Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 876:   gains and losses

Talikova slept for three days, but Allen closed her eyes for half an hour before opening her eyes. When his eyes first opened, brilliance flowed in the crimson pupils, the stars were disillusioned, and the different phases appeared. But in a short time, it disappeared completely, and there was a little regret in those eyes.

The door was pushed open.

Catherine, who had changed into a silver robe with gold ornaments, walked in. She had a high-necked robe with an open placket, and a man's uniform was worn by her in a heroic manner. But the major general always felt that Ida Huaxing's court men's uniform was cumbersome and obstructive, and it was not as straightforward as the federal general's uniform. It's a pity that the uniform is already in tatters, even if 10,000 people don't like it, she has to use some first.

Seeing Catherine, Alan lazily said: "How long does the emperor plan to let us live here before he is ready to send us back?"

"It's no more than three days at the latest. The palace is busy right now, saying that we are preparing a celebration dinner." Catherine stood by the window, "Oh" and said, "His Royal Highness will be here at the latest tomorrow. Also, General Ganglusen has notified me. After returning this time, he will award you first-class military merit. You earned it."

If it were before, Alan would be happy no matter how much he received such an honor. But now, he just said "Oh" and didn't seem to take it too seriously.

Catherine said again: "That numbered planet has already fallen on your Bethkod. With this credit, I think it should be the first in the list and it shouldn't be a problem."

She was referring naturally to the family heir.

But Allen had a bitter smile.

Catherine frowned: "Why, the source is still losing? There is no change in engraving?"

Allen exhaled a foul breath from his mouth and shook his head: "It has been three days, and this situation has not stopped. If this continues, let alone level 20, I won't be surprised even if I completely become an ordinary person."

Catherine's face sank.

Death Star base, the battle in the central room. Faced with Karin, a **** competitor, Allen stepped through the tenth level with star power, slashed Karin with a single blow, and obtained a part of the blood path. However, after being taken back to the City of Gold by Duke Grief, Allen discovered that the source of energy was constantly being lost in the past three days. Not to mention that after slaying Karin in the central room, he immediately dropped two levels from the 30th level. That is to say, in the past three days, the source force has been dissipating all the time, and it has now fallen to about twenty-fifth level, and this momentum still has a tendency to stop at all.

More importantly, after being promoted to the 20th level, the original engraving will naturally evolve to form the foundation of the source force. However, Allen's engraving still remained in the state of the blade of the igneous prairie, the engraving was lifeless, and there was no sign of evolution at all. Coupled with the constant loss of source power, if this continues, it is not surprising that the source power will dissipate.

"How could this be so." Catherine frowned: "I have seen several people in Belmode. Although their own source of energy also washes out the power of the heart of the stars. But their fire is over, and after these three days, it is not only The source power is restored, and it is better than before. Except for Hubble, which has only improved by half a level, everyone else has a gain. In particular, Belmode and Lola both improved by two to three levels."

"Not to mention, the Star Origin Power has also strengthened their bodies. From now on, only the strength, agility and response have increased in all aspects. It is hard to say how much they will grow later. In my opinion, the Star Origin Power has greatly increased. Their potential has caused their bottleneck to pass a lot later. Hubble and Catu are already strong, and the potential is as high as expected. Belmode and Lola, I think they have grown to the general level of combat power It’s not a problem. Especially Laura, she should be able to beat the 30th level.” Having said that,

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Catherine stopped.

Allen smiled bitterly: "So all of them benefited, but I was the only one who suffered. Don't ask me why, I don't know."

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing feels depressed, and Allen is no exception. He shook his head: "I will walk outside."

Catherine nodded.

At this time, Allen really needs to be alone.

Allen walked in this huge palace known as the five courts and ten courtyards, and his heart felt like dead water. I think he accidentally chopped the heart of the stars in the central room, and got the help of the source force to overthrow the imprisoned screen that was like a mountain on the road before him. When he killed Karin, he pushed the source force again and again, leaping across. Tenth level, stepped into the 30th level, and got a glimpse of that charming scenery.

In addition, he unintentionally broke through the conspiracy of the Baer people and made first-class military merits, and his status in the family naturally rose. The first person in the line of heirs can't get away. It can be said that this is a small peak in life. But just when he was proud of his life, he ran into the loss of his source of energy and couldn't mark the matter. It's like falling from the clouds to the bottom, this big ups and downs, it feels really uncomfortable.

No matter how open-minded people are, they will inevitably sigh and sigh, not to mention that Allen is far from the age of open-mindedness.

In this era, how can he deal with himself if he has no source of power and no power?

Allen didn't want to think, let alone.

At this moment, what does the prosperity of this palace do to him. He is like walking in a parallel world, full of prosperity, innocent with him.

