Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 869:  Star Heart

Holding his hand on the railing of the podium, Marus looked at the people below and said calmly: "I want to know the latest situation."

A man with a shoulder hanging belt, holding his glasses in his hand, said in a deep voice: "The amplitude of the spectral reading has been maintained at a stable value. According to our calculations, a wave will be generated near the atmosphere after 4 minutes and 16 seconds. Giant wormhole."

"How old is it?"

"At least, the width is nearly 100 kilometers."

"A super wormhole with a width of hundreds of kilometers?!" Marus couldn't help tightening the railing: "So what about the gravity value? What effect will it have on us?"

"There is no need to worry about this." The man said coldly: "The gravity of a super wormhole is not enough to affect our planet, but obviously, this is not a natural wormhole. Earl Marus, we seem to have to release the highest level. Alert, this is a time and space invasion. On the other side of the super wormhole, something else must come."

"Of course." Marus sighed, and said to his assistant, Baron Udy, "Go and inform Grand Duke Griffith to send the coordinate data where the wormhole appears. At this time, he needs his legion to watch. "

"Also, apply for the activation authority to cover the sky shield and prepare all the Golden Guards for battle. Inform Marquis Elise that I need her'Migratory Birds' fleet to be on standby."

Marus leaned on the railing and said solemnly: "I have a hunch that this crisis is not simple. Everyone, please prepare for the worst. Now, display the opening time of the wormhole on the big screen. Countdown, Start!"

On the big screen, a set of time suddenly appeared: 3 minutes and 58 seconds.

In the wormhole tunnel, the Death Star base moves at a constant speed. Standing in front of the beam of light in the central room, Allen raised his head as if he had made up his mind. At this time, Hubble brought in Lola and his daughter, and came to Allen's side together. Allen looked at the Catu, Hubble still maintained a killing stance. Seeing Alan looking at him, Hubble shook his head: "I wanted to kill that guy, but I told him to run away."

"A high-ranking Titan who ran away. The bones are too hard, and holding on will only hurt his stomach." Allen said lightly, but his face became more bitter, and finally said: "I want to think about it. There is only such a risky way to go. If the Death Star project is realized, it will hit Idahua star and the earth too much. I am not a saint, but the earth has my family, and Idahua star will be exposed Qian’s hometown. So probably I can only do a saint’s act once. You leave soon, I don’t know what will happen next."

The future has become impossible to predict.

After talking, Alan took a deep breath, and the internal energy began to work. The natural disaster circuit and the Liaoyuan engraving were opened one by one, and even the nightmare projection came across the air. In an instant, Allen had all his cards out, and his momentum was surging, and he was no more than ordinary major generals.

Smiling brightly at Lola, Allen lifted the knife resolutely. The **** concealed bounced, making the loudest sound of a knife since he was born. Like knowing the arduous challenge that is about to come, this heavy knife is faintly excited. The blade trembled slightly and turned into a ray of blood, slashing straight towards the hexahedron shield on the beam of light.

For a time, the central room was murderous, and the space was filled with blood for no reason, making people and things red!


Allen yelled.

But Talikova was the only one who took action

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), the girl has been driven to madness by the murderous intent of the room full of Douying, she gave Alan this drink again, and immediately subconsciously rushed towards the door. After a few meters, Talikova remembered Lola. Looking back, the wild woman with the giant sword stood still with the other two. Laura smiled softly: "You forgot, we are your servants. If you have anything, we won't be able to escape Death's call even if you have anything to do. Why not help you here and try Turn the tide?"

Allen listened at the end of the word.

He smiled relieved, and Xueyin was already cut on the six-sided mask. The mask was shattered with a knife and exploded into thousands of colored glazes. Xueyin drove straight in, cutting on the heart of the stars in the middle! This star core is the energy supply unit of the gravity ring. Allen's idea is very simple. Chop the star core, making the gravity ring unable to drive. In this way, if it is only a death star, he believes Ida Huaxing can still handle it. Without a gravity bomb, the loss of Idahuaxing will be minimized.

But the risks involved need him to bear alone. After all, he was just a confluence of wills before, and he almost fell into the strange world of the star core. This time he was slashed with a knife. As long as he was not a fool, he knew that there would be great danger. But as he said before, even if he was not a saint, Alan was forced to do the saint's deeds once he was a man!

The blade slashed on the star core.

The Heart of the Stars did not shatter with the knife as Allen thought, but stuck to the blood, and then something strange happened.

The three people nearby saw that the fist-sized spar suddenly burst into a blazing bright flame, which flew up like a river, using the **** heavy knife as the medium to flow upstream, and blasted into Allen's body violently. Alan opened his mouth to shout, but couldn't say a word. But he saw his eyes, nostrils, and mouth lit up, and he spouted faint air. As if his body had been filled with the flames of the heart of stars, Allen's skin also glowed brightly.

