Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 868:  Golden City

Ohm hurriedly gave a sickle, and the giant had a brute force, but facing Catherine was as unspeakably uncomfortable as bombarding mosquitoes. He glanced at the hall, and the soldiers of the Federation were already at a disadvantage. These hundreds of people were always limited in number and were not as well equipped as the base guard. If Catherine had not entangled the Destroyer, humanity would have been killed.

But they showed great resilience. After more than half of the casualties, the remaining fighters were all elite. Under the command of the major Wook, the Union soldiers gathered the front, covered each other, and stubbornly resisted the attack of the base guard. Wu Ke made frequent shots, and every time he shot, he fought for his life, and several Gly giants had been killed by his knife.

But even so, Ohm could see that these humans had reached the end of the strong bow.

A cold murderous aura made Ohm come back to his senses. Catherine dragged the snake and sickle and walked without a trace of smoke. All the eyes of Ohm looked at the girl. Even so, in Ohm's three-dimensional view, Catherine's figure would still flicker from time to time. Every time it flickers, there will always be soldiers on the nearby side shattered into pieces without warning.

So the girl walked all the way, leaving a river of blood behind her.

Every cell of Ohm was screaming. He knew that when Catherine flickered, it was the time when this young major general was moving at a high speed and killing someone instantly. But Gui knew that he couldn't catch Catherine's movements with his ability, which made Ohm's heart beat.

At this time, the Stygian River in Catherine's eyes was turbulent, and the snake sickle lifted slightly, a pattern that was about to shoot. Ohm was shocked in his heart, so he had to deal with Catherine’s attack with all his strength. At this moment, the shock suddenly appeared, and then the announcement in the hall rang: "The super wormhole has been opened, and the base has entered the wormhole channel. It is expected that it will be in ten minutes. Arriving in the Gater Star Field, please prepare for the impact."

The broadcast was repeated three times.

Ohm opened his mouth wide, and after a while, he yelled: "That **** Pierrot, without a mothership as a driver, does he want to hit Idaval directly!"

He ignored Catherine, turned around and left.

He can walk, but Catherine can't. Glancing at the Union soldiers who were still struggling, Catherine gritted her teeth, suppressed the urge to catch up with Ohm, and turned to kill the base guard in the hall. If not, no general will abandon his soldiers, how can Catherine be an exception?

The universe is endless.

The Idahua star people centered on the Gat star field where they are located, and divided the known universe into nine star fields, divided into 26 sectors, thus constructing the most basic cosmic geography. In the nine star regions, each known planet is included in the number to facilitate the positioning and transmission of the Rainbow Bridge device. Nowadays, whether it is the Earth Federation or the advanced civilizations on other planets, the theory of cosmic geography adopted is based on the academic theory of the Idahua people.

Nine star regions, 26 sectors, and hundreds of millions of creatures, all are distributed around the Gart star region. This shows that Idahuaxing’s ambitions exist in some aspects. Although this generation of Emperor Orfascius is known as the King of Justice, can the King of Justice be fair?

I'm afraid it will not.

But no matter what, Idahua has gone through several distant ages, from the peak of dawn, to the radiance of rainbow, and then to the golden rose.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) and Void Skyfire, and finally came to Lucy's father's generation of emperor justice king. The five emperors who have left a strong mark in the history of Idahua star have made great contributions to the Gatte star field and the entire universe. This is undeniable.

They divided the star domains, constructed sectors, determined to establish a law-based order, and ushered in the most glorious era of the universe that has always been the theme of chaos. Among them, the earth has benefited the most. From the Rubik's Cube energy to the Rainbow Bridge, and the source of fire brought by the Idahua stars before the Battle of Dawn, these have completely changed the status quo of the earth and changed the lives of mankind. In this way, he can get out of this small planet and be able to throw himself into the high-level war in full swing.

Therefore, to a large extent, Idahua star is regarded as the origin of cosmic civilization.

And the Gart star field where it is located is undoubtedly the most prosperous galaxy in the nine star fields.

As the first star of the Gart star field, Idahua star may not be located in the middle of the star field, but it is undoubtedly the most important planet in this star field.

Seen from space, Idahua is like the Earth, a blue planet. But its size is more than twice the size of the Earth, and although it is smaller than the Paradise Star and the Garden of Eden, it can also be classified as a super star. Inside the planet, the ocean occupies as much as two-thirds of the surface of the planet, and then the remaining one-third is divided by 13 continental plates of various sizes.

Every plate is a state.

The brilliance of Orfascius the Great illuminates the sky, earth and sea of ​​the planet. In this planet, there is no country anymore, and the whole planet is a country. The imperial court of Idahua star ruled thousands of cities and counties and thirteen states, and as the center of the entire planet, the golden city where the imperial court was located was located in the extreme east of the planet.

