Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 842:  The disappearing mothership

[Happy Christmas Eve! ]

The air suddenly became dignified, and Capulo looked in the direction of the withered wasteland. The line of sight seemed to pass through a heavy mountain, across the wasteland, across the strait, and landed on a corner of the Silver Wind Continent. There was Crosea in that corner, and this giant, or this alien coalition force, was obviously planning some kind of plan. Kaprow believed that the mothership was the relationship, otherwise it would be unnecessary for Crosea to arrange the battle.

He even used himself as a bait to firmly attract Capro. And until the mothership left, Crosea ended the battle hastily. As for why the mothership chose to be transformed in the Twilight Continent, Capro didn't have to think about it. It was because of fear of the people of Idahua.

"I was underestimated..." Capulo sighed in a voice that he could only hear.

At this time, Zhinao sounded the voice of the communication request, and Capro raised the Zhinao and clicked the icon. Lu Sen's figure appeared on the screen. Seeing this federal admiral, Capro's tight lips lifted slightly and said, "Old friend, what's the matter?"

"Something weird did happen."

"Weird?" Capulo smiled and said, "Then I am curious, what kind of thing it is, you will describe it as weird."

"The Ellen you value ≥∞, and my subordinate Catherine. Not long ago, the signals of the two of them disappeared in the mountainous area where you were fighting, do you think this is weird?" Rusen said in a deep voice.

Capulo looked surprised: "Did they die in battle?" But Xuanshi shook his head: "If they die in battle, the signal won't disappear. Can't you track their location?"

"There is no trace at all, it's almost like disappearing on this planet." Lu Sen said casually.

Capulo seemed to be hit by his words, and he shook his body slightly, saying: "I see!"

He didn't say what he knew, Rusen frowned. Capulo looked at the Golden Lion, where his seat frame was now anchored, and an enemy mothership had been parked not long ago. The mothership was also secretly modified and then left the mountains. If the signals of Alan and Catherine disappeared in the mountains, it is very likely that they boarded the mothership and left the Garden of Eden.

Only in this way can they explain why they lost their signal. Otherwise, the federal satellites will not be able to chase them.

The question now is, where is this mothership going? Could it be that the army of the Yorton Star Territory, their real battlefield is not in the Garden of Eden? Capro can't help thinking, this is too ridiculous!

The mothership that Caprow is currently attached to is sliding in the quiet and desolate space. At this moment, I can no longer see the Garden of Eden, and I don't know where it will eventually go, as if it can continue to advance in this way until the end of the universe.

If the universe has an end.

The destroyer had returned to the mothership and came back to the place where the warehouse was fighting. A Jiufang warrior handed the brain to Ohm tremblingly. The Jiuya warrior is the commander of all Catu people on this ship. But in the world of giants, Ohm would not treat him differently because of this. Just like in a group of ants, one ant is extra strong, but it is also an ant.

The giant took over the brain, and the scene of Olquila's battle was being played on the screen. The picture was recorded by a nearby electric eye, and the picture kept flickering, which was caused by the interference of the source force. It is not difficult to see from the screen that there are a total of four intruders. Olquila and three of them have fought, but the most threatening person in there is a Catu. Seeing this, Ohm roared: "What's the matter?"

He smashed Zhinao heavily on the Jiuya, and the hapless Catu had no time to explain. The Destroyer had reached out his hand to catch the head of the Nine-Tooth Warrior, and then slammed heavily on the wall next to it. Jiuya hit the wall and bounced back. The deporter stepped forward and stepped on him. Ohm roared furiously: "I know you Catu pigs are unreliable, but I haven't thought that you betrayed us, betrayed Crosea Lord! You and the invaders joined forces and killed my most powerful subordinates. I want to report this matter, your Vasak, just wait to bear the anger of Lord Crosea!"

"Please wait." The Nine Tooth Warrior finally had the opportunity to interrupt: "Please look down, sir. That fellow has nothing to do with us."

Ohm snorted and looked at the brain that fell on the ground. The picture on the screen has come to the section where Hubble started the killing mode. In this video, Hubble's body shape has changed drastically, turning into a human-shaped beast. Seeing this, Ohm stepped on the foot of the Cato and lifted it slightly: "Do you Cato still have the ability to change posture?"

The Jiuya smiled bitterly: "You know this is impossible. We are not a race that can change the appearance of our physical signs at any time. That's why I said that that guy has nothing to do with us. Maybe, he just looks like us. It's just one family."

