Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 867:  The fish die

c_t;Blood hidden like a dragon, rolling up blood like silk all the way, washing away, those cold self-discipline robots, or barbarian warriors who rushed up indefinitely were killed by this blood dragon. Read the full text of the latest chapter, visit the latest chapter:. Please search for the most complete! Pierrot, the fastest novel novel, has gone on this journey, ‘stimulating’ many organ arrangements and countless light and dark traps. But he just couldn't help Allen to break the game with strength, and with a knife in his hand, he just made a smooth path!

Under Talikova's mysterious and discerning ability, Pierrot's whereabouts are invisible. The traces left by the master of the Baal tribe eventually led Ellen to the central room of the Death Star base.

The central room is the heart of the entire base, and naturally it is impossible for people to come and go. Only after rushing out of the passage, Allen's eyes were dark, but the Dark Titan rushed in awe. This giant is covered with magic lines all over his body, a prismatic spar protrudes from the center of his brow, and his elbows are spontaneously spontaneous. At first glance, he knows that it is not an ordinary dark Titan, but a high-ranking ‘elite’.

The giant clasped his fists in both hands and pressed it down. At the end of the fist, the qi'waves' are terrifying!

Allen moved horizontally, and the giant fist became Hubble.

Hubble's beard is upside down, his mouth is open and roaring, his appearance is violent. With both hands on the grid, he received the giant's two punches, and immediately a circle of shocks escaped, and the metal ground gave Juli a layer of pressure. The giant eyebrow spar lights up, and the magic lines all over his body are flickering. The source of power in the body is like a river rushing, rushing and whistling, and the arms are gradually increasing, wanting to crush this reckless Catu.

He didn't care about why a Catu wanted to stand with humans. For him, killing all the intruders who were close to the central room was the business, and the others were dismissive.

Suddenly, there was a pain in his right'leg'. After busying, he turned his head to look, but the human kid who had escaped earlier made a knife in the bend of his'leg. This knife was extremely heavy, hurting muscles and bones, making him unable to change his original center of gravity, so the concentrated force immediately ‘swept’ and disappeared.

Hubble, crushed by the giant like a mountain, took the opportunity to attack.

Two red lights in the shadow of the ‘yin’ light up, Hubble’s body rises steadily, and the ‘hair’ is soaring. When the huge spar in front of the ‘chest’ was turned up, it entered the killing mode and raised the giant’s fists, stretched out the ‘legs’, and kicked the Dark Titan out. Then Hubble leaped high and slammed directly on the giant, like a bombardment!

This series of changes happened between the fingers of the finger, until then, the other guards reacted and killed Allen and the others.

In a short and violent fight, except for the high-ranking Titan, all the other guards died in the battle, leaving only a corpse. Allen took a breath, carried the knife, and full of murderous aura, holding the rushing weather flames, stepped into the central room which was regarded as forbidden by aliens.

Passing through a corridor that was neither short nor long, Allen and Belmode walked into a hall. Lola and Talikova helped Hubble deal with the high-ranking Titan outside, and Allen converged, and the hall was extremely large. The soles of the feet are the ground like black glaze, during which light spots rise and fall, and streams come and go. Step on it with one foot, as if stepping in the boundless void. The hall has no column load-bearing, so it is very spacious. The dome is arc-shaped, as if an arc surface is buckled down, and it is as dark as the floor.

Standing in this hall is like hanging alone in the universe. If your mind is weaker, you will be shocked by the invisible pressure created by the empty space.

There is a beam of light in the center of the hall. The beam of light is dark yellow and is grounded. In the meantime, there are constantly moving up and down dark ‘color’ symbols, these symbols are densely packed, I don’t know that there are tens of thousands or billions of groups. This beam of light was originally formed by countless data streams. Between the beams of light, there is a cyan hexahedron mask, in which a fist-sized round spar is slowly rotating.

Alan turned his attention to this spar for a moment, and suddenly felt that the spar had actually produced invisible gravity, and he felt that the spirit of the gods was attracted to it. When he touched the inside of the spar a little bit, Alan had a lot of visions before his eyes, first with sparks in the sky, and then with a waterfall in the void. Then the dry land produces tsun, and the river becomes the sea. Suddenly the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the ground fell and the sea rose. For a while, the information pouring into Allen's mind was so big that it almost burst his head!

At this time, the two nodes of the "chest" and the shoulder socket lit up, and the natural disaster circuit in the depths of Allen's soul was automatically "activated", and a violent killing machine oil spontaneously emerged, like the void shattered, the sky fires back down, and the life is in the Ai Between Lun and that spar. The killing intent was a knife, cutting off the connection between the two, Allen's vision suddenly disappeared, and the person staggered backwards, being held by Belmode. Only then did he realize that he was in a cold sweat, and his body's source of energy had dropped by 30%, and he didn't know where to go.

Then Pierrot's nervous laughter rang.

Allen gave Belmode a wink, and the two went around a small circle before seeing Pierrot behind the beam of light. He touched the beam of light with both hands, not looking at the two Ellens, and just said: "It's not easy for you to chase here, but unfortunately, you are still a step late."

The two looked at each other.

Pierrot turned his head at this time, the light from the beam of light left countless'crossing' wrong lights and shadows on his wrinkled face, making his already ugly face look hideous: "It's already activated, dead. The Star Project."

