Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 872:   make a close

"Master Marus, this is the wormhole coordinates and it has taken shape!"

In the command center of the light room, a man jumped up and shouted.

Marus shouted, "Send to Grand Duke Gulliver immediately!"

The 300 Fleet, located off Idahua, began to move after a while. The fleet arrow points to the direction where the super wormhole appears. And thousands of miles away in space, the Death Star base spit out by the wormhole is constantly splashing with fire. Wormholes were not fully opened, and they had already begun to close. At this time, the star had not completely come out of the passage, and the crack that suddenly closed really bitten the small half of the dead star like a huge mouth.

Suddenly, the base exploded again and again, and in the part "eaten" by the cracks, fragments of the base continued to break away from the main body and fly into space, forming a gray dragon.

In the central room.

Alan's eyes again saw things again, and the room was full of splendor, and the released star power began to dissipate. But there was a thick misty glow coming like a ebbing tide, and as much as it was spiritual, it plunged into Allen's nose and mouth. The source force ebbs and flows back into the body, the taste is not much better than the previous star heart suddenly blasted the source force into his body.

Allen felt like a balloon that had been emptied, and it was filled up in an instant, his whole body inflated as if to...♂ burst. Fortunately, at this time, the natural disaster circuit once again drew the power from the stars, and the star source force in the body suddenly injected into every stripe of the natural disaster circuit like an old horse. Alan's heart was shocked. Could it be that these are the source powers extracted from the natural disaster circuit just now and transferred to the giant. If this is the case, it is obvious that the natural disaster loop has completely controlled this part of the source force, otherwise, how can it be retrieved after being separated from the body?

In the end, seven or eight of the source of energy in the body was sucked away by the natural disaster circuit, and the rest remained in Alan's body. Although the whole body is still uncomfortable, but at least there is no such terrible feeling of about to burst. Then there was a sharp pain.

The sharp pain came from the heart, and Allen couldn't help but put his hand on his chest. Before the stars entered through the body, the surging source force destroyed his imprisonment barrier in an extremely domineering manner. The shock at that moment had already caused Alan's heart to suffer tremendous damage. After that a series of things happened, so that Allen had no time to be distracted. Only then did he remember, he opened his mouth, he had already vomited a large mouthful of dirty blood, and there were visceral fragments inside.

Allen gritted his teeth and took out a pearl that he kept close to his body from under his battle suit. It was the thing that was traded with Lily, Princess Naga on the heavenly star, that day. Alan squeezed the pearl in accordance with the method taught by Lily, and several distinct drops of water were emitting a soft milky white light. This is the fountain of immortality of the Najia clan. Allen opened his mouth and inhaled, and a drop of it turned into a small stream and poured into Allen's mouth.

The entrance of this drop of eternal spring had melted, and there was still no feeling at first, but after a while, I felt cold all over my body, unexplainably comfortable. Vigorous vitality emerged from Alan's body, and that vitality was almost as strong as a newborn baby. His blood vessels that were almost exploded by the power of the stars are recovering quickly, while the most injured heart climbs directly onto a layer of milky white liquid, which quickly penetrates into every crack in the heart, repairing everything. wound. Although he could not heal immediately, the injury was under control.

Only then did Allen really breathe a sigh of relief, and then stood up. But it was such a simple movement that made him a little uncontrollable, so he stood up and jumped. He easily jumped up to five or six meters. It was almost as if in a state of weightlessness, and Allen almost felt unconscious. To their own weight. He fell back to the ground, adjusted his feelings a little, then walked to Belmode and divided the remaining fountain of youth among the four.

After Bulaoquan injected them into their mouths, the four of them also exuded strong vitality, and it was not a problem to want to repair their injuries. Only then did Allen check his body, his own source power has almost been annihilated by Xingchenweili, and the rest is insignificant. Now what replaces the original source force is the source force from the heart of the stars. The attributes of this source force are complex, and a little attention, it is not difficult to find that the birth and death during this period, the source force itself is constantly colliding and annihilating each other, but it maintains a relatively stable state, which is really strange.

This source force flows and rushes in his blood vessels, and every time it circulates, a little source force will penetrate into his body and play a strengthening role. Those bodies and bones that have been penetrated by the power of the stars will have extremely dim flashing light spots. These fireflies are dimly lit, like stars.

It was not Allen who benefited the most, but the natural disaster circuit. After the natural disaster circuit absorbed a large amount of star power, although it did not light up other circuit nodes out of thin air, this circuit glowed in Allen's body, like a galaxy traversing, up and down. The most intuitive manifestation is the ability of the natural disaster circuit to generate another. Allen just wanted to study this ability, and suddenly caught a slight invisible sound.

He looked up awe-inspiringly and looked towards the door. While looking at it, it was when Karin's figure bumped in. Karin was also startled. She wanted to take advantage of Alan's trance and slam the killer. Unexpectedly, as soon as his figure appeared, Allen looked up like a foresight. The two eyes seemed to have an insight into all the secrets, making her feel invisible, and her momentum was suddenly weakened by three points.