"I hope you didn't lie." Ohm moved his foot completely, kicked Jiuya aside, and said, "I will hunt down this guy myself, if he admits that he is from Catto. Then, this thing is not that way. It's easy to end!"

The giant roared: "Let the control room turn on all the electric eyes on the ship and let them keep an eye on every screen. I want to know where these nasty bugs are now!"

After speaking, many eyes on his body appeared again. After switching between different reconnaissance modes and using them for composite imaging. Several blue-green figures appeared in the passage, and they were Belmode. In the eyes of the giant, these blue and green figures left the passage and deepened towards the front of the mothership. Ohm snorted and strode to keep up. Through the guidance of these composite imaging, coupled with the monitoring of the electric eye. Ohm believed that as long as these intruders were still on the ship, he had no reason to find out.

Unless they leave the mothership, that's impossible.

No matter what, these bugs, I will find them and crush them one by one! There was a grinning smile on Ohm's face.

Two Catu men walked side by side on the passage. They were soldiers in charge of patrolling this area. It was just that the Catu people lacked discipline. At the moment when there were no Glei giants nearby, the two soldiers simply found a corner. Sit down. If the expeller is here, I'm afraid he will vomit blood with anger. But the Catu are such creatures. They can be fearless on the battlefield, but you can't expect them to show iron discipline on weekdays. For these unsophisticated guys, it is impossible to kill them.

A Catu man with a large pattern on his chest took out a piece of jerky from his armor. I don’t know what kind of meat it was made of. The whole piece of jerky was as dark as burnt, but he threw it into his mouth to chew Can afford to work hard. The colleague next to him sighed, "Have you heard about the intruder?"

"That's my business." The guy who was chewing the jerky didn't even speak clearly, and his attitude was even more indifferent. This is normal for the Catu people. If one day the Catu people will start to think about long-term things, it is probably not far from the end of the world.

The companion said: "You should care about it, and then you will be glad that we are not assigned to the team to intercept the intruder."

Chewed the dried meat a few times, and then swallowed it all. He patted his stomach, and the decorated Catu man asked in surprise: "How do you say?"

"Those guys are unlucky, it seems that the invaders are very tricky, and many people have died. It includes a five-tooth and Olkila!"

"Olquila? That arrogant, proud guy is dead?" The decorated soldier almost didn't applaud: "I hate that guy the most. It doesn't look like he doesn't put us in my eyes. No. , Those **** of the Gree clan are like this, I really don't understand why Lord Vasak wants to cooperate with them.

"That's really nothing to do with us. You think, even though Olkira is a bastard, that guy is really good. It's probably under Om and Glenn, even he was killed. If you run into an intruder, you'll probably be frightened, right?"

"Fart, if they bump into me, I will tear them apart and use their heads as my decoration!" The soldier uttered nonsense, and then he laughed.

The ridiculous sound suddenly stopped like being cut by a pair of scissors. The soldier's expression froze, because he saw a human female standing behind his companion. The other party is not too old, even a girl. In human aesthetics, her facial features are all extremely beautiful, but in the beauty they are a bit cold and indifferent, like a thorny rose. The two gray and black pony tails moved gently, evoking some vague memories of the soldiers.

In the impression, he seemed to have seen such a scene somewhere. But he didn't have time to think about it, because the girl was holding a war gun, and the spear easily pierced through her companion's body. The strong physique and heavy steel armor that the Catu were so proud of were nothing before this war gun. The battle spear penetrated the body and armor easily, and the expression of his companion was still frozen for a second, he had not even noticed that the battle spear had entered the body!

The soldiers instinctively wanted to roar and stand up, but their guns advanced. In his eyes, the spear passed through his companion and hit his chest, and then the same thing happened ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ until the heart was broken, the soldier still didn't know how the girl did it . He clearly saw every detail of the whole process, but he couldn't even give a warning, and his life was at the last juncture.

Before the will slipped into the eternal darkness, the soldier finally remembered who these two ponytails belonged to.

It was owned by the Federation Major General, nicknamed Death, a girl named Catherine. And this female general is second only to those generals in the ranking of the Federal Army by the Yorton aliens, and is the first person among major generals!

Soldiers will never be able to figure out why such an important and dangerous person would appear on this mothership, which was originally impossible.

Catherine lightly drew out the gun, then Alan came over, looked at her and said: "It's amazing, you almost appeared in front of him, but when he was dying, he found you. exist."

"This is called the skill of hunting." Catherine's eyes that were like a river of stymi, a rare glimmer of bright color, like the sun breaking through the clouds. Only soon, the light disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.


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