Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 877:   ridiculous

The two men watched Allen go all the way, disappearing to the corner of a corridor, and then looked away.

This is a room in a tall tower. The setting sun spreads a red light on the ground, and Grand Duke Grifo is standing in the bright red sunlight behind another man. There are five princes in the empire. Among them, the two Grand Duke Grievous and his brother Pald are the oldest, the father of Link, Duke Lebers, is the second, and the Grand Duke Parfilli, known as the treasure of the empire, is the youngest.

Duke Grifo is a burly figure and a majestic appearance. No matter standing, there is a majestic atmosphere. At the moment he is wearing casual clothes, standing with his hands behind. If you don't see the posture, you will have a great dignity. His gaze crossed the figure in front of him, fell on the spot where Allen's figure disappeared, and suddenly smiled: "You said before that you want Lucy to see his limits and give up your heart. But this blink of an eye stabilized the source for him. Realm of strength. I think Lucy will not give up even more."

The man heard the words, smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "That's because before, he was limited by the ability of source force imprisonment. If there is no miracle, his life will stop at level 20. But this time you also saw it. , He was scoured by that star source force, but he crossed the bottleneck of the imprisonment barrier by mistake. In addition, he is credited to us, Ida Huaxing, I will help him once, which makes sense."

He paused, then said: "But there is still the last imprisonment barrier in his body, so I don't know if he can rush through this hurdle. If he can rush through, it will fly into the sky."

"What about Lucy, do you intend to continue to leave her with others?" Duke Griver reminded: "I heard that Link had a fight with this little guy earlier. I shouldn't need to remind you. Lucy is more than Link is a candidate. The families of several other people have expressed dissatisfaction more than once recently."

The man standing at the window snorted heavily, but did not speak.

"It's no wonder they, after all, the children of those families are also qualified to compete with Lucy." Griver continued.

The man finally said: "I gave them their qualifications!"

The implication is that since they can be given qualifications, they can also be withdrawn. Griffith's eyes were complicated, and he turned into a sigh: "But then, it will definitely affect the feelings between you and those families."

"Joke, can I ignore my daughter's feelings? Anyway, it's the same sentence unless Lucy gives up her heart..."

Duke Grifo snatched: "What if she doesn't give up? Are you going to exempt Lucy from the obligation of the royal family, that would be too unfair to your other children!"

"Fair..." He sighed, "Just isn't fair, it's not easy. But even if someone says I am confused, I will admit it. I owe Lucy too much. If that young man has enough strength to protect her, I am willing to give this daughter to him. The big deal, I abolished Lucy’s status as a queen, so that those people can shut up?"

Grifo smiled bitterly: "You probably started thinking about today from the day Lusa passed away? Deliberately alienated Lucy and married Princess Carrie, who looks seven-point similar to Lusa. Outsiders only know that you miss your deceased wife, and that your father and daughter are at odds. Who knows that you are working hard to protect your daughter?"

"Imperial sons and daughters, you may not necessarily be happy." The person at the window sighed: "How did he want to be the king of justice back then, and it was not my old man who forced me to take the lead. Besides, Lucy's personality follows her mother. , If Lusha doesn’t know me, she doesn’t have to be a bird in a cage. Being in the royal family, lucky or unlucky, only she knows.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) When I stayed, I only said three words in my ear..."

"Which three characters?"

"Can't let go..." The man's shoulders trembled lightly, and said: "I knew she couldn't let go of her daughter, so I thought at that time, I must do something. At least, let my daughter have the freedom to pursue happiness... "

"You." Duke Grievous shook his head: "Forget it, since you have this plan. I need to do something then, just say it."

The Grand Duke paused and said, "There is one thing, I think I still have to tell you."

"Carrie?" said the prophet Mobu at the window, "what else does she want to do?"

"Princess Carrie is always asking about our VIP guest these days, including asking about his residence." Grifo frowned and said, "Look, do you want me to take care of her?"