It will be early in the morning, and only the Golden Guard is walking around in the royal courtyard. These straight-faced guards seemed to recognize Alan, and knew that he had solved the great danger of Ida Huaxing. When they passed him by, they would always nod and give way. Allen grudgingly smiled, but in a bad mood. He walked out of a corridor and suddenly entered a square courtyard with no one around. Allen looked at the sky, depressed, and jumped up immediately, wanting to be the bird that soars into the sky. But he was always a bird, so this jump fell on the eaves of the palace. Looking around, the palace is dense and the steeple is towering. Allen walked quickly, swept straight along the eaves of the palace, and jumped to the spire of a minaret before exhaling.

Unexpectedly, it's okay not to exhale, and a soft exhalation suddenly came after the exhalation tower. Allen stretched out his hand to build the wall of the tower lightly. After turning to the tower, he saw a middle-aged man move his hands and feet and dumped under the tower. Seeing that he was about to fall, Allen quickly reached out and lifted the man up.

"Good risk, good risk." The man leaned on the edge of the tower and looked at Allen angrily: "Where did you come from, you want to murder this king!"

Allen shrugged and squinted: "Are you Majesty Ofasis?"

"Of course not, if my eldest brother suffocated his feet so much, he wouldn't laugh at Agareth's two when he said it." The man straightened his waist, but he was also called burly. It's just the temperament, it's always a little bit worse, and it's a bit of a strong one while doing it.

"Your Majesty is your brother? Why haven't I heard that your Majesty still has a brother?" Allen was dubious.

The man widened his eyes and said, "You are the kid from the earth. Also, after all, those who know the king are limited to those in the royal family."

Seeing him saying the king on the left and the king on the right, Allen couldn't help but laughed and said: "A good man, why step on the tower like a thief. No, it's obviously inappropriate to be a thief now. "

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and grinned: "It's weird. Although this king does not have the power of my elder brother, he is also honorable. Although you are our distinguished guest, it can be seen that this king should be humble and more. , You still questioned the king

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), do you have this qualification? "

"If you don't tell, don't tell." Allen shrugged, and went to his place. Anyway, there are a lot of high towers here, just find another place to squat and relax, but you don't need to be entangled with this uncle who doesn't know whether it is true or not.

Unexpectedly, it was caught.

The man hummed: "If others want to listen, I don't want to tell him. If you don't want to listen, I want to tell you."

"Boy, don't look at me under one person, above ten thousand people, with honour and unlimited scenery. But in fact, staying in this **** palace, hiding behind the infinite glory of my big brother. This life is lonely... "The man let go of Allen and knelt down. There is no such thing as a royal family member, a man of the market.

But Allen looked pleasing to the eye and stopped leaving. He squatted down and said, "So you climbed up to the tower to feel the loneliness of being alone on the heights?"

"Fart, this king is not eating and holding on." The man shook his head, reached out his hand to the thousand palaces underneath, and said, "Look, isn't this palace magnificent?"


"I also think so, but every time I stand on a high place and look down, I always feel that it is spectacular and spectacular, but it doesn't matter to me. That is the palace of the big brother, not mine." The man said with emotion.

Allen's heart trembles slightly, and an unspeakable feeling passes. He wanted to catch it, but the feeling was fleeting.

"It's not mine, and I can't keep it. Mom, I don't believe that without my elder brother, I can't create this prosperous scene. Give me a chance and I can create another golden city." The man added another sentence, and then chuckled twice.

Alan was finally moved.

The source of the stars in the body is not his after all, and it can't be kept. That being the case, if you disperse, you will disperse. The big deal is all over again, as long as the fire is not extinguished, you can reunite the source. Now that the second imprisoned screen is no longer there, condensing the source power is naturally much smoother than before.

It takes a lot of courage to move forward, so why not start over?

Allen reluctantly chose to start all over again, and when the knot was gone, the haze on his face was swept away. The man next to him gave him a strange look, stretched out his hand and patted Alan on his shoulder: "I'm leaving now, you can remember, don't tell anyone about seeing me. Let the eldest brother know that I'm fine and love going to the tower Squat, my face can be lost clean."

Allen nodded, not paying attention. He was in a happy mood at the moment, and he felt that his whole body was full of fighting spirit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Looking at the gorgeous palace below, he really wanted to let out a long roar, so that he could relax his feelings. The middle-aged man glanced at his back, smiled slightly, and climbed into the tower window. Unexpectedly, I stumbled on my foot when I turned the window, and fell off with a strange cry. It took a while before he left with cursing.

It seems that only a moment has passed, and it seems that hundreds of centuries have passed. When Allen came back to his senses, he was shocked to realize that the sky was already full of red clouds, but it was dusk. He was taken aback for a moment, why he stayed for a whole day.

He stood up, jumped down from the tower, and naturally moved his energy. At this move, Allen was startled again. So in a daze, he flipped a somersault in midair and fell directly to the ground. It happened to be passing by the nearby Golden Guard. He saw Ellen, and one person lifted him up and said, "Mr. Ellen, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it couldn't be better." Alan laughed, making the guard a little strange.

The Golden Guard looked at each other, but didn't know that when Allen was running the source of energy in his body just now, he found that the source of energy was no longer lost, and he had steadily stopped at level 25. More importantly, the genetic circuit in the body is quietly changing, and the imprinting evolution is at present!

(End of this chapter)


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