Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 841:  Space Cemetery


Catherine and Allen almost raised their heads and looked in the direction of the material warehouse. As soon as they left the medical room, they felt the collision of the source force coming from that direction. Catherine perceives it, and Ellen feels that Hubble’s source of energy is fluctuating because of the connection with the follower.

"It seems that they are fighting against each other's strong." Catherine frowned: "It seems we have to go back."

"No, the winner has already been decided." Allen shook his head and said.

Catherine looked him up and down: "Could it be that your perception is more acute than mine, otherwise how do you know the result?"

"It's a long story." Allen smiled and said perfunctorily: "Anyway, they have already decided the victory or defeat, we still go directly to the power room. Can you send a message to my portable brain to tell them to meet in the power room? "

"Of course you can." Catherine didn't ask, she directly sent a message to Allen's brain using the tactical board. After the data was sent, she snorted: "You have a lot of secrets. Sooner or later, I will dig them out."

Seeing her serious look, Alan couldn't laugh or cry: "Then wait for it later."

Do not leave the two.

Outside a fighting practice area on the second floor of the mothership, Ohm showed up at the gate with a few Grameen giants and a Catu team. Ohm waved his hand, and the Catu soldiers rushed in first. Following the dim practice field, there was a series of energy beams shooting at each other, the Gry giant behind the expeller also rushed in, and finally it was Ohm himself. But when he crashed into the practice range, he happened to see Karin skimming from the exit on the other side at high speed, and suddenly roared: "Bitch, I see how long you can run!"

Karin said sarcastically: "If you were willing to work hard, I wouldn't be able to run. Unfortunately, you care about yourself too much, big man."

Ohm's face was deep, and he heard Karin's voice all the way away, but did not refute. Indeed, as Karin said, in the past few encounters, if Ohm was willing to fight for injuries, perhaps Karin would have been left long ago. But Karin is now wearing Glenn's Dark Trial, which Ohm is very familiar with. Let alone the beam knife and the electromagnetic gun, the energy gun behind the armor shoulder is extremely powerful. It was shot at close range by Karin before. Ohm has already suffered some injuries. He doesn't want to get closer. One more shot from the distance.

What's more, Karin's abilities are very strange, and Ohm doesn't want to fight her head-on without knowing it. Even Glenn listened to her, and Ohm became more cautious. At this time, the giant's body shook, but he felt the violent shock of Ol'Qila's source power, and then his breath continued to drop. After a while, the breath of Ol'Qira had completely disappeared. Ohm's expression was dull for a moment, and he couldn't believe that the powerful man sent to intercept and kill several invaders actually took his own life?

The passage outside the warehouse was devastated. At least 80% of the Catu fighters fell, all of them were shaken to death by the strong collision between Hubble and Olsla. Belmode turned ugly, but Lola simply hugged Talikova in her arms and used her tyrannical body to block the girl's fatal shock. Looking at the scene again, Hubble and the Giant stand tall. Olquila's sword slashed deep into Hubble's left hand, almost cutting his hand off, the long knife stuck in Hubble's arm bone, and the giant was never seen to be pulled out.

Olquila lowered her head with difficulty, looking at Hubble’s right hand and the black palm

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) of the flames. This bright flame penetrated his chest, completely annihilating the crystal nucleus in his body in a torrent of terrifying energy. He wanted to say something, but in the end Olquila didn't have time to say anything, and he fell to the ground. The tall body fell down like a mountain, but it pressed several Cato fighters who were too late to escape.

At this time, Hubble drew off the long knife embedded in his hand, and blood flowed immediately. He hummed, his swollen body began to contract, and at the same time he rolled up the wound muscles to stop the bleeding. Belmode walked over, smeared his hand with mist and fire, sealing the wound for him. But for the time being, his arm can't be used, otherwise the injury will be enlarged. At this time, the brain sounded the voice of receiving the message, and Bellmode turned on the brain, and there was a message on it: go to the main power room.

He put away his brain, and said to several people: "It's time to go."

Hubble picked up Olquila's long knife and waved it a few times. He was very satisfied with the weight of the long knife and took it away now. As for the remaining Catu people, long after Olquila fell, they quietly retreated, leaving only a corpse.

Ten minutes later, Ohm the Destroyer brought the soldiers to the scene. When he saw Olquila's body, the giant slammed a fist against the wall in anger. The wall immediately sank, and a wave of turbulence like a water wave began to spread. The wall was arched and cracked around the place where the fist was dropped, finally forming a radial crack.

The air seemed to condense, and the surrounding Gelai giants and Catu soldiers dared not move, for fear of being used by Ohm as a tool for anger. It was not until the giant sighed that the air in the passage resumed its flow. Ohm walked over, picked up Olkira's body, and said to the others: "Clean up the scene, I will see Olkira's battle later. At least, I want to know who killed him. , How did he kill him again!"

A giant nodded solemnly.

