Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 862:  Genius

[It's really gone this time. Today is five shifts, are you enjoying it! ]

A pile of large and small parts on the ground has different styles and weights. The small one is the size of a blue ball, and Allen weighed it, not to mention weighing a hundred catties. The big one is like a round table, and the weight is more dramatic. The metal surfaces of these parts are all blue, and you can see that they are made of Vale blue steel. This is strange, what are aliens making with Vale blue steel? Allen is not clear about this question, but he also knows that it will probably not be a good thing.

"Put these things into the car. Those idiots didn't have any strength before and almost broke these treasures. Anything in this is not your fate. Thinking about me, I'm still too kind. I should kill those bastards, not just have a meal. But if you kill you idiots, who will work for me? Catu pigs are good, but those guys are even more clumsy, and It’s not easy to slaughter casually. It’s really troublesome to hear that your Majesty and the barbarian head of Manshixing have an agreement.” Pierrot kept talking to himself beside him, sometimes even more nervously beating his hands and pausing his chest. To vomit, it is probably to say that a master like oneself has gotten a place where the birds do not **** to work.

Allen looked at each other, wondering if this Barr was really that powerful? At this moment Pierrot turned around and screamed at them: "What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and work for me."

While carrying the parts, Allen looked at this so-called factory. The coolies are divided into several groups, each occupying a different corner of work. Each work area is guarded by guards, and the energy guns in the hands of the Catu barbarian warriors are not decorations. At least for the coolies serving here, they cannot easily defeat them. Fortunately, as Jigu said, it has been so long since I haven't seen those metal balls-like sky eyes, otherwise it is estimated that they should be recognized this time.

After loading the parts onto the tractor, Pierrot asked several people to drive behind him. The alien master walked in front, constantly muttering something. Sometimes it was complaints, and sometimes it was theory and terminology that Allen could not understand. This neurotic alien was unexpectedly respected in the factory. Wherever they passed, the Cato guard had to bend down and respectfully call "Master".

Talikova finally couldn't help it, and whispered: "This guy really doesn't know where he looks like a master."

Pierrot's two pointed ears moved immediately, he stopped suddenly, then turned and shouted: "You little girl doubt me? Doubt the great master Pierrot, you have to know which of my works is not A shocking work. The prophet of the dark castle security system is far away, and the Death Star base is near. The sky-eye system and the gravity ring under the central base are all my masterpieces!"

Gravity ring?

When Allen heard the name, he immediately remembered that there was a circular device in the blueprint that Catherine had downloaded on the mothership not long ago. Could that be the gravity ring in Pierrot's mouth?

Pierrot's face changed, as if he knew that he had failed to speak, and became angry at the moment. A shiny whip hung from the sleeve of the black robe and threw it towards Talikova. The girl's eyes drenched, as if she was about to attack. Suddenly the figure flashed, but Alan stood in front of her, taking the whip for her. Hearing a snap, Allen's sleeve was pulled apart, and the arm inside immediately became red and swollen. Talikova’s eyes changed slightly, and Allen said, “Master, please don’t be angry. She is ignorant, how can she know your ability?”

Pierrot was originally

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I am dissatisfied with Allen's interference. Hearing this, his anger has disappeared in half, and he hummed: "There are still people who know the goods, let's go, we have delayed too much time."

He finally turned around.

Allen came to Hubble quietly, knocked him lightly and said: "I have a plan, but I want your help."


Allen said: "Go to Bloodfang who is in charge of this factory and kill him. Then get back the controller of the breaking lock, I am useful."

"What do you want to do?"

"Make some riots, and ask us, the alien master, what the gravity ring is for."

"This is not the same as the previous plan."

"That's what you need to do." Allen squinted his eyes and looked at Pierrot in front of him: "I always think that gravity ring is not a good thing, so I can figure it out sooner."

Hubble said "Oh", turned and left. On the way earlier, Jigu from Shuim reminded them more than once to pay more attention to the bloodfang warrior in charge of the factory. The opponent's hand has ten controllers that hold the power-breaking lock. If they detect that their power-breaking lock has not been activated, it will be exposed. But Jigu didn't expect that Allen would let Hubble take the initiative to provoke Bloodfang.

He looked frustrated, and he felt like he had bet the wrong bet.

Pierrot, who was walking in the front, turned his head, not seeing Hubble, and his three eyes immediately became gloomy. Allen said: "The lord said, this is not his job. We should listen to the master's instructions. He left beforehand."

