Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 861: Grandmaster

[Do you think this is over? No, no, there is one more chapter! ]

Ji Gu seemed to have been in this base for a long time, and he was very familiar with all parts of the base. This base, called the Death Star, is divided into three levels: upper, middle, and lower, and three zones inside and outside. Three verticals and three horizontals, delineating nine areas. Of these nine regions, the outer region is the most expansive, almost covering most of the stars. In addition to the internal base, it also includes the exposed buildings, fortifications, and weapon systems of the stars. The inner surrounding area is relatively smaller. This area is mainly used for the living of the Gelai and Catu people, as well as important materials and intelligent brain computer rooms.

The coolie captives like Jigu were all placed in the outlying areas. Their work was to build the various buildings of the base, and there was no shortage of operations in space. However, because space operations are far less convenient than the Grameen Giants, there are few opportunities for them to work outside the base.

As for the most hidden base center, I don't know where it is. Ji Gu only knew that in the Nabar people's factory, all the things he rushed to make every day had to be sent to the base center. According to Jigu's description, those things are like parts of some machines. As for what it is used for, the Shuimu is also unclear.


Ji Gu led Ellen and the others to a door, and his two eyes rolled around for a while, and said to Ellen, "Hold me up."

He was referring to the code lock in front of the door, the height of which was really out of reach for him now. Allen picked him up, and Jigu stretched out six tentacles and pressed the code lock for a while, and the door automatically opened to both sides. He said with some pride: "These electronic locks change a set of passwords every day, but the passwords are changed back and forth according to 30 days. Those idiot Cato people certainly don't know, every time I secretly write down the password. So that it can be used as it is now."

Hubble, who is also a Catto, snorted, and opened his palms to wonder if he had strangled the poisonous little thing. After thinking about it, forget it, I can't care about this little thing.

What was opened in front of Allen's eyes was a small warehouse, saying that small is not small, with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters and a space of 20 meters high. But in the Death Star base that occupies the small half-star, this space is really not big. In the warehouse, a metal closet is held against the dome like a pillar and pressed against the ground, which can be used to store things and also serve as a load bearing.

Allen looked at the warehouse and said, "Aren't we going to rush to that factory?"

"What's the difference between going this way and going to death? If you want to get in, you have to look for some disguise." Ji Gu was like a mollusk, his head turned around, twisted Hubble who looked back 180 degrees, and said: " I’m really curious about who you are, even the companions of the Catu people. This is good and convenient. It’s probably impossible to enter Pierrot’s lunatic’s factory so swagger, but if it’s a Catu adult If we took a few prisoners in, it would still be able to pass the hurdle."

When Hubble heard this, he murmured, "Here is this one again."

Allen knew that he was referring to the incident of getting on the mothership, and shrugged, "I know you don't like people posing as Vasak, but in this case, you have to come back again."

Hubble turned away: "You have to give me five barrels of ale when you go back."

"I'll let you drink enough."

Hubble's face suddenly became cloudy and clear.

Ji Gu is already running up and down there

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Jump, point to the many closet cabinets: "The power lock is released over there, and we have to put it on ourselves with a few efforts. Of course, just behave like this, no need to actually start. ; And this and this, here is the uniform of the prisoners, yes, it is the kind I wore before. Since I want to act, I have to dress up more decently. That big man, yes, it is you, you are here. Replace those rags on your body, and you are still wearing a five-tooth necklace, which is good, so we can pretend to look a little bit more."

After playing for a while, Allen and the others changed into prisoners' clothes, and put on a kind of breaking lock between their hands and feet. Hubble put on a full set of sophisticated armor, his Thunder is Olquila's special weapon, too eye-catching. So he replaced it with a heavy gun that was completely dark and heavily armored, so that it matched the five-tooth necklace around his neck. In the end, Jike also found him a visor helmet, and even people who knew Hubble would not be able to recognize him immediately when he put it on his head.

"That's okay. Let's go, let's count the time, Pierrot's factory is about to start. If you jump in halfway, it will inevitably be suspicious." Jigu shouted.

Pierrot's factory is very different from the factory in general.

This factory has no walls and no workshops. To put it bluntly, a hall where hundreds of people can work at the same time has been cut in the mountains. In this huge stone hall, hundreds of stone pillars were left as load-bearing, and there was a fire under each stone pillar, which illuminated the hall brightly. Although rudimentary and even primitive, this "factory" is actually still located in the Death Star base. The reason for this appearance is that the Baer who claims to be a master likes it.

