Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 860:  天眼

[Seeking monthly ticket for rewards, and all kinds of support! Three more, wait for more! ]

There was a sudden disturbance in the team.

The alien in the back shot himself into a fight. The cause is unknown, but successfully attracted the attention of the Catu people. Several soldiers yelled forward, trying to separate the fighting coolies. Unexpectedly, he was beaten by a few random punches, but the Catu people had thick skin and a few punches were not serious. But the captives were miserable, and the Catu people beat and kicked almost all the troublemakers.

The people in front were watching the excitement, and the soldiers on both sides asked them to squat down. There was an alien whose skin was azure blue and his whole body was sticky as if he had just been fished out of the water. He was already tall, and on the octopus-like head, a small mouth inhaled fiercely, and his body swelled to a height of seven or eight meters. The aliens who looked like an inflatable doll waved their hands, and drove the two Cato fighters who had jumped up.

The inflated body bounced off the shackles of the hands and feet. These things could control the captive's source force, but could not withstand the squeezing from the physical level. The aliens who had recovered their freedom were even more awe-inspiring. He flicked at a handful of Cato fighters and suddenly shot out dozens of green arrows all over his body. Being hit by these water arrows, the heavy armor melted and the flesh corroded, the Catu people suddenly screamed.

Alan, who was hiding in the dark, met, and knew that this was a premeditated riot without guessing. First, the captives at the end of the team caused a riot to attract the attention of the Catu people, and then the alien who could change their physical signs broke out, and then hundreds of federal soldiers in front of them rebelled together. The current situation was quite out of control.

An aura suddenly rose.

The five-tooth warrior picked up a short halberd in his hand, and shot out the alien who looked like a ball. The elite of this Catu barbarian also has some real ability. Under the infusion of source power, the short halberd dragged a faint tail flame and hit the alien's chest heavily. As if a balloon had been pierced, the halberd easily sank into the body, the alien body disappeared and shrunk, and blue blood spurted from his chest.

With one hit, the Wuya still rushed forward. Swearing in his mouth, he picked up a short halberd that plunged into the alien body and danced wildly.

Blood splattered.

The alien was barely adult, and his upper body exploded when he was smashed by five teeth and a halberd. In the blood and blood, a head rolled far away. Even Wuya didn't expect this to happen. At most he wanted to seriously injure this brave fellow, but unexpectedly killed the captive directly. The scene was **** and brutal, and the prisoners in the riot were quiet.

Perhaps it was too tragic, but it made Wuya a little confused. He shook his head, and finally forgot to punish the rioters severely, and only rewarded the captives with a few sticks. The team left, leaving two soldiers to clean up the scene. The Catu people are not patient masters. They rushed away the dead body, but forgot the head that rolled into the corner of the passage.

The head was on the ground not far from Allen.

Allen was also thankful that when it did not attract the attention of the Cato fighters, the aliens who had already died. No, it was the big brain, but suddenly opened two eyes the size of mung beans. At this moment, he and Allen looked at each other with big eyes to small eyes.

Catherine snorted, and her hand was already on the handle of the snake sickle, killing Yi Faran!

I don’t know if it was stimulated by Catherine’s killing intent, the alien’s head bounced from the ground, and then a series of hurried human words came out from his mouth: "Don’t

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Kill me! "

Now even Allen is curious, saying that the universe contains hundreds of millions of beings, and there are all kinds of life. Even the mother of the earth, Alan, who was as big as a mountain, had seen it, but it was the first time that he saw an alien life with only one head left. He blocked Catherine and said to the alien: "Do you still speak human language?"

"Here, there are a lot of you humans." The alien murmured, and then quickly peeked out a bunch of fleshy whiskers from under his neck. This bunch of fleshy whiskers stretched out, actually propped up this head, and then from both sides of the head, six tentacles rose again, half-left and right, like the arms of this alien. It's just that it's so strange, it's not terrifying, but it's weird.

Seeing Alan looking at himself curiously, the alien said: "It's nothing unusual. Except for the head, all of our bodies and limbs are camouflage. We can use them to move freely at ordinary times. If necessary, we can sacrifice to confuse the hunter. Originally this was a big secret, but you have already seen it, so it's no secret."

"Jellyfish man?" Allen asked

"Shuimu!" ​​The alien emphasized.

Allen shrugged and asked, "What is your name and what's going on here?"

"My name is Jiguhareiwastumb..." The alien seemed to have only said half of the long and slurred name, and then shook his head and said: "Forget it, you call me Jigu."

Suddenly he seemed to think of something again, and he jumped and said: "You don't know where this is? Didn't you get caught by those **** Catu?"

His originally small mouth opened into an o, and his face was full of surprise.

"It's a long story about this."

