Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 859:  Coolies

[Welcome to join the group, start grabbing red envelopes for New Year's Day at 7 tonight! ]

A team of people headed towards Pier 8. see

The leader of the team is a dark Titan, no magic pattern, just a giant of ordinary battle rank. Behind them are two Gryian giants and a hundred Gato barbarian warriors. In this Death Star base, it is rare to see such a team assembled, not to mention that they are murderous, and they know that they are going to kill the enemy.

Pier 8 arrived in a flash. Before the HMS Pioneer mothership exploded, before the communication system was scrapped, Ohm the Destroyer sent back a message. To recover an escape ship from the Death Star base, bluntly say there is an intruder on the ship. Now the escape ship has been recovered and the mooring dock has been isolated. When this team arrived, the armored gate at Pier 8 was heavily guarded, and the atmosphere was solemn.

"Open the door." The dark titan waved.

A giant in charge of temporarily monitoring the dock breathed a sigh of relief, strode to the console and unlocked the code for the armored gate. The gate rose silently, the lights in the dock mooring warehouse were bright, and the escape ship had been fixed by the gravity device and could not be pulled away. With a wave of the Dark Titan's hand, the Cato fighters dispersed first, forming a three-tier battle formation inside and outside. The two Gregorian giants guarded each side as if they were facing an enemy.

The Dark Titan came out in person, pausing, and the mooring warehouse shook slightly, but he flew up and reached the side door of the ship. The big foot lifted, and when pressed, the armored door fell inward with a bang. The Catu fighters who had been prepared in the back immediately rushed in, but there was no sound of fighting that the Titans expected. After a while, a five-tooth warrior came out, slapped his mouth and said, "Escape."

"Escaped?" The Dark Titan furiously: "How could it be possible that the berth hasn't been opened since the escape ship was recovered. Unless they abandon the ship first and escape, there is space beyond the Death Star. Where can they escape?"

"They made a gap in the bottom of the hull and slipped away."

The eyes of the Dark Titan immediately lit up, and two high-energy beams shot out from the eyes instantly. The beam swept, and a red line appeared on the top of the hull. The Dark Titan pushed with his hand, and the top of the plane turned into a big iron flew out. The giant strode into the hull of the ship. This escape ship was designed for the Cato on the mothership, and it couldn't hold the height of the Dark Titan. As soon as the Dark Titan entered, although the height restriction on the top of the aircraft was missing, the aisles in the ship seemed extremely narrow. As soon as he passed his big foot, the channel walls all fell to both sides, allowing the barbarian warriors in the ship to avoid it.

Came to the cab in a blink of an eye, and a gap was indeed opened here. Below the gap is the ground of the mooring warehouse, which also gives a dark hole. Below, there is already a certain channel of the base, and the electric fire on both sides of the gap is jumping non-stop, and the dark Titan is bursting into flames. The intruder escaped in this way, what did the deporter report when he returned.

Without thinking about it, the Dark Titan shot a beam of light in his eyes again, widening the gap, and then jumped down alone.

As soon as the top of his head crossed the gap in the floor of the mooring warehouse, and before his feet stood firm, the corners of the dark Titan's eyes lit up with red and blue lights. The red light burst, staggered like electricity. Thousands of red lightning entangled and spread, forming a blood forest swept over, attacking his left side. The blue flame on the right simply draws a beautiful half arc, but the arc has no meaning of tranquility, only the arrogant domineering and the determination to divide everything in two!

As a result, the Cato soldiers lying on both sides of the gap in the spaceship heard a chaotic sound from below.

The whistling of active forces collided with each other, there were the screams and screams of the dark Titans, as well as the howls of sharp objects breaking through the air. There are so many flicks that meet each other. Then everything calmed down, and then the Dark Titan retreated from the original road and landed on the spaceship, dripping with blood on his left arm and right chest, dripping down large drops of blood without needing a moment, before drenching the ground. The Five Tooth looked at the dark giant in front of him tremblingly. Only a few seconds later, the giant spit out a sentence: "Notify Lord Beluka, these are not ordinary invaders!"

This is unclear, he has already verified this with the huge wound on his body. It’s a pity that this report hasn’t gone up yet. A strange warship with a deep color and scarlet veins has slowly moved out of the Death Star base. The Fire Demon General of Agareth left the Death Star base with his hand to activate his backup. The plan went.

Now temporarily taking the position of base commander is a high-level Titan. He is Glenn's subordinate. Hearing the report of the battle at Pier No. 8, the dark face of this Titan is now indescribably deep. He hovered above the command hall, closing his eyes and thinking. It took a moment to open his eyes and said, "Dividing out half of the power of the Sky Eye, be sure to catch these mice before Lord Ohm returns to the Death Star."

Someone in the hall agreed, and then he closed his eyes again.


