flashed out from the fork in the front, both raising their arms at Karin and banging. Karin flew with two knives, and passed them in a flash. She kept walking, and quickly swept away. The two Gryian giants froze in place, and then flashes of light appeared on their arms, chest and thighs, and eventually their bodies were dislocated and broken into several pieces. The wound surface was so smooth that blood and internal organs did not gush out until it fell to the ground!

"Stupid." Ohm scolded and looked again. Karin had disappeared at the corner of the passage. He was not good at speed and knew that he could not catch up, so he hit the wall with a punch. Smashing this wall into a distortion, Ohm yelled in the direction of Karin's disappearance: "Flee, bitch! You have to pray, pray not to let me catch. Otherwise I will smash your belly with my fist. , And **** you with my big guy!"

With another roar, Ohm lifted his foot and knocked down the wall completely. He was breathing heavily, and a bloodtooth warrior came up tremblingly: "Master Ohm, maybe you have to look at this."

He handed a tablet brain to Ohm's eyes, and the giant picked up the little thing with two fingers. On the screen, a scene of several Belmods fighting with a group of Catu soldiers was playing. The bloodtooth warrior said: "These invaders are surprisingly powerful, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to intercept them. We need support. ,grown ups."

"Waste!" Ohm's **** clamped hard, and the tablet was scrapped. He just threw it away: "Don’t bother me with this kind of bad thing, and ask Olkira to help you. I still have important things to do. Tell Olkira, if I can’t see the intruders’ The corpse, let him meet me with his head."

The bloodfang warrior showed joy, and Olquila was a high-ranking Titan. Even if it can't reach the height of Ohm and Glenn, it is already the advanced combat power on board. After the bloodfang warrior left, Ohm began to mobilize the giant soldiers on the ship. He wanted to cast a big net to completely catch Karin. For Ohm, his compatriots are really worthy soldiers. As for the Catu, they are nothing but cheap cannon fodder.

In the values ​​of giants, mice like Belmod who don't know how to get on the mothership naturally have to be dealt with by cannon fodder. Sending an Olquilla is already a trivial matter, and the expeller's mind is all on Karin. Otherwise, if he had just watched more carefully, especially the part of the scene about Catherine, perhaps Ohm would have to consider going out on his own.

But now he just wants to catch Karin and use all the cruel ways he knows to realize it on that woman.

When the automatic door opened, Allen saw two pools of blood on the ground. The bloodstain hasn't even clotted yet, and it looks like it should have been there soon. I couldn’t help but frowned and looked at Catherine. The latter said in a relaxed tone: “It seems that something happened here, but this is great. In this way, it’s hard for the giants to guess that we are here because it’s right. For them, this is just a psychological blind spot."

They are now in a medical room on the top floor of the mothership. Catherine used a tactical board to directly hack the alarm system of the medical room and crack the threshold code. Seeing her proficiency, Alan was glad that she was here. If it were his own, he would probably only be able to brute force it. In this way, in addition to going on the battlefield, the Federation general seems to have to master many skills.

Allen didn't know they were in Glen's private medical room. The equipment here is almost the best on the mothership, especially the body repair machine, controlled by the brain, capable of performing thousands of different operations. As Alan scanned the room, Catherine had connected the tactical board to the brain of the repair machine. Since this terminal only managed the repair machine and did not connect to the mothership's network, she was not afraid of being discovered by the giant.

Soon, Catherine had cracked the system of the repair machine and obtained most of the permissions. This was enough for her, after all, those surgical projects that needed to use Glenn's genetic recognition to be able to start, for Catherine were not used at all. On the tactical board, the system of the repair machine has been re-engraved on the screen, and the operation menus for major parts of it have been deciphered. Even Catherine can operate quite conveniently.

After a while, the top cover of the repair machine was raised, revealing the debugging slot inside. Catherine said to Ellen, "Take off your clothes and go in."

Allen shrugged and did not refuse. Take off the suit and close-fitting armor with the fastest speed, and then get into the debugging slot. The tuning slot used to heal the giant was obviously too big for Allen, lying in it, like sleeping on a big bed. As the top cover was closed, the debugging slot was dark at first, and then a faint blue light began to light up.

At this time, the skin seemed to feel cold, but the spray holes around it began to inject the nutrient base liquid into the tank. They quickly spread over Allen's body. These nutrient solutions are rich in oxygen, and people can breathe freely even if they are immersed in them. Allen wrapped in the nutrient solution, as if returning to his mother's womb, like a baby immersed in amniotic fluid, he gradually relaxed.

When people relax, those fighting scenes, those beliefs that have to be maintained, seem to be extremely remote. At this moment, Allen could only hear his own heartbeat, which was the voice most loyal to him. Several beams of blue light moved in the trough. It was the operation item that the brain began to scan Alan's body to confirm his race, analyze his injuries, and finally provide reference for the operator.

Soon, Catherine, who was outside the repair machine, saw rows of data.

Target race: human male.

Injury analysis: severely damaged blood vessels and moderately damaged organs.

Recommended surgery: complete repair.

Catherine showed a thoughtful expression. The repair machine of this Gly clan mothership even had human information stored in it, which was a bit unexpected to her. In other words, this repair machine can provide services for humans. Just what kind of people will appear on the mothership of the Gelai tribe and enjoy the right to heal their wounds? She shook her head. It's not the time to think about this problem. Catherine followed Zhi Brain's suggestion and knocked on the option of complete repair.

The system quickly gives a time: 30 minutes.

Not long, but not too short. But it was much faster than Alan recovering on her own, and Catherine exhaled, and she suddenly felt tired. The wound on the waist was even hotter, and using this as an opportunity, various parts of the body desperately sent her uncomfortable reminders. She took the scorpion gun and sat down in a corner where she could look across the room. Suddenly, her face changed, and a mouthful of blood came out uncontrollably.

This blood fell on the ground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, as if it contained high temperature, it scoffed and scoffed the metal floor. Looking from the light of the room, Catherine's blood was spit out with a mottled blue halo. She couldn't help smiling bitterly, and forcibly absorbed the source power of the high-level Titans, and the bad consequences had already begun to appear. The source power that was directly absorbed without conversion, although it had filled up Catherine's previous consumption in a short time.

But that kind of energy was too overbearing, and Catherine was like stuffing a high-capacity nuclear fuel cell into her belly. It is sufficient in terms of capacity, but its nature is harmful. Even the general level of physical fitness is too much to bear. Catherine shook her head, holding the gun in her hand, looking at the direction of the repair machine.

This is not her style.

Her style should be as patience as a king snake, and seize the opportunity to kill with one blow. Instead of absorbing the Titan's source power casually, and then finding Alan as if rushing to death. Catherine said to herself that it was something she had promised Lucy, and there were elements of Ruson's order in it. But she knew that the eagerness to find Ellen was the key role.

She laughed at herself, not like she said before, she didn't care about the man's life or death. In fact, quite the opposite.


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