Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 839: Knot

"They didn't chase."

In the material warehouse at the bottom of the mothership, a cloud of black mist quietly burst out. Belmode stepped out of the shadow channel and nodded to the others: "It seems we have successfully dumped them. For the time being, the other party shouldn't expect us to return to the warehouse."

He looked up again, looked at the broken electric eyes in the corner and said, "But they will always find out, it's just a matter of time."

"We can completely avoid those monitors and enter the warehouse from a blind spot. We have never done this kind of thing." Lola laughed. When their tribe invaded the production base of Takasugi City, they sent the elite and strong men of the tribe. Sneak in quietly, paralyzing the defense of the base from the inside. Laura took part in the action, and had a lot of experience on how to avoid the monitor.

Belmode smiled and said, "No, if that's the case, it won't be able to attract enemy soldiers."

"Attracting attention?" Laura seemed to guess Belmode's thoughts.

Tarikova said, "You must be troubled enough."

"I can't say that. Look, Master and General Catherine have been away for so long and there is no message coming back. I think it will take longer to repair the injury than previously expected, so we have to fight for them more. Time is up. But we are actually at a disadvantage, and there is no chance of winning with a head-on. Therefore, we can only play hide and seek with them."

Laura nodded and said, "This is a way." She paused for a while, and a hesitant look flashed in her eyes, but she quickly made up a certain determination and gritted her teeth: "What is the relationship between the Federation general and Alan?"

Belmode didn't hide it from her, anyway, it was a moment of concealment, and he said directly: "Master and General Catherine have a good impression of each other, I think they will eventually come together. Besides, Ai There is also a Royal Highness Lucy beside Master Lun."

Laura's eyes changed slightly, and she smiled reluctantly: "A man with ability always attracts women's favor, just like men in our tribe, there are usually several women in the same reason. I'm fine, at least it proves that I have a good vision. ."

Belmode nodded, and now choose to make Laura prepare early so that she can find or decide her position next to Alan. She is now Allen's follower, and her life is bound to Allen. If nothing happens, this Hulma woman will follow Alan on an expedition to the Boundless Star Road. Belmode also does not want an unsolvable knot between her and Alan.

Hubble, who had been slumbering with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Here is the funny guy!"

The words fell apart, and a faint field of force flowed from the warehouse from the outside to the inside like flowing water. Everyone who came into contact with the force field couldn't help but froze. In this brief moment, the walls of the warehouse quietly disintegrated. Some people outside the warehouse didn't see clearly, only a domineering and fierce sword light burst out.

Almost at the same time, Hubble held his hands on the ground. The metal ground immediately sank silently, and the force field acting on Hubble was forcibly shattered. With a smirk on his mouth, the Catu man raised his fist and blasted towards the sword light. He even charged up a little bit, and then smashed into the blade like a heavy cannon. The bright blade light suddenly became flickering, and the Belmode people heard a muffled hum, and then the stiffness on their bodies disappeared.

Following Alan's south and north controversies, Belmode's combat experience is also extremely rich. Knowing that Hubble's punch has completely attracted the opponent's attention, he can no longer be distracted and use the force field to contain them. Belmode stepped forward, and the lines of the night hunter on his armor lit up, and two silk lights suddenly rose up like streamers. The light on his body dimmed, and the shadow of a wing quickly passed across the body, and the black magic wings spread!

In an instant, Belmode entered his best fighting state, and he was lost in a flash and left. Almost at the same time, a dull explosion sounded outside the warehouse, and the fog was tumbling. It was obviously Belmode's handwriting.

At this time, Hubble retreated, and he smashed the opponent's full-strength knife with a punch. Under the force of the source, he felt that the opponent's strength was not under him. This punch and one knife even divided the autumn colors, and then the force of the counter shock pushed him away. This was a law of physics that even he couldn't violate, he just stepped back, and a wild breath rushed up behind him. Then Lola, who had turned into a half-orc, dragged the huge sword and flashed past him. Lola turned into leopard pupils and locked her eyes tightly to a tall figure behind the wall. There was Belmode's mist and fire near this figure. Rising.

She crashed into the fog without hesitation, and then there was a dull crash. Every hit is low to the extreme, as if it can hit the depths of the soul. The passage outside the warehouse was already occupied by a team of Catu fighters. However, the shock waves generated by the collision in the fog and fire made them dizzy, weakened and unable to participate in the battle.

At this moment, a giant python mimicked by fog and fire swam silently. The fog python rushed towards the soldier, and when it passed by, a dark fog fire ignited all over the Catu soldier. The temperature of the fog fire is not as hot as the blazing bomb fired by Alan's blazing flames, but it is not as open and blooming like an ordinary flame. Instead, it tries hard to get into the pores, ears and noses of the Cato soldiers. Every time the foggy python passed, the Cato soldiers lit up the flames. In less than two seconds, they disappeared cleanly, but the soldier's expression was extremely painful, and from time to time a dark mist or two spewed from his mouth.

The mist and fire invading the body will burn their internal organs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unless they are forced out with the source force, they can only be burned alive, and the process is not short-lived. This is Belmode's new ability after being promoted to level 19. It is obviously not enough to deal with the strong, but it is very effective to harvest low-level soldiers in pieces.

The huge figure who was fighting against Laura let out an angry roar, and he didn't expect Belmode to let him go to kill the ordinary soldiers. Although the Catuans were some cannon fodder in his eyes, Belmod did so in front of him and simply did not put him in his eyes. He forced Lola away, slashed at Belmode's fog python, and the fog python halted immediately. Then it was separated in the center, and then burned head and tail, disappearing into the air.

Belmode snorted, and squirted blood from his mouth. The other party cut off the fog python with a knife, and through the connection between the two, it lightly made him a record, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone. At this time, the fire and fog in the passage dissipated, and the corpses of twenty or so Catu were lying all around. But in the field, a tall figure stood like a mountain. Only then did the Belmods realize that it was the Dark Titan who attacked them.

This dark titan is of medium size, with several oval spars floating around the body. The halo from the spar spreads over the giant's body like mist, and the giant holds an alloy long knife in his hand. The blade is two meters long, the blade is slightly curved, and there are lightning-like turning lines on it.


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