Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 866:  Solution

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su, Fei Dudu, Three Years Three Years, Starry Ghost, Book Friends 15314813, Yi Huohua, Jiang Yuan, Bone Fish and other brothers in the war for their rewards and monthly tickets! Thank you for your support! ]

The automatic door opened, and as soon as a small crack was exposed, Wu Ke waved his hand, and twenty or so soldiers with guns got in first. Detect and alert, and then it was Catherine and Allen's turn, and finally the remaining soldiers filed in, all rushing into the so-called safe house in Pierrot's mouth.

This safe house is actually a bunker.

The shape of the safe house is hexagonal. There is a door closed at the other end of the central axis of the entrance. There are no windows or holes on the six walls, and the cold metal wall on one side can be seen. Said it was a house, but it was almost the same as the hall, and it was not crowded when a few people entered. There are water purification units, water circulation devices, food refining machines, rest rooms, bathing rooms and even a small weapon arsenal.

Obviously, this is for the base to be invaded by a powerful enemy. Don't look at this safe house, but it's fully equipped. We need water and water, food and food, weapons and weapons. More importantly, its location is hidden, and Pierrot leads the team all the way. With Allen's unforgettable memory, he was almost confused by his nine-curve and eighteen-curve route.

All in all, as long as you hide in this safe house, staying for ten and a half days is not a problem. You can stay away from it for a month or two if you live with it. It is self-evident for whom this bunker is prepared. Except for the master Pierrot, who has this honor. As for the Gryian giants, it is probably more uncomfortable for them to hide than kill them.

Alan was also welcome, and asked Catherine to take someone to the armoury when Pierrot was resting. Twenty energy guns and more than a dozen sets of armor conforming to the human form were swept out from it, so the army that followed them updated its equipment again. Then he picked up food and water to eat, so that the soldiers filled their stomachs first.

Allen also stuffed two bites of the food from the training machine into his stomach. It was like a salad, but it didn't taste much. But after eating it, I felt a fire burning in my body, which clearly contained extremely rich nutrition and energy, and it was easily absorbed by the body. It's just that this kind of thing that tastes like chewing wax, Allen really doesn't want to try it a second time, it's not as delicious as he deboned the spur dog and roasted it.

He threw the paper cup in his hand into the trash can next to him, and saw Pierrot staring at him. Allen frowned and pointed to the training machine: "You want to have some too?"

Pierrot sneered: "Let's eat, eat, you have eaten this meal, and there is no next meal. I really don't understand where your courage, dare to fight against the great Frius. Do you really think it can Can you contend with that supreme?"

"Probably it can't be contended." Allen had a bit of self-knowledge, and smiled and said: "But if he broke his plan this time, I still have some confidence."

"What about next time?" Pierrot screamed, "Just because of you monkeys, you really think you have become a climate? Don't think that if you plant a few flags on the chaotic battlefield, you really have an advantage. Don't say it. You guys, even if it is the emperor of Star Idahua, he has been fighting against us for a long time, and he has never seen him put a banner on Agareth!"

"That's something big people should worry about. For a small character like me, as long as you do what you can do right now, I think it's almost the same." Allen said with a blank look, he paused.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) said: "Time is almost here, Master Pierrot, lead the way."

Pierrot snorted and stood up, Hubble following him. Wook made a gesture. Twenty armed soldiers walked ahead, hugging the people in the middle, and the team walked toward the other door of the safe house. At the door, Alan asked Pierrot to stop: "Tell me how to open the door."

Pierrot pointed to the console at the door and reported a string of passwords, with a straightforward attitude. Allen winked at Jim, who jumped forward cleverly, and Wook lifted him up. Ji Gu swiped at the tentacles of the console's light screen, the red light on the automatic door turned green, slowly opening.

It was dim behind the door.

When opening a crack in a dark door, the wind blew in outside the door, with a bit of chill. Alan's heart suddenly beat, he couldn't think about it, and he almost called out at the same time as Catherine: "Be careful, there is an ambush!"

That's not wind, it's murderous!

When the words ended, two yellow lights lit up in the darkness outside the door, two orange rainbows skyrocketing, shooting in diagonally from outside the door. Throw it on the ground, and then plow all the way forward. The metal ground was torn apart like cooked butter. Some Federal soldiers who could not dodge were stiffened by the beam of light, and then burst into blood plasma.

The beam went all the way, and after a while, the ground blasted a wall of fire several meters high. A wall of fire that burned along the central axis, almost dividing the safe house in two, actually separated the team.

Only then did Wu Ke have time to shout: "Fire!"

Then came the sky streamer.

The soldiers who reacted immediately looked for the pillar next to it as a cover, and fired a high-energy beam toward the crack of the door. The roar of the Catu barbarian warrior rang out in the darkness outside the door, and then all streamers fought back fiercely and fired at the Union soldiers.

Allen blasted several beams of light with his blood, and shouted at Ji Gu who was still at the door: "Close the door!"

