Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 863:  Death Star Project

An oily long whip cut through the air and slapped it on the back of a Union soldier. The man fell to the ground so badly, the clothes on his back broke, leaving a blood mark. His eyes were red, his nose was like a cow, and the blue veins of his two arms floated up. Guard Cato, who flicked him a whip behind him, stared at Tongling's big eyes and said, "What do you do, human monkey. Don't hurry up to work. If you want to be so slow, you will get ten whips next time!"

The man screamed, he was desperate. Holding him tightly with a hand, he turned his head and was a middle-aged man with gray hair. The man said with a hoarse voice: "Let me go and fight with him, Captain!"

"If you still know that I'm the captain, just give me work. Fighting hard? What's the use of trying hard, can I fight them? I have to do my best and wait until the right time!" the middle-aged man said solemnly.

The soldier sighed.

Unexpectedly, another whip hit the captain, and the Cato guard roared: "What are you whispering, hurry up and work!"

The captain smiled tolerantly, and the soldier next to him gritted his teeth and finally endured it. He stretched out his hand to move a ball-like component. This metal component weighed hundreds of kilograms to say nothing, and he could barely carry it. But this time he lifted his hands hard, but the parts in his hands were easily picked up. The soldier who used the wrong strength suddenly sat down on the ground, and he was dumbfounded when a few whips fell, sweeping his coat to pieces behind him.

The guard in Cato behind was cursing something, but the soldiers couldn't hear them clearly and even felt that these whips were not as powerful as they were just now. Then he discovered that the source force in his body had become active again. Looking at the breaking lock on his hand, the soldier screamed and shook hard, and actually shattered the breaking lock.

The Cato guard who saw this scene was startled and shouted, "What's going on!"

Before he could answer, the Union soldiers had already rushed towards him. The soldier yelled as he pounced, "Captain, that thing has failed!"

The middle-aged captain next to him also noticed that his internal energy had returned to normal, and immediately cut it off. He picked up the discus-like part in his hand and smashed it towards a guard not far away, and the discus whirled and knocked on the guard's head. The guard immediately turned twice and passed out.

The coolie in the factory began to find that the force-breaking lock in his hand had no effect. There were far more prisoners than guards. Seeing that the source of power recovered, these prisoners didn't know how to take the opportunity to attack. For a while, the entire factory fell into violence. In chaos. Often the Cato guards had not had time to fire a few shots, and they had already been thrown down by the wolf-like prisoners. The captives who had recovered their original strength punched and kicked, even lifted heavy objects and smashed them, and brought down the Gatu guards within a few strokes.

However, within a short time, the factory has become a mess.

Pierrot watched several guards not far away also put the prisoners down, immediately crying for help. He looked at Hubble with a flattering smile, but his appearance was really unpleasant. Hubble snorted and slapped him with his hand. "Don't be disgusting."

Fortunately, he condensed a bit of strength and didn't slap Pierrot to death. But the master of the foreign race was depressed. No matter how he looked at him, he was a Catu, why he dealt with himself.

Does Vasak want to rebel? Pierrot was almost not scared to death by his rich imagination. Seeing the factory again...chaos, it seems that the power lock is out of control, and the master scolds the Cato people for ineffectiveness. For a time, Pierrot's head also became a mess.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) He doesn't know this violence. The instigator of the chaos is nearby.

Seeing that the chaos was born, Allen certainly stopped acting as a prisoner. Taking off the breaking lock in twos or twos, Pierrot stared at him. At this time, several Union soldiers saw Hubble, regarded him as an enemy, and rushed over after grabbing an energy gun from the guard.

"Catherine!" Allen screamed.

The soldiers raised their guns and wanted to shoot. Suddenly, Catherine, who had already seen a snake and sickle, stood in front of them and said, "Stop!"

Whether it was the pair of heterochromatic horsetails or the curved snake sickle, the soldiers recognized that it was the symbol of Catherine, the general known as the **** of death! The leading soldier looked confused and said: "General Catherine? Why are you here?"

"It's a long story." Catherine didn't want to explain too much to them at this time, and only pointed to Hubble: "You remember, this Catto is her own. Of course, he is the only one."

The Federal Army has strict discipline, and the more elite the legion, the stricter the discipline. After confirming Catherine's identity, no one would ask the question "why", at most it was strange. At this moment Alan came over and asked, "How many of us are there?"

Seeing him standing next to Catherine, thinking it was an officer he had never seen before, the soldier replied, "Probably a hundred people."

Alan nodded and said to Catherine: "It's useful to include them."

Then left again.

The soldiers became even more confused, guessing more and more about Alan's origins, and couldn't figure out how he could point fingers at the major general. Catherine frowned: "Didn't you hear me? Go and gather our people here. Give you three minutes!"

