Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 871:  Channel collapse

Waiting for the idle creatures, before the fire is ignited, it is nothing more than an ordinary skin. The life span is no more than a hundred years, and the vitality prevails at the time of new life. Every more than ten years, the vitality fades away. Sixty years later, the vitality is declining even more. When the life is gone, it returns to the dust. Birth, old age, sickness and death, who doesn’t?

And the person who ignites the fire, with the physical strength, has already embarked on a completely different path from ordinary people. This road is not easy to follow. In the source force system, most people stay below level ten. Some of them were able to cross the ten-level mark with a slight success. Among them, those with good potential can touch the threshold of the awakened. Only after crossing the twentieth level is the backbone of the entire source force system.

Looking at the entire universe, billions of creatures. Only three or four out of ten can cross the twentieth level. These lives are ultimately limited by talents, and even if they are determined to advance, they will not be able to break through the sky barriers. Only those with great potential and excellent posture, condensing the source of power, can hope to enter the first order of dominators.

Level 30 is an important watershed in the source force system. It separates ordinary people from the source power like the source power fire seed, and the dominator is the same. Once the 30th level is crossed, life will enter a new stage of transformation.

Although every ten levels are raised, an evolution node will be ushered in, enabling the source power to continuously strengthen themselves. But to cross the threshold of the dominator, it is no longer as simple as evolution, but transformation. Just like the butterfly breaking out of the cocoon, the life form will be completely changed. Even though there is not much change in appearance and body shape, the dominant person has been reborn, stepping out of the limits of the original race's life.

There are two most obvious characteristics. One is that the life span is greatly extended, and the extent of the extension varies depending on the degree of transformation during promotion. And even if it is short, there will always be a hundred years. The life span of the elderly can even reach a thousand years. This is not without precedent, the five emperors of Ida Huaxing who have been forever recorded in the annals of history, which one is not the supreme powerhouse, which one is not the dynasty that lasts for thousands of years. If there is no surpassing the limitations of life, and can create a brilliant millennium dynasty?

In addition to the extended lifespan, another feature is undoubtedly the transformation of life forms.

There are many kinds of changes in life forms, which are regarded as the decision of the dominator's own will. In the vast universe, there are many powerful creatures who resolutely abandon the tangible skins and completely transform into invisible and intangible energy life; there are also full-scale evolution of their own bodies, so that the life originally in the planet becomes a giant outside the star. , Thus free to come and go between the stars. People like this all change their life forms drastically, thereby expanding their specialties.

But in general, such extreme lives are still in the minority. Most rulers will still retain the original life form, after all, they still need to maintain the original form in order to communicate with the creatures of their respective races. As far as humans are concerned, with the exception of those ancestors who have embarked on the path of returning to their ancestors, the other powerful masters basically maintain the appearance of human beings, but their insides are completely different from ordinary humans.

The most obvious of these is the core.

The predecessor of the heart nucleus is the heart. After the transformation, the dominator will choose to evolve the heart into the heart nucleus. The core of the heart is the heart behind the crystal, which has ridden the limitations of the flesh and blood body and greatly increased the heart's capacity for the source force. Being able to store more source power means being able to exercise more powerful capabilities.

Human beings can only form a core after being promoted to the dominant. And the heart core is the final form of Yuanli, a sign of condensate crystals.

From the point of view of the entire universe, the human race really has nothing to do with tyranny. Their basic physique is too weak, neither history nor civilization can be said to be long. Among the billions of creatures in the universe, this race is still very young, and the course of life has just begun. Looking at civilizations on other planets, there are tens of thousands of races, and there are many lucky people who are favored. They don't need a long evolutionary process, it can be said that they already have a unique advantage when they are born.

Just like the Gram.

Although this giant's race is low in fertility, when every newborn is born, the innate physique is already a hundred times and a thousand times higher than that of human beings. Once he became the Dark Titan, he had already evolved a heart core. At this point, it has already surpassed humans.

The heart core is the source of the giant's body, and its importance is as important as the central chamber to the entire Death Star base. Now that Ohm's heart is surrounded by a star power comparable to a million masters, it is really miserable. The source power in this star's heart is not like the substance of the pupil of the hellfire and the shadow star diamond. Those spars that have nourished source power have a single source power, and their quality is even worse than the heart of the stars.

The heart of a star extracted from a dying planet has complex source power attributes. The energies of different attributes in the same source force are mutually restrained and born and die between the fingers of a finger, just like a condensed planetary ecology. Even if you want to analyze it, you can’t resolve it. Let alone the quality of the source force, as for the amount of source force, how can the source force of a mere spar compare to the source force equivalent of the entire star?