Pierrot snorted: "The wild pigs know how to make excuses. These lazy people, I really don’t know why your Majesty wants to cooperate with them. You human monkey looks pleasing to the eye, forget it, regardless of the pig. You give it all. Let me hurry up. I have done it today, and I will let those wild pigs give you a delicious meal. If you can’t do it well, hum, it’s not just a double whip.”

He glanced at Talikova intentionally or unintentionally.

Finally came to the depths of the hall, where many things are stacked. Pierrot asked them to unload the parts on the tractor, and yelled and directed them to stack the parts into different categories. A few fake captives were doing real hard work. Although most of the parts made of blue steel were not of light weight, the power-breaking locks of everyone were illusory, the source of force was smooth, and the natural transportation was unimpeded.

Especially Alan, after the second transformation, his body's basic strength has increased tremendously. The basic strength alone is Catherine, and it is hard to expect, only Hubble can stabilize it. He lifted things without breathing, Pierrot looked in his eyes and smiled strangely: "I don't see that you are not big, but you are not weak."

Allen smiled, but he was surprised. It seems that Pierrot is not a strong man, otherwise the basic strength he displayed should have aroused him. At that moment, Allen gave a wink at the others, and everyone knew, the source of dark luck raised his body temperature, and he forced a sweat on his face. Allen put down an irregular component and took the opportunity to ask: "Master, what are these for?"

Pierrot didn't know what he was thinking about, and he said casually: "It's not the parts of the gravity ring. These things have to be made on Agareth. Your Majesty wants to make them in this place where the bird does not shit. Things that could have been created in a few months, but it took several years to get the current progress."

When Allen heard this, he looked at Catherine with a smile. The latter doesn’t know what he thinks, it’s nothing more than to say that they are planning under the nose of your Federation

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) This base has been around for several years, but nobody noticed it. Catherine snorted, but also secretly strange. This star field is not Yodon, not the chaotic race. As for the construction of bases and even the transformation of stars, not to mention the scale, it is impossible for the transportation of materials to escape the eyes of both the Federation and Idahuaxing.

I really don't know how this base was built. If it wasn't for a few people who came here by accident, how else would they know that in the depths of the star field, the aliens have another plan?

There was a word from Ellen over Pierrot without a word. The Bar master was arrogant, but he was very alert. He was held up by Ellen intentionally or unintentionally, as if he had opened a chatterbox. It's just that nine of the ten sentences he said were putting gold on his face, and the rest of the sentence came to the point. But there was not much to say, Allen pieced it together, to the effect that this base is a killer against the Federation and Ida Huaxing, and the key is the gravity ring. But this means nothing, after all, these Ellens have already guessed it.

Allen wanted to go on again, Pierrot later realized and said: "It's really weird, why are you a human monkey talking so much. Usually you guys see me and want to rush to bite me, should you? Did you deliberately want to find out from me? Humph, this master is so close, don't think about it in vain!"

Then turned around to check those parts.

Not long after, Hubble returned. As soon as he approached, Alan could smell blood on him. Hubble blocked Pierrot’s sight and handed a controller to Allen: “Hurry up if you want to do anything. The blood tooth asked me to kill it. It won’t be long before the guard finds it.”

"It's okay, this is a conspiracy, and it was discovered when it was discovered." Allen took the controller and winked at Jigu. The Shuim moved immediately, and Allen shook his way: "Do you know how to turn off all the locks in this factory?"

Ji Gu's eyes lit up: "You want to create a riot, and then run away. What a genius!"

He took the controller with his tentacle.

Pierrot turned his head unintentionally, saw Hubble coming back, and cried out: "What are you doing!"

Allen smiled: "Go and control him. Remember, don't kill our master, I still want to inquire about something."

Hubble looked at the guard who was still ignorant from a distance, and laughed: "I like you more and more."

Leaving this confusing sentence aside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Catu people walked towards the master. Seeing Hubble's fierce arrogance, Pierrot felt wrong, and then saw Hubble's hands stained with blood, and he screamed: "What do you want to do, come here..."

The mouth was covered by Hubble's big hand, and a strong smell hit the master's mouth, almost choking Pierrot to death. But he didn't have time to choke, the little neck has been buckled by Hubble, and the Cattoman whispered in his ear: "Don't move, or I will squeeze your neck." Said: "What is it? The neck is as thin as a human being."

Over there, Jigu has tentacles flying, and while fiddling with the controller, he said to Allen: "How do you know that Jigu will play with this thing, you know? Before today, I wanted to steal this thing more than once, so many times Everyone will pay attention to how the Cato people operate it. It's actually very simple, like this...Okay, all the power-breaking locks in this area have stopped working!"

Allen smiled and praised: "You are such a genius!"

Ji Gu is triumphant.

(End of this chapter)


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