Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 838: design diagram

Catherine hadn't been so relaxed in a long time.

As far as she can remember, life is like a bad dog, always chasing behind her ass. Every day has to be trembling, and every night don't think of falling asleep peacefully. Especially after being caught back to the nest by the king snake for several days, Catherine never closed her eyes. When he was too sleepy, he used a sharp and sharp stone to cut a hole in his hand to resist the sandman by pain.

Even after being taken away by Lu Sen, there is always a dagger that can be caught at any time by the pillow every night. After she became a general, the dagger was replaced with a scorpion gun. She was insecure, and she had never been so relieved physically and mentally. The corner of her mouth immersed in the nutrient solution unconsciously pulled out an arc, and then she seemed to suddenly realize something. She frowned, and after a while, her eyes suddenly opened.

For a moment, Catherine didn't know where she was. It wasn't until I saw the top cover of the repair machine that I remembered that my unconscious predecessor was in the medical room of the enemy ship, and then I thought of Allen. But then he was relieved, since he was in the repair machine, needless to say, Alan must have put her in.

At this time, the repair machine began to drain the nutrient solution, and the screen of the brain showed the message that the repair has been completed. Then the top cover opened, Catherine gently took off the sensor on her body and stepped on the repair machine. The calf that fell on the ground, the nutrient solution dripped down the smooth muscles, and the curve outlined was enough to turn a man into a beast. Catherine didn't mind her body being exposed to the air, and even hoped that Allen could appreciate her vigorous body at the moment.

However, it was not Allen's scorching eyes that greeted him, but a towel. Catherine took it casually and hid the thrilling picture deeply. She wiped her body with a towel and saw Alan staring at her tactical board. This is really outrageous. Every beautiful woman cannot tolerate this kind of neglect, especially when they show the proudest posture. So Catherine snorted, but the next moment, she was stunned.

When did she subconsciously want to attract this man's attention, is this still the death **** Catherine?

Hearing her dissatisfied voice, Alan raised his head and apologized: "I'm so absorbed in my eyes, how do you feel?"

Catherine's heart beats vigorously for a few times, and she quickly turned her face away, not wanting Alan to see her embarrassing appearance at the moment. She vaguely said: "Very good. I had absorbed the source power of the high-tier Titans to supplement the consumption, but there were too many impurities in it. Now it seems that all should be discharged, so I am fine."

"Don't do this in the future, just absorb the source power that has never been transformed. This is too dangerous." Allen shook his head.

"Got it." Catherine whispered, suddenly wondering why she became so low-pitched. He raised his head immediately and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Some strange things, I think I probably know what this mothership does." Allen shook her tactical board: "You downloaded some things from the mothership's system, except for the previous plan. Besides, there are some other materials. I just browsed through it in idle time, and found some interesting things."

"What is it?" Catherine was aroused by curiosity, she walked over and picked up the clothes lying on the floor. His face flushed slightly and said, "You turn around."

Allen felt weird and was in Rin that day

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) In the underground of Frost Star, they have a relationship due to the influence of the crystal python's body fluid. At that time, it wasn't necessarily that Catherine was so easily shy. On the contrary, she even fought him hard and ended the alternative battle with absolute victory. But now, she didn't even dare to change clothes in front of his eyes. Although seeing no evil is a quality that every gentleman should have, Alan always feels that she has changed a little.

Thinking about returning, he still did as Catherine said. Then there was a soft sound of wearing clothes from behind, which made him unable to concentrate. Staring at the tactical board, his head involuntarily described a group of girls changing clothes based on the severity, frequency and nature of the sound. Allen hated his senses for the first time, but he was helpless.

After a while, Catherine wrapped the Yingying calf into the army boots, and the attitude of the whole person changed again, becoming the original female general galloping on the battlefield. She walked back to Ellen, with a brutal three-pointer, and reached out to pick up the tactical board from Ellen. Allen did not guard against her, and the tactical board suddenly changed hands. But after thinking about it carefully, he didn't even see Catherine's movements clearly.

Although the alert was pulled to the lowest level in front of her, but even how Catherine succeeded is not clear, it would be a little bit unreasonable. It can be said that Allen didn't react until the tactical board disappeared. If Catherine didn't take the tactical board, but stabbed him, would she wait until after the knife was hit? Thinking about it this way, I don't know if it is Catherine's diligence, or she has hidden her strength, or both?