Master Pierrot said that such an environment is the most appropriate place for his work in Agares, and only in a similar environment can he concentrate. But the Barren who was babbling all day long really couldn't see when he could concentrate, but he came with the fire demon Belukai, and Belukai only left one sentence at the time: "Do as he said. "

So there is such a factory.

Although the environment of the factory is primitive, the equipment is not primitive at all. From small smelting furnaces to laser cutting machine tools, from tractors to engineering vehicles. There are even more unnamed machines. The embedded crystals flash red, red, green, and the ground is full of large and small cable ducts. The small ones have thick arms, and the big ones are as straight as elephant legs. Be careful with these cables when walking in the factory. Even if the Catu people stumbled, they would get a slur from the master, let alone the captives, it was light to catch a blow.

Since it is a factory, it is naturally a place to work. There are four to five hundred prisoners working day and night here every day. The captives were of various races, among which were mostly humans, and basically Union soldiers. On the Death Star base, the total number of captive coolies totaled two thousand, of which a quarter of them took turns to serve in the factory, and the others were scattered around the base, building the aliens’ nests like worker ants.

But work belongs to work, but no one knows what they are doing. Because the working hours and types of work are often disrupted, the last time I was assigned here, I could be responsible for assembling parts, and the next time it became steel and iron smelting. It can be said that there are no rules at all, and even the most careful person can hardly get a clue. All I know is that the factory starts day and night, and the coolies who enter the factory every day are divided into two groups, working in turns, and have to work for 12 hours without rest.

Every day there is always a tractor to bring in a lot of materials,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) There will always be large and small parts that do not know what role they are shipped out. The fate and function of these components are all mysterious. Even though Pierrot, the so-called master, likes to talk to himself, people who have stayed in this factory many times only know that these parts are finally sent to the center of the Death Star base. But what it is used for is not known.

When Hubble pretended and swaggered to **** Alan and other fake prisoners to the gate, Pierrot was cursing. Because of the high-pitched voice and constant curses, it quickly attracted Alan's attention. The Baer was as thin as the trunk of a dead tree, and the skin exposed outside the black robe was dry, with some body hair that didn't know whether it was thorns or bristles. The head is surprisingly large, oval, three round eyes, and dark vertical lines in the center of the pupil. Two long, pointed ears were trembling with excitement, and a single hair on the wrinkled head was as ugly as it was ugly.

He also has a pair of twisted and deformed hands. The arms are long and thin, but the palms are abnormally fat. Three chubby fingers have black hook-shaped nails. God knows how such a pair of three-finger fat hands can hold things.

"Are you late?" The guard at the gate, a barbarian warrior from Catu stepped forward to check. Seeing the five-tooth necklace on Hubble's neck, he was not as scared as other Catu people, but he looked respectful.

According to the words given by Jike before, Hubble said: "These prisoners took advantage of the chaos and wanted to run. They were caught by me. It took some time."

"Oh, I know." I heard that there was a prisoner's riot before, and the guard had no doubts.

Hubble was about to step forward, but the guard stretched out his hand to stop: "My lord, please hand in your job number."

Jick suddenly became anxious, and Allen looked at him. The Shuimu cannot explain in detail at this time. The job number is the serial number of each prisoner, and the job number must be handed in when entering the factory to facilitate verification and assignment. In other regions, there is no such requirement, only the ship entering Pierrot’s factory is strict. It has been more than 30 days since the last time I came to work in the factory, and Jike had forgotten this trivial matter.

But now, this little thing is enough to expose them. After all, they are not really captives, where's the code number. The guard urged again, and Catherine had quietly held the handle of the snake sickle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Allen's hand fell on the **** knife wrapped in layers of cloth. If their appearance is revealed, then they can only do their best to make a plan to break through. Pierrot over there suddenly cried out: "What are you doing! If you have a worker, just get me in. I need manpower here. Damn, you can't find me something that is stronger and more flexible. Do you have to use these idiots! You, you, you, you are right, big man. I think you have a lot of strength, so roll over and work for me."

The guard said, "Master, they..."

"Shut up! You stupid pig, don't you know that a second of mine is more precious than your year's time? So don't waste my time, or I will make you look good!" Barr with a big head Man hooked Hubble with his deformed hand: "Come here quickly and send me these things over there!"

He pointed to a pile of parts on the ground.

Alan nudged Hubble quietly from behind, who hummed heavily in his helmet, dissatisfied with Pierrot's attitude. However, he took Ellen and the others, smashed the guard, and walked straight to the Baer.

(End of this chapter)


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