Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 864:  Only fight to death

Several people discussed it and decided to abandon the previous plan and go straight to the base center room to explode the gravity ring. No matter how bad the copy of the website is, the Star Core must be taken away, so that the entire Death Star project will fall short. Without this Death Star plan, it would naturally be the first escape. But now it's another matter. Once this plan is successfully launched, and another explosion on Idahuaxing, the Earth Federation and Idahuaxing two years of painstaking efforts will be in vain. When any supreme in Agareth appears, there will be a sweeping trend. Just ask how big the universe is, how many creatures can bear it. At that time, it will really be the cosmic dusk predicted by Xia Gelin.

So now I can't tell myself, just take a risk. Ellen and the others have no choice, otherwise they will have to wait for them to escape, and then send a message to the Garden of Eden, and finally send an army to fight. After going back and forth, Baobuzhun's Death Star base has already jumped into the wormhole and has reached the Ghat star field.

When you decide, you have to act.

The soldiers who had previously communicated to Catherine returned, and brought back hundreds of Union soldiers. At this time, Catherine's status as a general played a role. If Allen were to accept it, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble. Catherine simply said, here are all Federation soldiers. She, the general, will stand forward. Who dares not follow? The military discipline of the Federation is not a display. The lords of the Ministry of Justice don't just drink tea and chat and brag about it. The Jagged Army discipline is all killed on the battlefield.

Kill the enemy as well.

Those who have violated military discipline and military regulations will be executed lightly. If it is thrown into the camp of the dead, then it is better to die than life. So when I saw Catherine, even as a prisoner, everyone straightened their bodies and stood up in a domineering military posture. Catherine saw that they all had their hands down, and their shoulders were level with the ground. At this level, they didn't lose the army's spirit. He nodded happily at the moment: "I originally saved you and should take you away. But now there is a top important event, and I need your strength. I might as well tell you that this action is no different from suicide. If you are afraid of death, you can. Stay, I will not pursue it. But this time."

Soldiers look at me, I look at you. Suddenly all looked at Catherine and shouted in unison: "Only fight to death, never surrender!"

Catherine's eyes changed slightly.

This slogan was handed down from a team of deadly men a few years ago. In the chaotic battlefield that year, a mixed division was besieged by the enemy. Faced with an enemy multiple of its own, the whole division fought **** battles. Later, the enemy persuaded the enemy to surrender. A general in charge of the division at the time said brazenly: "Only fight to death, never surrender!"

After that battle, one thousand and seventy-six members of the division were killed in battle, and none of them deserted. When the supporting army arrived, they saw Manshan's corpse, the soul of the Lielie army! When the general yelled out the words that moved the whole army, the radio equipment of the communicator was still working, which made it clear to the military headquarters thousands of miles away. After hearing these words, everyone in the military took off their hats to pay tribute to the general and the soldiers of the division.

In the end, this sentence was passed down.

In a word, Dao is exhausted. Even though he was not a soldier, Allen was excited and his blood was boiling over. Pierrot next to him sneered twice, but he tightened Hubble's hand on his neck, and the master coughed again and again. Hubble then whispered to Allen: "Now I kind of understand why your Earth Federation started late, but it has gradually become the second enemy in our eyes besides Idahua."

Catherine over there said again: "Which of you has the highest rank?"

"Report!" A middle-aged man with gray hair came out and said, "It should be me, General. My name is Wook, a major!"

"Very well, Major Wook. I want you to be responsible for these people, and you can only be responsible for me." Catherine easily sorted out the command joints of this temporary team, and looked back at Allen: "What are your plans? "

"Jigou, is there a weapon store near here?" Allen did not answer, but called the Shuim.

Ji Gu rolled his eyes and pointed towards the door: "There is a guard room there, and there is a weapon storehouse."

"Very good." Allen looked at Catherine and said: "The general should know what to do."

Catherine nodded and ordered: "Open the arsenal and equip all staff."

Since we have to go straight to the central room, of course we must have certain equipment. If you are bare-handed, it is not called a decisive death, but a death. Catherine led the soldiers first, followed by Allen. The chaos in the factory is still the same, but it won’t take long until the Gregorian giants and Catu fighters arrive, and the riot will soon be suppressed. They really shouldn't stay long, as for how to get to the central room. Alan wasn't worried, he glanced at Pierrot, didn't he have a live map on hand. Besides, Pierrot also said that the Sky Eye system came from his handwriting, so he should know how to stop the operation of this system and buy time for their actions.