Military orders are like mountains.

The soldiers immediately separated to notify their fellow robes. Allen walked back to Pierrot and looked at the master with a smile, and said, "Master Pierrot, I want to know what the real purpose of this base is? What is the gravity ring for? Please be sure to answer. ."

Pierrot snorted, "Don't tell me."

Allen also simply said to Hubble: "Kill him."

Hubble grinned, his palms contracted. Pierrot couldn't lift up immediately, and all three eyes were protruding to fall out. He gesticulated again and again to Allen, who waved his hand before Hubble let go. Pierrot coughed violently, and said as he coughed: "The Death Star Project is a top-secret operation aimed at Idahuastar to frame the Earth Federation..."

The master's hard air only lasted for two seconds, and then he recruited everything. Pierrot not only recruited the facts, but also said all that should be said, and even all that shouldn't be said, just like a traitor. But Ellen and the others became more alarmed as they listened to them. Once this so-called Death Star project succeeds, it will cause heavy damage to Idahuaxing, and it will also make them turn against the Federation.

This plan has been implemented for three years.

The star where this base is located has entered a stage of energy exhaustion and about to be destroyed three years ago. After being discovered by the Barr somehow, they began to transform the star. The people of Barr refined the last energy of this star and obtained a substance called "Star Heart". The hearts of stars are also called star nuclei, but Agareth’s life prefers to call them “the jade of the roots”, which means the gems at the origin of the planet.

Whether it is the heart of the stars, the core of the stars, or the jade of the root. In short, such a substance

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The source power contained in it is terribly strong. Normally, the energy of the planet will gradually deplete and disappear, and it will rarely form a nucleus. But it cannot be ruled out that by chance, the inside of the planet collapsed, and a black hole was formed. Black holes will absorb all matter, including the source of the planet itself.

Some scholars have found that in the black hole space created by the collapse of the planet, there are often high-energy responses in its depths. Those high-energy reactions are that the source force of the planet is firmly absorbed by the black hole, and it is constantly compressed toward the center, and finally a natural star core is formed.

The nucleus in the Death Star base was artificially manufactured, and no matter the concentration and quality of the source force, it cannot be compared with the natural nucleus. But once released, it is enough to destroy a planet. At the end of the day, it can always be done by blasting a big hole, but that is no different from destroying the planet. Right now, this star core is stored in the central chamber of the base, and the central chamber is also equipped with a gravity ring, which is an artificial gravity generating device.

According to Pierrot, the Death Star project is to transform this star into a planetary space weapon. The Herald mothership that Allen and the others bombed was the thruster of this weapon. Many of the supplies brought on board were the Shadow Star Diamond which was used for the wormhole installation of the Barren, and the Vale Blue Steel The core material of gravity ring and related important accessories.

At that time, use the Shadow Star Diamond as a medium to open a wormhole large enough for the Death Star base to pass through. Let this star go straight to Idahua star located in the Gart star field, and then use the star core as the energy source to drive the gravity ring, turning the entire base into a gravity bomb. When this gravity bomb detonated on Idahua, the damage it caused was absolutely devastating. And step back ten thousand steps, even if the bomb was finally intercepted by Ida Huaxing. But when the Idahua star discovered that the core material of the bomb was a strategic material of the Earth Federation, then a series of interesting reactions would definitely occur.

"His Majesty Frios is really far-sighted. I think that Agareth will plant the seeds of discord in the alliance between Idahuaxing and the Earth Federation without a single soldier. When the seeds take root, your Majesty will pick them again. Shengguo, the whole universe is not ours yet. Hahahaha..." Speaking of excitement, Pierrot laughed loudly, with pride in his laughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he forgot what he is now a prisoner. .

The foreign master laughed happily, but Alan and Catherine looked ugly. It now appears that the millions of alien coalition forces smashed into the Garden of Eden, which in itself is a cover, and everything they do is to cover up the Death Star plan. Among them, the inner ghosts of the Federation also sell Shadow Star Diamonds and Vale Blue Steel to foreign races, doing all things to dig their own graves, which is even more hateful!

But no matter how horrible and abhorrent, the top priority now is not to let this plan go smoothly. Otherwise, for both Idahuaxing and the Earth Federation, it will be an irreparable damage.

Allen grinned bitterly and said, "Fortunately, the Pioneer was bombed by us. In a short time, this plan should not work."

"Joke, don’t you know what a backup plan is? I think you’d better let me go early, and grab a ship to leave here. Belukay has already started the backup plan, and there will be another ship to replace the Pioneer soon. The mothership arrived. It’s just that the Shadow Star Diamond and Blue Steel on the Pioneer were all wasted, but it doesn’t matter. The currently dumped materials are enough for the plan to start smoothly.” Pierrot said triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)


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