In fact, Ellen's people are more distressed than him, and they just broke into the Mothership Herald. Anyway, Catherine's tactical board can also hack into the mothership's system, and download some information when the opponent's firewall rises, including the plan of the mothership. But in this unnamed base, even if Catherine wanted to repeat the old trick, she walked for a long time without touching a brain terminal.

Right now a few people are running around like blind flies, but fortunately, the base is big, but there are few people. Not to mention that the Gregorian giant has not encountered it, even the barbarian warriors of Catu have never encountered it. After severely wounding the dark titan who had been chasing after death, several people went around for more than ten minutes, only to be sure that they were far away from the port of anchor, but they didn't know where they were.

Allen finally stopped.

Finding a remote corner, Allen shook his head and said: "It's not a way to run around like this."

"Then what's your plan?" Catherine gave him a blank look, and the intention now is that if you can't tell why, just listen to her. Anyway, she is also a general of the Federation, although she is not the master of strategy, her arena is to fight for the crown with one shot and one shot. But I have been in the military for a long time, and I know how to deal with the current situation.

As for the other three people, an assassin, a reckless man who only knows to fight, and two indigenous women who left the Garden of Eden not to mention even Twilight. After all, Alan and Catherine are the only ones who are qualified to make suggestions. The former was originally the backbone of a few people, while the latter was a general who crushed people to death. Whoever listened to it was not bad for the remaining four.

Allen smiled and squeezed Catherine's hand, only feeling weak and boneless, but these white and slender hands used the scorpion gun's unreturned aura, and used the snake and sickle to be determined. When Alan asked that Xueyin was full of agitation, he was also overbearing, but he always felt that he was a bit less benevolent than Catherine.

Catherine squeezed him in a daze, and she didn't know what she was thinking of, her breath softened. Belmode's induction is the most sensitive except Alan and Catherine, and he is aware of it now. It didn't break, but the corners of her mouth were slightly cocked. Suddenly, Catherine looked at him sharply, so Belmode turned away and pretended to stare into the distance.

"I think of two ideas for the time being." Allen converged, Catherine's faint body temperature was still in his fingers, but his mouth said: "One is to return to the port of anchor. This base cannot have only one airship. There must be some return. Let’s take the next one and escape. It’s not difficult to think about it. After all, now they all think we have escaped into the base, and if we go the other way, we will probably be able to receive the effect of a surprise."

Without thinking about it, Catherine asked directly: "The second one."

Alan glanced at her and said lightly: "Catch a person, either the Catu clan or a giant can do it. Ask about the general situation of the base, take the command post, and take the lead. Or don't care about anything, blow it up. Anyway, this It’s all enemy things. The bigger and more secret it is, the less good it is for us. Don’t forget, the destination of that mothership is here. Many precious materials have been transported from the Garden of Eden all over the world. , The importance of this base can be imagined."

"It's the first one." Catherine clapped: "As for us, no matter whether it is robbing the base or blowing it up, it is a bit powerless. God knows if there are any strong people sitting in this space base. No need for more, just come. A Crosea, we are no different from dying."

"I think so." Allen smiled and said, "The second idea is a bit too greedy. In fact, as long as we return to the Garden of Eden safely. Reporting this news is already a great achievement."

Catherine also agreed: "I probably don't have the first-class military merits. I'm mixed with the second-class, it's so-so."

Ask the other four people again, naturally there is no opinion. Allen nodded, and wanted to take the direction of the horses and horses. He heard a sound of beating and cursing: "Go faster, you human monkeys. And you, yes, you dirty Gurita star people. If you don’t do the work well, just wait to be thrown out of the base!"

The sound of footsteps moved from far to near.

This base is empty and huge, and just hiding in the corner of the fork is enough to temporarily hide his figure. Hearing the sound, Alan looked at Catherine immediately, and other people were surprised~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that this space base is not only the Gly Giants and Cato fighters, but other people?

Everyone hides it.

A team will pass by the base channel for the Gregorian giant to pass through, which is a smooth path to the sky for other creatures. This is no longer a tunnel, and it is not much worse than a tunnel. The leader of this team is a five-toothed warrior, guarded by barbarian warriors from Catu on both sides, with swords and guns added to the body, heavy armor and covering, a look of slaughter.

These Catu people were obviously escorts, and the escorts were people of various races. Most of them are human men, ranging from twenty to fifty years old. Everyone is different in appearance, but everyone has a firm face, and the steel aura on their bodies can't be more obvious. They are soldiers of the Federation! Depending on the situation, they should be captured. Few federal soldiers were captured without killing. The blood feud between humans and foreign races did not seep water. They were all accumulated with corpses.

But at this moment, these prisoners are still alive. It's just that everyone relocks and adds to the body, this looks like they are acting as coolies in the base. In addition to the Union soldiers, there are aliens of different appearances, but their number is not as much as the Union soldiers. But this team, to say nothing, had two hundred prisoners, and they didn't know where to **** them.


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