Allen was shocked when he heard the words: "Impossible, the Pioneer was bombed by us, what do you use to drive this base!"

"The role of the Pioneer is to accurately hit the "Golden City" of Idahua Star's royal court. Now I am second to none. As long as I can hit Idahua Star, this plan will be considered. Most of it succeeded." Pierrot continued to move his hands on the beam of light: "I have opened the worm hole and modified the original coordinates. When the Death Star base left the worm hole and entered Gat In the star field, it will appear directly near the atmosphere of Idahua star. At that time, no thruster is needed, and the gravity of the star alone is enough to make the Death Star base collide. In addition, the black'hole' effect caused by the gravity ring, I Seeing that Idahuaxing is not dead this time, she will have to peel off!"

Alan's eyes winked, and he stepped forward. The person flashed behind Pierrot in a flash, his hand lifted the knife and dropped!

Pierrot's robes flashed, giving birth to an electromagnetic shield, but Alan cut it open. The blade slid across the back of the alien master without any hindrance, and then the robe burst and spurted blood, Allen dodged a few steps, avoiding the dirty blood reads;. Pierrot screamed and fell to the ground, but he was still dead. He just looked at Alan in the pool of blood, still smiling strangely: "It's useless to kill me, and once I die, no one can stop this. Hahaha, you monkeys, just join me for your majesty Give yourself to your great cause!"

There was a sudden cough, and then Pierrot's three eyes slowly lost their brilliance, and finally he lay on the ground. But Alan couldn't get up at all. Just as Pierrot's vitality faded, the dark yellow ‘color’ beam suddenly turned red. The spar in the six-sided mask in the middle is even more flaring, and the stream is full of light, and the six-sided mask is buzzing, as if it is about to be broken by the glow of the spar!

At this time, Ellen didn't need to guess, that the tenth of the spar was the heart of the star. Otherwise, his ‘essence’ and the spar would ‘intersected’, and he would not see the process of a planet’s emergence from nothing. Although the process was short, it could be a flash, but it would have passed thousands of years. Among the mysterious, it is not the person who cannot understand.

When the beam of light in the hall turned red, the ground suddenly shook. At the same time, Alan's heart was shaken. He didn't want Pierrot, a Barr who didn't have half a source of energy, but he did things so harshly. Resolutely launched the Death Star Project, not to mention, he even sacrificed all the Gelai giants and Catu warriors in this base. You know, they still have the title of alliance with the Supreme Agareth.

This move meant that the fish died and the net broke!

But it was Pierrot's so cruelty that Allen didn't know how to deal with it for a while. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't smash the entire planetary base with a single blow. That might only be possible if Caprow came to him personally. And neither he nor Catherine, before the power transmission of the entire planet, is no different from the ants.

At this time, several engineering ships still operating outside the base were pushed away by invisible force. The aliens who were captured on the ship turned into lucky ones. They could clearly see through the portholes of the ship that the entire planetary base was moving slowly. Due to the angle problem, they could not see that on the other side of the star, the five-leaf-shaped wormhole generator had been activated. When these machines with the appearance of a leaf spread out, a worm's hole gradually appeared in the middle of them.

The Baer people are already familiar with the technology of wormholes, and like Idahuaxing's Rainbow Bridge technology, they are the best choice for interstellar travel. At the moment, this worm ‘hole’ generator is even more rare and huge. After all, it has to be opened, but it is a super worm ‘hole’ for a planet to pass through!

The worm’s ‘hole’ grows step by step, and when it opens, the natural gravitational force generated makes the entire planetary base slide towards it. From a distance, like an invisible giant cosmic beast opened its blood plate, the worm's hole that finally expanded to the limit easily swallowed into the Death Star base. When the zero-dead star completely disappeared in the worm's ‘hole’, the five generators declared an explosion at the same time, so the unfolded worm’s ‘hole’ flashed twice and disappeared like a bubble.

This piece of space is still dead, and the gray ‘colored’ planet seems to have never existed~www.wuxiaspot.com~Only the lucky engineering ships witnessed all this.

An arc that couldn't be simpler, fell in Ohm's eyes, but it was so thrilling. The expeller is good at processing data. When his combat power is full, the dozens of eyes on his body will fully capture the opponent's data and integrate them, so as to calculate the'precise' data of the opponent's attack for Ohm, so that he knows the enemy. Invincible from the beginning reads;.

But this application obviously didn't work on the young federal general in front of him.

Earlier on the mothership, Ohm had already learned how powerful Catherine's scorpion gun was. The scorpion gun also has no extra moves, and every blow of it is like thunder and violent, with no return of murderous intent, and the gun is overbearing. However, when the scorpion gun is replaced with a snake sickle, the young ‘female’ who made the domineering spear position also caused the giant a headache.

The snake sickle is not as domineering as the scorpion gun, but when the sickle is drawn out, it is illusory and ethereal. No matter how good Ohm is at calculating, he can't figure out when or where the sickle fell. Compared with the snake sickle, Ohm prefers the tyrant of the scorpion gun, so at least it can be a powerful counterattack. Facing the snake sickle, he felt a sense of nowhere to start. In this way, it was full of arrogance to frustrate the enemy, but now it was the unpredictable hooks and strokes of the snake sickle, and it was completely out of anger.


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