Ji Gu desperately photographed the light key that was turned off, and then rushed back. Behind him, the beams of the enemy and us made the Shuim scream frequently. Suddenly, Hubble's muffled grunt sounded in Alan's ears. When he looked back, Pierrot's robe lit up with a complicated blue pattern somehow, and an electromagnetic shield emerged out of thin air, which bounced Hubble away from him. As soon as Hubble opened, Pierrot ran towards the door when he came.

Allen immediately yelled at Talikova who was closest to him: "Stop him!"

The girl had no time to care about a human being yelling at herself, and she swept across Pierrot with her double blades. Pierrot suddenly stretched out a strange hand in his robe, and the three ridiculous fingers were covered with virtual sensing devices, and they pointed towards the void. Every time the finger is dropped, a circle of blue brilliance must be born in the air. The little brilliance spread out like ripples, and then from the top of the six walls of the safe house a half-meter-long gap was punched out, and then a blue-ball-sized metal sphere flew from the inside.

The metal ball was still in the air, so it opened up and down, and a circle of dark barrels protruded from the gap. Then the middle shaft wheel rotates, and the upper and lower rows of gun barrels shoot out flying beams, blasting at the people in the hall. Most of the beam was used to greet Talikova, and the girl suddenly exploded around her, and the fire light completely engulfed her!

"Talikova!" Lola yelled, and flashed away with the epee in his hand, responding to Talikova without paying attention to Pierrot.

At this moment, there was a sudden shock at the front door, and Allen looked. A dark Titan slammed into the crack of the door, his arms against the closed automatic door. The lines on the whole body lit up, and the black giant roaring wildly opened the door to both sides.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), the exposed gaps are constantly pouring in from Catto people. Behind the dark Titan, a mountain-like aura rolled in, and Allen saw the square and majestic face of Ohm the Destroyer.

The giant squeezed out a roar from his chest, stretched out his hand and pressed it to both sides. The armored door was pressed into the groove for him, sparks from the console beside the door burst, and finally a black smoke exploded, which was short-circuited.

The Dark Titan immediately rushed in.

Catherine took an awe-inspiring step, directly ignoring the distance of 20 meters from the black giant, and appeared on the left shoulder of the Dark Titan. I don't know when the snake sickle has been held in the hand of the major general, and the flickering sickle is lightly resting on the side of the dark Titan's neck. Catherine stepped on the giant's shoulder, and there was a dense burst of fractures.

A look of fear appeared in the dark Titan's eyes.

Catherine had ejected forward while dragging the snake sickle, leaving a thin and long wound on the giant's neck. The giant remained motionless, and then sprayed blood mist from the neck wound! The divine light in the eyes of the Dark Titan quickly dimmed. Catherine's sickle didn't seem to cut his neck, but the destructive source force that could be sent into the body went straight to the heart nucleus through the blood vessels, crushing his most important organ into powder.


Catherine took the opportunity to kill Ohm, and her voice rang in the hall: "Go chase Pierrot, leave it to us!"

Allen made a decisive decision and turned back to chase Pierrot away. Hubble and Belmode followed closely, and Lola, who burst out of the flames and exploded two self-disciplined robots, also followed Talikova. Alan's eyes were cold, he really underestimated this alien master.

The deporter would not be here for no reason, Pierrot must have used some methods they didn't know to inform the giant. Moreover, just shaking off Hubble's electromagnetic shield and activating the self-disciplined robot in the safe house are enough to explain the forbearance of this master of the Barren. He obviously has these methods, but he waited until now to use them, but it was very different from the neuroticism he had always shown.

There is no doubt that Pierrot's arrangement easily knocked Allen and his party, who had taken the initiative, to a disadvantage.

When he rushed out of the safe house, Pierrot hadn't known where he was going. There were several side roads here, and he didn't know which one the Bald had chosen. Just when Allen had no idea, Tarikova suddenly pointed to a corridor on the left: "Go here!"

Laura is very confident in the girl’s tracking skills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now she said: "Listen to her, Talikova’s mysterious identification can capture traces of biological activities. She used this ability to track you back then. of."

Allen nodded and made a gesture. Belmode swept away first, and the shadow channel opened directly, connecting several flashes, was already a hundred meters away. Allen and the others chased after the title and disappeared at the corner of the passage in a blink of an eye. After a while, a figure appeared in front of the safe house, first glanced at the fierce fighting in the house, and even saw the light figure entangled with a hill-like giant. Every time the band of light drawn by the sickle goes around the giant, the giant must make a loud roar.

This figure pursed his lips and smiled: "What's the ability of Guanghui to roar? It's still an expeller. This time even a Federation Major General can't expel you. See if Crosia will pick you off after this incident ."

The flare of fire in the hall was reflected on this figure, so Karin's gloating smile clearly appeared in the fire. It's a pity that the fighting in the hall is now blazing, but no one can care about the giantess outside.

(End of this chapter)


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