Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 870:  Compared to the Supreme

It is two minutes before the wormhole opens.

Duke Gulliver’s space fleet has been set up. Although the most elite fleet cannot be mobilized in a hurry, there are three hundred high-speed combat ships, ten golden snake battleships, and the Grand Duke himself sitting in town. Even if any of Agareth's supreme relatives can't beat it, at least it can delay some time.

The city of gold has raised a shield to "cover the sky". This defense system is just like its name implies. When the shield is raised, it can cover the sky and the sun, enough to withstand the fire and bombing of a fully armed fleet. Moreover, outside the shield, the migratory bird fleet personally trained by Marquis Elise is ready. One hundred and eighty platinum light warships have the strategic requirements for high-speed maneuverability and heavy firepower bombing. They have been lifted into the air to prepare for battle, passing over the Golden City from time to time, leaving very pale shadows on the ground like migratory birds.

In the Guangmingyuan Command Center, everyone was full of energy, staring at the readings on the brain, to observe the changes in the wormhole at all times. Marus's forehead was already slightly oozing sweat, and an indescribable sense of pressure made him completely unable to relax.

At this moment, a magnificent momentum suddenly rose. This momentum surging like a tide, instantly spread over the entire city of gold. The momentum continues to be high and high, like a lion facing a strong enemy. Upon touching this momentum for a while, Malus felt soft in his hands and feet, like a small animal in front of its natural enemies. Not only him, but also his assistant Udi, and several barons in the command center.

They were worse than Marus, everyone was pale, almost sitting on the ground. On the contrary, the ordinary staff were completely unconscious, Udi astoundingly Ruth. The latter smiled bitterly: "It's okay, it's your Majesty. I don't know what he found, eh..."

Perceived, the aura of Ofascius the Great seemed to collide with someone in the void, and then the will that came across the air was bounced far away. Only then did Orfascism's momentum slowly receded and disappeared in the direction of the Victory Palace.

Although it was only a very brief contact, Marus was already shocked in a cold sweat. Who was able to alarm the emperor Ofascius, after all, only those two supreme Agareth had this qualification!

"Is it the Black Emperor Frios, or the Demon King Spinak?"

In the side hall of the Victory Palace, a pretty figure appeared in front of the huge French windows. Here you can have a panoramic view of the entire palace, and even the splendid city. And this scene is reflected in a pair of cut water autumn pupils. The woman holding the carved fence is slender, with an unusually soft blond hair coiled into an extremely dignified shape, which is decorated with luxurious crown ornaments.

Like a delicate face carved with a sword and axe, whether it is eyebrows or lips, both are extremely beautiful. A silver and white dress on her body, and the dark golden corset extruded a pair of full arcs on her chest. This woman is not only beautiful, but also seven points similar to Lucy. But she was not Lucy's biological mother, on the contrary, she was the woman Lucy hated most in the entire royal court.

She is Princess Carrie, the favorite concubine of Ofascius. When Lucy's birth mother died of illness and Orfascius, who was in pain, inadvertently encountered Jiali with a very similar appearance, the emperor believed it was the favor of the gods. Regardless of everyone's opposition, he resolutely married this woman of civilian origin back to the palace, and was named princess in the following year. Unexpectedly, this move deeply hurt a girl's heart.

It was also from that time that an irreparable rift appeared between the father and daughter Lucy and Ofascism, and this rift, instead of healing over time, grew bigger and bigger.

A pair of powerful hands hugged the graceful woman in front of the window from behind. Behind Princess Jiali, a majestic voice said: "No, neither is it. The will is very strange, it seems to fit the stars, but it is slightly Sentimental. Neither the depth of Frius nor the turbulent flames of Spinak."

"If it weren't for the two supreme, who else could shock your majesty?" the woman asked in surprise.

The person behind him was silent for a while, and then said lightly: "I don't know, the universe is so big, it's not surprising to jump out of a figure comparable to the supreme. You don't need to be curious, the answer will be revealed soon."

Princess Carrie's soft body was lightly shaken, all because of the comments of people behind her that had been regarded as shocking. If this sentence came from someone else, she might laugh it off. But from his mouth, the meaning is completely different.

Comparable to supreme!

Looking at the entire universe, there are a few more Supremes. Plus him, but only three people.

Through the wormhole passage, the Death Star base slowly advances. In the base, in the central room, Ohm suddenly saw that Alan's number of people and the heart of the stars seemed to have some intersection, and he was immediately frightened and angry. Few stars can naturally form a star nucleus. This is known as the jade of the root among the Gelai people and has always been regarded as a holy thing. It is rumored that the strength of the giant and the strength is second only to the supreme Elliog, who has absorbed a star core and achieved the prestige of Chaos.

Of course, the nucleus extracted by this death star is still not comparable to the one absorbed by Elliog. But in order to extract the core of this star, the Gry clan also paid a huge price. Now that the people of Lun were in contact with the Heart of the Stars recklessly, Ohm launched an attack almost instinctively. Until a punch hit Allen's chest, the giant faintly felt that this move was improper.

But he has no room for regret.

There was a heavy pressure field attached to the giant-like punch. This punch, let alone Alan, had to knock Ohm down even if it was a mountain. But the fist hit Allen’s chest, and the heavy pressure field on the fist was first wiped out and wiped out by an inexplicable force, and then an indescribable force rolled up against the fist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Knocked into Ohm's body. The expeller immediately opened his eyes with anger, all the eyes all over his body were turned out, and they exploded one by one, suddenly dozens of muddy blood flew across!

Ohm wanted to scream, but the terrifying power that swept through the mountains made him unable to scream. From Alan's chest, the source of the heart of the stars is like a dam flood, all sent to Ohm's body. This didn't stop there, Allen simply and consciously sucked violently at the Heart of the Stars, so the torrent of source power first crashed into his body, and then was transferred to Ohm instead. It was just in this process that the natural disaster circuit in his body did not forget to profit from it, absorbing the source of the stars to fill every striped path.

At this moment, if Allen observes carefully, he will find that at least half of the lines in the natural disaster circuit are full and bright.

Ohm's black titanium-like skin glowed dimly, and he desperately tried to withdraw his fist from Alan's chest, but his fist seemed to be clenched, unable to move at all. What's terrible is that after the infused star source force filled his every blood vessel, it began to flow frantically toward his heart core. When Ohm's own source power came into contact with the power of the stars, he had already rushed to pieces, and now he shrank into his heart like a deserter. The power of the stars began to impact his heart like a million masters, like a besieged city!


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