A group of people passed straight between the factories, and the guards in the factory were too busy to take care of themselves and ignored the people like Allen. Allen and his party easily came to the guard room at the gate. Catherine asked Wook to take twenty people in. Sure enough, there was still a weapon storehouse. Opened the warehouse and moved out a batch of equipment. Among them, the armor is the most, but these armors are prepared for the Catu people, and most of them are not suitable, so two or three particularly strong soldiers can barely wear a set of the smallest armor. Except for the armor, they are cold weapons such as swords, axes, hammers and shields. Out of the preferences of the Catu barbarian warriors, these weapons are sharp and not to mention them, but the weight is ten dozen ten.

The lightest of these is the shortest. The long sword of the gun also weighs several dozen kilograms. Fortunately, the force-breaking locks on the hands of federal soldiers have been removed. On average, there are soldiers of rank five and six with long swords...guns, and they can dance. In the end, there were a dozen energy guns, plus the grabbed ones, to make up to 20, and Wu Ke gave them to the group of people with the best shooting skills.

Such equipment is considered to be apportioned.

Allen looked at Pierrot: "The master must know how to safely go to the central room without being noticed by the celestial eye system."

Jigu said that the Barr hated being watched, but Pierrot couldn't always hide in the factory no matter what. So he has to go to the central room, one is to remove all the eyes of the sky, and the other is that there is another secret path and the like. The Sky Eye system was designed by him, and it was not easy to leave a secret passage for himself. Pierrot's eyes turned wildly, and before he had time to break his mind, he almost closed his breath for Hubble. The alien master screamed: "Let go, let me lead the way!"

Allen smiled and made a "please" gesture.

As soon as they left, the army to suppress the factory riots arrived. But at this time, there were already a few Alan missing from the Sky Eye system, as well as a federal army of hundreds of people.

Regardless of the turmoil in the Death Star base, outside of the stars, the universe is still silent, as if this silence can reach eternity, until the arrival of the final moment. There is a beginning and an end, everything has life and death, and there is no exception to the universe. Otherwise, Xia Gelin would not make predictions about the dusk of the universe, but no one knew when that dusk would come. Perhaps in the blink of an eye, or billions of years later, who knows?

Ohm didn't know, he only knew that he was holding a breath and a grievance now. The giant's mountain-like body flew by in space, and behind him were fifteen Grameen giants and four or five Catu warships. The Herald mothership was so big that only so few people finally escaped from the chain explosion. How could the destroyer not suffocate his breath. When he left the ship, while the communication system was still available, he sent Allen and their escape ship code back to the Death Star base by means of one-way communication, and requested that the base be remotely controlled. Way to recover this escape ship.

For what, naturally, after he returned to the Death Star base, he could take Alan and the others out of their hearts.

It is true that the Gly Giant can do interstellar travel, but the speed is naturally not as fast as the mothership. Even small battleships are fully powered, and they are much faster than ordinary giants. Ohm could have reached the base faster, but he could still do it with the strength of his high-level Titans. However, he was injured in the explosion, but he had to use part of his strength to heal his injuries, so that his speed was equal to that of ordinary giants.

No matter how slow it is, sometimes it will arrive at the base. At the same time that there was a riot in the base factory, Ohm saw the withered death star and the cold man-made buildings on the surface of the star. He sneered, this journey can finally come to an end.

The Death Star base opened a pier for the Destroyer’s arrival, which was originally for the mothership to berth. Pier 1 is equipped with a star tunnel, which allows the Pioneer to reach the center of the star, and is connected to the fixed device that had been prepared earlier, thus transforming it into a thruster for the Death Star base. This dock is the most spacious and huge in the base, so even if a tall giant like the Destroyer enters it, it doesn't feel narrow. As for humans, they are more like ants.

Those injured Glenn giants were naturally taken over and healed. Ohm’s own injuries have healed by 60% on the way, and even if the remaining injuries are ignored, they will heal in two or three days~www.wuxiaspot.com ~The giant rejected the suggestion to go to the medical room, and asked at first: "Where are the invaders?"

According to Ohm's idea, Allen waited on the escape ship to be recovered to the base, which is no different from throwing himself into the net. There are strongmen like Beluka in the base, and even if these invaders were not executed, they would be taken into custody early. The giant hoped it was the latter, so that he could kill him to vent his hatred.

But when he heard his words, the dark titan who was receiving bowed his head. Ohm immediately raised his foot and kicked him a hundred meters away: "Don't tell me, you can't even catch these little mice!"

The giant raised his head and said anxiously: "My lord, something really went wrong."

"Where's Belukai? With the fire demon, can these rats make such noise?"

"Master Beluka has left the base to start the backup plan. And..." The giant gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that even Master Pierrot has fallen into the hands of those people."

"You said Pierrot?" Ohm calmed down when he heard the name: "Follow me to the command center first."


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