Even if Ohm's combat power is already below the Hellfire Giant, the top three figures in the Dark Titan. But even hellfire giants, even those powerful giants with names, landed on the ground. Under the wanton and majestic source force of Star Heart, it may not necessarily be much better than Ohm. There is no natural disaster circuit in the giant body to help absorb the origin power of stars. His heart is like a young girl exposed to the eyes of a group of **** monsters, but in a moment, he has already lost his armor and armor.

The outer wall of the heart core is still hard, but under the scouring of the stars, it quickly peels off and annihilates. The pain of the core being stripped away can't be expressed in words. What makes Ohm sad is that he can't even detonate the core under the impact of the star source force, which is so happy. On the contrary, it is also necessary to realize the incomparable pain of this kind of death spreading inch by inch. At this time, the unique and tyrannical physique of the Grams made Ohm's life worse than death.

Ohm didn't know that the Star Origin Force had a very strong exclusivity. Therefore, when they flooded into Allen and the others, their original source of power would be annihilated so quickly. Ohm is the same, but he has one more core than the others. Under the protection of the heart nucleus, Ohm's whole body was retracted into it. But in this way, it has become a beacon on the sea, and the star source force almost instinctively washes away. The harder and more durable Ohm's heart core is, the more powerful the star power will be washed away.

After a stalemate for a while, all the stars in the bodies of Belmode and others flowed back and poured into the giant's body. This is like a situation where several armies join forces to attack, but the four of Belmode are freed. After the Star Origin Power poured out of their bodies, they fell one after another, all of them passing unconsciously. But they didn't know that although the power of the stars had retreated, a part of it remained permanently and penetrated into their bodies. No one knew what changes would happen in the future.

Now Alan is the only one who can maintain his sanity. He has a natural disaster circuit to continuously absorb the star power to avoid the danger of body explosion. At this moment, the source of the stars was eighty. Nine all crashed into Ohm's body. The giant's body was cracking inch by inch, and a large area of ​​skin flew away. Before leaving the body, it radiated from the inside out, and then disappeared in the light. Clean and clean.

Knowing that it had reached the final juncture, Alan gritted his teeth and used his will to drive the natural disaster circuit, so that the source of stars in the circuit was also injected into the giant's body. Ohm's core is only one-third of the level left. That is the hardest part of the core, and even the star source force cannot be annihilated for a time. Suddenly a huge force erupted from Alan's body, and the natural disaster circuit responded to Alan's will and spewed the source force originally absorbed toward Ohm.

This became the last straw to overwhelm the camel!

Ohm let out a silent scream, and a bright flame from his chest burst out like a volcanic eruption, rushing diagonally to the top of the central chamber, tearing the dark dome open instantly. His fist stuck to Alan's chest quietly exploded, and the fist and arm exploded into powder. Alan and the giant shook together, and a strong force appeared between the two and pushed them away in opposite directions.

Allen's hand holding Xueyin was also shaken away, and the whole person flew backwards 100 meters and fell heavily to the ground. He barely looked up. The Ohm man was in the air, exploding inch by inch, and finally the whole person flashed. A splendid flame exploded from his body, and instantly annihilated the giant's huge body. This beam of light expanded rapidly. In a blink of an eye, there was only a glare in Allen's eyes, and nothing was seen.

The Death Star base still in the wormhole passage violently shook, and a circle of colorful ripples suddenly spread out from the Death Star, and continued to spread, and in a flash, it had collided with the wormhole passage. Suddenly, the stable wormhole channel continued to twist...

Golden City, Guangmingyuan.

An exclamation suddenly sounded from the command center: "Master Marus~www.wuxiaspot.com~Please look here, the reading is abnormal!"

Marquis Marus immediately rushed over and asked urgently: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know, but just now, the wormhole reading suddenly fluctuates sharply. Look here."

Marus looked up to the big screen. The graph representing the wormhole reading was showing unstable fluctuations. The graph was high and low, like a wave rising and falling. Marus was frightened. Assistant Udy came to him, looked at the graph and said: "It looks like the tunnel collapsed prematurely."

"The passage collapsed?" Marus whispered: "If this is the case, the wormhole will be opened in advance. Quickly, calculate where it appears!"

In the Gat star field, in the space which is still a long distance away from Ida Huaxing, an unnatural distortion suddenly appeared. The space twisted like a water curtain, and then a spatial crack twisted up and down appeared. When this crack extended to hundreds of kilometers in length, it began to open up and down. Like a giant void beast opened its mouth in the blood basin, among the cracks, the gray-white Death Star was "vomited" by the super wormhole opened in advance!

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