In the boundless universe, the mothership glided past like a big fish. At this time, the hatch under the hull opened, and Ohm flew out of the hull, floating in space. He slowly let go of the corpses of his men, leaving Olquila floating in outer space. Ohm said solemnly: "Goodbye, my friend. This space is your graveyard, and only it is worthy of your identity..."

Olquila's body was pushed by Ohm and began to drift away. The destroyer turned resolutely and flew back into the mothership. The mothership's engine was brilliantly flamed, leaving the star sea at a constant speed. In the star sea, the giant's corpse drifted farther and farther, and finally disappeared in the depths of the star sea.

From here, the super planet of Eden is only the size of a grain of rice, and the distance between the mothership and the planet is unknown. At this time, in the Garden of Eden, the sound of thunder over the Twilight Continent was endless. Even if it is thousands of kilometers apart, you can see a cloud of fire burning in the northern sky! In the void, there is a constant stream of flames pouring down like warmth. They hung to the ground, forming a sea of ​​fire in the continuous mountainous area.

In the sea of ​​flames, the enemy and our soldiers have entered a series of **** battles, but it is still difficult to distinguish the outcome. Above the sky, from time to time, airships fell with flames, creating fireballs on the already riddled ground. But regardless of the ground or the sky, the battle between the two battlefields is fierce. But still not as strong as the top powerhouses of the two camps under the clouds.

The flames above the sea of ​​clouds are brilliant, and the flames are visible for thousands of miles. The clouds and mists underneath are driven by the invisible but intense air currents.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) A giant storm with a radius of hundreds of kilometers formed at high altitude. In this storm, the fire is flowing horizontally and the green electricity is rushing. There was a thunder and a loud sound, and there were thousands of weather. In the battle circle of that top powerhouse, except for the two sides, there is no room for other people to intervene.

A violent roar suddenly sounded in the storm, and a blue thunder pierced the storm and flashed diagonally toward the ground for a few kilometers. The green lightning fell to the halfway, splitting like an iron tree silver flower, forming thousands of turns of lightning, sweeping through a natural canyon. After the electric light disappeared, fire waves suddenly surged in the canyon, the rocks melted, and the rock mass collapsed. The landform of this several kilometer-long canyon was deformed. Seen from the air, a fire snake was winding and burning, and the flame remained unextinguished for a long time.

As if this blue thunder poured out the energy in the storm, the storm above the sky had the potential to calm down. At the same time, the alien armies in the sky and the ground seemed to have received the same order, and they began to move away in an orderly manner. The golden lion side also stopped pursuing with tacit understanding and rested on the spot. After all, the foreign army’s vitality is at the end of the day, and rash pursuit will not bring any benefit.

At this time, at the center of the fading storm. Capro slammed into suit, his cloak violently moved. He held the Absolute Voice and sniped heavily, and snorted coldly in the face of the void: "It turns out that Crosea is also a cowardly child, so I dare not tell the victory or defeat with me, an old man?" The voice spread in the sky, and It spreads farther and farther. When he got far away, he couldn't hear Caprow clearly, but the roar like thunder gradually faded away.

But Capro knew that Crosea would hear every word clearly.

Sure enough, there was a roar in the void: "Capro, it's not that I'm afraid of you, but that this battle is meaningless. Of course, if you are so anxious to find death, you can go to Silverwind Continent to find me, and I will do it for you. Hold a grand funeral!"

The voice was close at hand, but Capulo knew that the hatred giant was gone. It's just that he condensed his voice into a bunch with his powerful source power. Across the long distance, release and restore in this space. Capro snorted, but he didn't plan to pounce on Silverwind Continent like this.

The alien coalition came suddenly, and it went even more unpredictable. In addition to the Black Rock Fortress, there are still remaining enemy forces entangled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Crosea and his main force have already evacuated cleanly. The Golden Lion rested on the spot. After the flat land blasted out by the mothership was discovered, it was used as a berthing point for the Golden Lion, and the rest of the fleet returned first. Only one part of the ground army remained in order to clear the battlefield.

Caprow stood on this flat ground, his eyebrows furrowed. There is a hill piled on the flat ground, which is the many pieces of equipment that the soldiers cleared and searched on the flat ground. Adjutant Weiser handed a brain brain to Caprow and said: "Preliminary analysis has been carried out. These things are the wreckage of engineering equipment. According to the spectral composite imaging, an alien mothership stayed here and accepted it. Modification. It’s just that the purpose of the modification is unknown, and the mothership is even more unknown."

"The enemy doesn't do anything meaningless. It seems that everything doesn't make sense, but it's just that we haven't figured out their true meaning." Capulo asked again: "How is the situation on the Black Rock critical side?"

"It's okay. The enemy seems to have just sent a forward army. The purpose should be to contain the Black Rock Fortress and attract our attention. Perhaps including Crosea, their purpose is to cover the modified mothership. "The adjutant said worriedly.

(End of this chapter)


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