Suddenly, he lit up like a human-shaped light bulb!

Allen's feeling at the moment is completely beyond words.

When the vast source force in the heart of the stars crossed the sky and crashed into his body like a raging river, Alan's eyes flashed. Suddenly there were countless cracks in his vision, and then the whole world collapsed and shattered.

The spirit was pulled by a strange force, extending infinitely. Suddenly he saw himself glowing in the central room, the three Hubble dumbfounded beside him, and Talikova with a complex expression on his face. Then the spirit continued to expand, spreading across the Death Star at a speed of light. Allen "sees" the Destroyer who is coming at full speed towards the central room, Catherine who is still in the safe room against the base guard.

Then there is the starry sky and the vast void.

In a trance, he saw a blue planet. At first he thought it was the earth, but when his will was slightly put on it, the planet kept expanding in his eyes. The tentacles of the field of vision penetrated the atmosphere, broke through the clouds and mist, and saw the vast blue sea and a floating island under the blue sky that day. The buildings on that island are magnificent and magnificent, and a pale golden shield is slowly rising from all around the floating island.

When Allen wanted to see more clearly, his will was like hitting an invisible wall and suddenly bounced back. Then the consciousness quickly retracted, and everything went backwards. In a snap, he returned to the human body named Allen, which annoyed him.

In just a short moment, he realized what the ultimate freedom is.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) This is like a frog after reading the world and throwing it back into the deep well. The well is still that well, but a frog who has seen that vast world is absolutely unwilling to go back to its deep well that thinks it is all of the world.

Before Allen had time to calm down the annoyed mood, he rolled his nerves with a sharp pain. Only then did he come back to his senses, feeling the endless source of the heart of the stars surging, washing away his original source of energy. Allen finally condensed into a liquid source of power, and before the mighty power of the stars, he didn't even have the effort to resist, and it was completely annihilated.

The source power of the star core is full of limbs and hundreds of skeletons, covering every blood vessel. The surging power almost burst Allen like a balloon. Allen immediately sprayed blood all over his body, but the blood mist rose up, urging the stars and flames coming out of his body to clean.

At this moment, there was a sudden shock in the heart. The imprisoned screen, which could not be washed down anyway, was finally torn apart in front of this star power. Allen's heart shrank first, and then suddenly expanded, causing his eyes, ears, nose and mouth to spray blood at the same time, but the flames of the source force evaporate instantly.

Seeing this, Laura screamed. She dropped the great sword, grabbed Alan's arm with both hands, and sucked hard. Suck the stars in Alan's body towards him. The source force in Allen's body seemed to get a vent, screaming for Lola. Laura opened her mouth and spurted blood immediately, and her whole body lit up like Alan.

Belmode and Hubble looked at each other, both of them stretched out their hands at the same time, holding down one part of Allen's body, and sharing the internal energy for Allen like Lola. Xingchen Yuanli had two more exits, and unceremoniously poured into the two of them. Belmode opened his mouth and spouted a bright flame, while Hubble roared in pain, his whole body bulging. The spar on his chest was as bright as the sun, as if it would explode at any time.

Tarikova hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't let go of Laura. She screamed and threw herself back, desperately grasping Lola's palm, desperately trying to absorb the power of the stars.

Immediately, the five people were connected into a whole by the power of stars. This awe-inspiring force, in an unspeakable and mysterious way, closely linked the lives of the five people, and even their experience and experience, and let them share them.

Allen was going to give this unbounded star source force to explode~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fortunately, the four of Lola shared some for him. Under a slight buffer, the natural disaster circuit in Alan's body bloomed with the last light before it, and every pattern on that circuit was desperate to absorb the power of the stars. These lines are like dry land that has met with nectar for a long time, and the stars are constantly poured in, and they are not full for a while.

This natural disaster circuit immediately became a big source of energy from the stars, and Allen finally recovered a little sanity. He silently observed his body, and the Star Origin Force still injected into his body had barely been kept within a controllable range, at least it wouldn't hold him to death. But this is no way at all, he has the natural disaster circuit to absorb it on his behalf, and he can temporarily save his life. But Lola is not so relaxed, especially Talikova, this girl has the weakest physique, and it is now at a critical moment.

Suffering from not knowing how to deal with it, suddenly a loud roar rang out: "Damn bug, what are you doing to the heart of stars!"

Ellen reluctantly looked, the mountain-like figure of the giant Ohm pressed down. Frightened and angered, the giant punched the heavy pressure field and slammed it on Allen. Allen was not surprised and rejoiced, and secretly said: It came just right!

(End of this chapter)


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