In fact, the City of Gold is not located in any state, but a floating island in the sky outside the thirteen states. It hangs in the air above the endless ocean for many years, and the floating island covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. On this floating island, there are hundreds of large and small lakes all over it, looking from a distance like mirrors of different shapes, reflecting the sun and moon dew on Idahua.

On the floating island, there are undulating majestic mountains. I don't know whether it is natural or artificially excavated. The trend of this mountain range forms a semicircular shape, which guards the city of gold. Idahuaxing’s Royal Golden City has a rigorous layout and magnificent architecture. There are spires everywhere and flying bridges like rainbows, creating a dreamlike city. The city is located on the edge of the floating island with seven airship berthing ports, which are connected by a golden road between the berthing ports and the city. There are several squares in the city, distributed in every corner. On the largest square named after the moon **** Alusa, there are five huge statues.

From left to right, there are stone sculptures of the five emperors, the top of dawn, the radiance of rainbow, the golden rose, the sky fire of the void, and the king of justice.

Whether it is the solemn and solemn first-generation emperor, or the graceful and graceful female emperor Rose, or the unparalleled and just king today. The stone sculptures of these five emperors are all lifelike. They stand on the square, like five emperors looking down on the whole city of gold, and even every corner of this dynasty!

Although the city of gold has the name of gold, not all buildings are made of gold. In fact, apart from the numerous minarets on the central axis of the floating island,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Outside the magnificent palace. Other architectural communities are mostly silver and white, and the meaning of the city of gold is more often a metaphor for the brilliance and sustainability of Idahuaxing managed by the emperors of the past.

This floating island, this city named after gold, lives among the 100,000 people on it. One third of them are royal families, who have continued the noble lineage of Idahuaxing and are committed to maintaining the purity of the lineage. The other two-thirds are the army and various people who serve the royal family, etc., and being able to live in the city of gold, even the most inconspicuous servant, would be extremely proud.

The center of the city of gold is undoubtedly the imperial palace that is located under the mountains and is composed of countless clusters of towering spires. The palace, where the emperors of the past lived, adopted an extremely strict symmetrical design. The steeple-shaped palaces are stacked from low to high from both sides, with the Victory Palace on the central axis as the highest point. The towering spire above the Victory Palace can almost reach the top of the mountain. The high point where white clouds are lingering and birds soar. The golden fire that burns for many years, day and night is enshrined in the tallest spire.

With the Victory Palace as the center, the entire palace can be divided into five courts and ten houses 108 palaces. Among the five courtyards, the triumphal square in the atrium is wide and wide, and the golden guards of the royal court with gold armor, silver halberds and scarlet cloaks patrol the square day and night. The guards are so tight that even a mosquito can never fly over. These golden guards can be seen in the ten courtyards and hundred and eight palaces, and they are also a unique scenery in this palace.

The Hundred and Eighth Palace, countless minarets, and supporting walls, every brick here is made of extremely gold. Extremely gold is not gold. It has a color comparable to gold, but at the same time it has a hardness comparable to that of fitted gold. Almost the entire palace was built with extremely gold, and the cost of the drama was astronomical. But this palace built of extremely gold can last for a thousand years. To this day, this magnificent palace built by the first emperor has gone through wind and rain, but it is as glorious as before.

The palace is divided into ten houses, but not every house is inhabited by the royal family. For example, the School of Truth is inhabited by the knowledgeable bachelors on Idahua, who formulate laws and broaden their knowledge. The basic geography of the universe, which is used by various advanced civilizations, was originally born in the School of Truth. The Guangmingyuan is the safety center of the palace and even the entire city of gold ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The meaning of the Guangmingyuan is that under the radiance, all threats will be invisible like shadows.

At this moment, the command center of the Guangming Academy was sounding sharp sirens, and the staff shuttled back and forth, with solemn expressions on everyone's faces. The head of the security center, Marquis Marouse, with seven or eight assistants, walked into the command center like a wind. The chief assistant, Baron Udi, quickly reported a set of data in his mouth, saying: "Five minutes ago, we found that the cosmic spectrum reading outside the atmosphere showed violent fluctuations. The amplitude of the cosmic spectrum was unprecedented. Sir, only if When wormholes are formed, there will be such strong fluctuations. But as we all know, the outer space of our planet is stable, at least within the visible millennium, it is impossible to form natural wormholes."

The middle-aged Earl Marus said solemnly: "You mean someone opened a wormhole artificially."

"Do not rule out this possibility." The chief assistant nodded.

"Of all the advanced civilizations, the one who is most adept at wormhole technology is the Baer of Agareth. Could it be that they did it?" Malus was surprised.

(End of this chapter)


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