"It's you?" Allen didn't seem to be surprised by Karin's presence here. He nodded and stood up and said, "Well, we should also make an end."

The central room shook suddenly, and an explosion sounded from afar. Ellen ignored him, only looked at Karin intently, and raised his hand towards the **** sword, but the heavy sword did not fly into his hand. Allen looked at him, where there was blood hiding. Just near the light stream of data, a crimson shadow on the ground outlined the shape of a heavy sword, but the blade of the **** sword had long been annihilated and disappeared.

That is naturally a masterpiece of the star power.

Allen couldn't help but smile, but reached out and touched his waist. Without the **** sword, he still has at least one demon praise.

"It's time to end it." Karin looked at Alan cautiously, and now Alan looked a little different in her eyes. But as for the difference, she couldn't tell. Karin looked around and said, "Where is Ohm? Why is he missing?"

"He's dead." Allen said calmly.

The devil salutes and unsheaths.

"Dead?" Karin's eyes shrank slightly: "Who killed it?"

"Me." Allen said calmly.

"You?" Karin sneered: "This joke is really not funny at all."

"I think so too, because it's not a joke." Allen also smiled, a smile that couldn't be more sincere.

The momentum is surging.

Allen mobilized the internal energy and activated the devil's praise. The spar on this source device let go of the dazzling red glow, and the dagger was covered with red light, and it turned black and red. After such a repetition, it finally turned into two rays of light and separated, and they were caught in the hands of Allen, and they became double-edged. One black and one red, one long and one short, death hymn!

Karin's chest rises and falls, unable to suppress the excitement in her heart: "This is the praise of the devil, the source of that man? It is in your hands."

"It seems so."

"It's mine!" Karin screamed, the energy gun on his shoulder lit up, and a group of blue brilliance went away and blasted towards Allen.

Alan smiled, and the black blade exploded in his hand, turning into a turbulent black mist, which suddenly dispersed.

The decayed mist rushed out, and the blue brilliance flickered as soon as it entered it. The black fog kept rolling, rolling like a tide, and it wrapped Karin in a moment.

Allen held the red blade and plunged into the black mist alone.

Karin looked around, only to feel that the fog was everywhere, as if she had crashed into another world, she didn't dare to move.

At this moment Allen walked out of the fog and confronted her. Karin grinned: "Do you think you can kill me?"

"Try it." Allen shrugged, unspeakably chic.

Karin stuck out her tongue like a snake and licked her lips: "It's a pity to kill you, but for the sake of blood inheritance, there is still that source device, but I can't care much."

"Oh? It's as if you really can kill me." Allen said, raising the red blade with great momentum!

The black mist rolls madly, circling like a dragon, soaring upward!

Carlin was dumbfounded, and Allen's momentum continued to push up, like towering mountains rising from the ground. But in an instant, he skipped the twenty major barriers he had never crossed. She finally lost her voice: "Are you advanced?"

"It's not that simple, right?" Allen said with a smile, and his momentum continued to rise, jumping two levels in one fell swoop.

But still didn't mean to stop.

Karin opened her mouth slightly with horror on her face. Allen's aura continued to grow as if it had no end. He had broken through the twenty-fifth level in an instant, but it continued. She finally panicked and Karin screamed. The armor behind his back suddenly flew, like a thin line of snow on the skin, and the thin line suddenly opened from left to right, revealing Glenn's spar. Karin also released aura, the two auras collided in the fog, producing a continuous thunderous sound.

She rushed to Allen.

What made her desperate was that Alan's breath had risen to the same height as hers, but it was still growing.

There is no extreme!

Allen raised the red blade ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The natural disaster loop in his body was shining brightly, and every pattern was sprayed outwards with a colorful star power, which pushed Alan's already close to the limit aura again! The black mist blasted to death and the electric snakes danced wildly. Allen raised the red blade and stepped towards Karin. The sword moved and the wind grew, and the fog of decay came and went, covering both of them. The moment the two disappeared into the fog, a dazzling light exploded between the two figures that were about to cross.

The last Grey Giant fell to the ground, from the bottom of his skull, a blood line to his belly, the flesh and blood rolled over. Catherine put away the snake sickle and swept it away. The alien soldier was dead and fleeing. In this safe house, only the Union soldier and her remained.

At this moment, Catherine shook her whole body and looked in the direction of the central room incredulously. There were two auras rushing there, one of which she knew very well, and was owned by Allen. But Allen's imposing aura had never been before, that had already left her far away, reaching the height she had never reached before!

"How is it possible?" Catherine converged, and said to Wook: "This base is almost over, you go to the pier first, grab a spaceship and wait for me!"

Then the horse's tail flicked, pulling a beautiful trajectory in the air. Holding the snake sickle, Catherine swept towards the central room.


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