"Are you invaders?" The alien named Jigu was suddenly excited. His six tentacles danced and said: "I heard about intruders before, but I didn't expect them to be. Then, you plan to go. Where? Go to solve those people?"

Allen glanced at the people behind and smiled bitterly: "I really want to, but our number is limited, and rash actions will only get us in. So we will still follow the original plan, find a way to leave here, and then bring reinforcements. "

"Then I'm going to the port of anchorage? Ji Gu knows the way, let me go with you... Huh..." Ji Gu's two small eyes rolled, and suddenly he took a breath: "Oops, it's the eyes of the sky. They really are. Use the eyes of the sky to hunt you down."

Before Allen had time to ask what Sky Eye was, Ji Gu had already jumped up. It took a big breath, and I didn't know if it was the head or the body part that swelled up. This time it did not swell into a spherical shape, but a flat body that stretched around. Soon a downward arc was formed, which easily wrapped everyone up. Allen opened his mouth, before he spoke, he heard the alien anxiously: "Quiet."

He shut up obediently, and then heard a soft noise like static electricity, and then a metal ball flew over his head. The sphere is divided into four electric eyes, and the four electric **** turn around randomly, sweeping around in a circle. After finding nothing, he flew toward the front of the passage. Allen only felt weird. One of the electric eyes had seen them clearly, but he didn't seem to notice anything. In this way, it was the credit of the alien.

After confirming that the ball flew far, Ji Gu let out a breath, and gradually retracted back to normal. He floated to the ground like a fallen leaf, exhaling: "It's dangerous, it seems you are really invaders.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), or else I won’t use the eyes of the sky on you. "

Without waiting for Allen to ask, Ji Gu said: "The Sky Eye is the monitoring system of this base. There are 3,661 metal spheres like the one just now, spread all over the base. They are everywhere, in passages, barracks, and warehouses. , There are even these things in the exhaust pipes, they can explore every corner of the base, these things form the sky-eye system. Fortunately, my camouflage can be assimilated with the environment, and even the sky-eye can’t tell, otherwise this time We're done."

The little alien said with a grimace, "But if they move the Sky Eye, then we don't need to go anywhere. Especially the port of anchorage, it must be all over the Sky Eye. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Allen finally had a gap to interrupt.

"Unless we go to that weird man's factory..." Jike pointed in the direction where the captives had just gone: "The Gatu **** were going to **** us to work in that weird man's factory. That weird man hates being monitored, so There is the only place where there is no Sky Eye, but there are guards."

"The guard doesn't matter, there is always a way to deal with it. But who is the weirdo?"

"Pierrot, a Barr."

Allen looked at Catherine immediately, who was also surprised. The Baal people can be said to be the most mysterious and powerful aliens in the Yoton star field. In the strong clan rankings, the Barren ranked first without any suspense. The planet Agareth where they are located is located in the deepest part of the Yorton star field. On that chaotic and evil planet, there is evil everywhere, and there are peaks of fire everywhere.

Agareth has two Supremes, both of whom are ruthless characters that can rival Ida Huaxing's King of Justice. The two Supremes are bounded by the boundless sea of ​​blood, each occupying half of the world of Agareth. Since records, the two Supreme Shangmo have fought each other, but their armies have fought for years. There is such a terrible legend in Agareth that the blood of Agareth was dyed with blood by these two supreme armies.

God knows how much blood it takes to dye the ocean all over. Perhaps the legend has some imperfections, but it is not difficult to see that the most lacking thing on Agareth is war.

If the Jorton star field is called the battlefield of chaos~www.wuxiaspot.com~, then Agareth is the eternal battlefield. On that battlefield, the war ceased all day. But even with this kind of internal friction, the Baal people did not die, which is also weird. But also because of the constant civil wars in Agareth, the Baal people actively intervened in the war in the Yorton star field. If Capro had not led the Golden Lion and had already hit the mechanical planet Omisgar, one of the Supremes who felt threatened would take action, and this would startle the Golden Lion. After this campaign, Capro recovered from his injuries for 20 years, which shows the strength of Agarez.

Hearing that there are people from Barr in this space base, the expressions of Alan and Catherine are unnatural. Allen couldn't help asking: "What are the Baal people doing here?"

"God knows, he came with Beluquet, the fire demon. That madman named Pierrot wants us to work day and night, don't everyone say that the people of Barr are demons! Demons!" Jigu said heavily.

Alan may not know who the Fire Demon is, but Catherine of the Union General knows Belukai's name. That is one of the generals under the supreme man, who deserves the honor of more than ten million people under one person. The left and right arms of Frieus are the same as the other general violent demon Baal. If Belukai is here, it is equivalent to the will of Frius coming here!

(End of this chapter)


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