As if knowing what he was thinking, Catherine said lightly, "What's so strange? We so-called strong men are able to react to the enemy's attack, mostly because of the murderous intent of the opponent. I just I didn't want to write about you, you naturally didn't notice anything strange."

"Not murderous?" Alan seemed to have discovered something, and just thought about it. Catherine looked at the tactical board, and the two did their own things, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little strange. After a while, Allen sighed and said: "I lived with wolves when I was young. Snow wolves would always hide patiently when hunting prey, looking for opportunities. It was not until they shot that the prey was alert. This made Xue Xue Wolves have repeatedly succeeded. This is the nature of wolves and their natural ability. They are excellent hunters, not only will they reduce their aura, but also their murderous intent. I have lived with them for five years, but it is only now. Discover the essence of their hunting."

Catherine's lips curled up, and she smiled lightly: "It's not too late to know now, not to mention that this kind of thing is easy to know and difficult to do. It's easy to release momentum and murder, but it's not that simple to be able to release and retract. But if you can do it The murderous aura is revealed only moments before the shot, and unless the level ranks you too much, you will be invincible at the same level."

"It's not easy, but finally knows a direction to work hard, which is not bad." Allen laughed. If he can really do not let down, then the opponent will not be able to sense it. Even if you can swipe a knife and keep your edge introverted, then even if your opponent faces you, it is impossible to predict the position and angle of his blade. At that time, how do you defend against this invisible knife?

But to reach that height, Alan has a long way to go. He restrained his excitement and looked at Catherine again: "How is it, did you find anything?"

"You should be referring to these

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) A design sketch, right? "Catherine laid the tactical board flat on the ground, and several drawings were opened on the screen. There were draft designs of several machines, apart from other papers. The first sketch listed by Catherine was a ship. The concept map of the mothership. The shape is similar to the mothership they are on at the moment. There are many explanations in foreign languages, as well as the segmentation diagrams of some important parts.

Allen nodded and said, "Yes, look at the mothership in the drawing. It looks very similar to the one we are currently on board. Look, these thorns and faces. Then look at this one..."

He stretched out his hand a little, and another drawing expanded and appeared on the screen. There is still a mothership on it, but the armor and the mask have been separated, and some new devices have been installed. Allen pointed to these devices and said, "What do you think they look like?"

Catherine looked at it and said suddenly: "Engine?"

But he shook his head again: "No, the mothership doesn't need so many engines."

"No, I think it's exactly like you said, it's some engines. Look here..." He called up the third drawing, which was a partial drawing of the starship engine. Allen said: "Now this mothership has been modified, and these engine devices are obviously manufactured and can be used for later installation. Also here, this modified mothership has something more besides the engine. ."

Allen transferred back to the second sketch of the mothership. In the sketch, there were some huge grooves on the mothership. Allen raised his head and looked at Catherine and said, "If the engine components can be assembled, can this mothership also be assembled on something~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These grooves, I think it should be some kind of joint mouth."

Catherine was startled: "According to you, this mothership is also part of some kind of machine. In that case, how big is that machine? And what would it be?"

"Then I don't know. After all, the information you can download is very limited. But I guess, assuming that the mothership is part of some kind of machine, then its job is probably like a propeller. And these Don’t you think that the engines installed in the later stage can adjust the direction? Someone wants to transform the mothership into a sophisticated propeller."

Catherine was speechless, and needed to use the mothership to push things, how big is that? After all, this mothership alone is already a kilometer long!

"I always feel like I'm involved in something big. I hate this feeling." Catherine said, then flipped through the other drawings. The remaining drawings have nothing to do with the mothership. Two of them are about some kind of complicated ring device, which can not be seen by Catherine. The other ones are design drawings that resemble electronic circuits. To Catherine, they are more like ghost symbols.

At this time Allen said: "We should go to Belmode and them."

Catherine then remembered that the time she and Alan had spent before and after repairing their injuries had been more than an hour. Let alone an hour, even one minute is enough for a lot of things to happen. After all, this is on the enemy's territory. Catherine mentioned the scorpion gun and sickle: "I hope your friends will not be caught."

"If that's the case, then I can only consider killing their commander." Allen said calmly, but he couldn't see the half-part joke in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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