The person in front of the window laughed: "She is trying to seduce Alan. I know that she hates me and Lucy all these years. If it weren't for her to look like Lucy, she wouldn't be married to me. Gonglai. So as long as it makes Lucy and me uncomfortable, she will always toss. That woman, she is not afraid that I will execute her, on the contrary, it is a relief for her."

Grifo shook his head and said, "After all, it's not because you and her have the name of a husband and wife, but there is no such thing as a husband and wife. Princess Carrie, complaining in her heart."

"Yes, but every time I see her, I can't help but think of Lusa, so..." The man spread his hands.

"Then what do you plan to do with the princess?"

"Let her go." The man said an answer that surprised the Duke: "You remember to move the golden guard near our VIP guests away, and don't let them see things they shouldn't. If, if What really happened between them, I also took the opportunity to abolish the princess Carrie. It’s time to let her go. As for Lucy, if she knows about this, I’m afraid I’ll have to reconsider and Ellen. Is it?"

Griver's heart sank. After all, the man was still worried about Alan, and let Princess Carrie go to the test. The Grand Duke smiled bitterly and shook his head, only pitying Princess Carrie, thinking of revenge on him, in the end he still had to be a touchstone for Lucy. If you let the princess know, you might be ashamed to die, right?

"Let's go, I want to taste your chef's dinner tonight." The man clapped his hands and said, "Also, give Jiali a convenient opportunity to do things."

Griffith said bitterly, "It seems that the baby in my wine cellar is going to suffer."

"Ping's stingy." The man scolded with a smile.

These two finally left the tower.

Night fell.

After having dinner and having a small gathering with Laura, Allen returned to the residence alone. He can clearly feel that the genetic circuit in his body has entered a stage of recombination. It is estimated that at dawn, it will be able to complete the evolution, combining all the gene circuits into a base of source power, which is a sign of the official advancement and awakening. Allen had already planned to sit still for the night to get a glimpse of the wonderful combination of genetic circuits.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the door and walked into his bedroom, he suddenly saw a figure standing with his back facing him. When he came in, the lights in the room lighted up as if by magic, and the figure was clearly reflected in Allen's eyes.

The long dress with a high crown is obviously a woman. Just from the back, you can see that graceful figure, soft and charming. You don't need to look at your face to know that she is a beauty. It's just that a big beauty is waiting here for him to come back, and Alan almost thinks he is in the wrong room.


(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Is it Allen? The man Lucy likes? "She spoke, and turned around.

When she saw her appearance, Alan was shocked again. This woman was seven points similar to Lucy. The same blond and blue eyes, almost the mature appearance of Lucy ten years later. For a moment, he was speechless.

The woman was winked and confused: "It looks good, so it's not a loss."

Alan couldn't figure it out, wondering what she was talking about. After returning to his senses, he said: "Madam?"

"Ma'am? Am I very old?" The woman said with a smile, not too displeased.

If he hadn't heard Lucy say that his biological mother died early, he would almost think that the woman in front of him was Lucy's mother, and then said: "Sorry, I don't know what this lady is looking for?"

"Miss?" The woman shook her head: "I still know a little bit of self-knowledge. It's long past the green age."

Neither is this lady, nor is she. Allen felt a headache, but afterwards, the woman was even more shocking.

She said: "You can call me Carrie. Princess Carrie."

"The king... the princess?" Allen suddenly looked around.

Princess Carrie smiled lightly: "Don't look at it, our emperor is not in this palace tonight."

"Then, what can Princess Carrie do with me?" Allen asked bitterly, he always thought it would not be a good thing.

Princess Carrie smiled without answering, she stretched out her hand and waved her head back to untie her hair. Suddenly she was scattered with blond hair, and a few strands of hair stuck to her face, making her more beautiful and sultry. Allen felt that the atmosphere was wrong and wanted to step back. Not wanting to close the door suddenly, the princess said: "Don't be afraid, the two outside the door are my confidantes. Come to see you tonight, just to test whether you are qualified to be her man for our noble Royal Highness Lucy."

"The princess wants to fight with me?" Alan smiled bitterly, thinking that he had a fight with Link in the Garden of Eden not long ago. Is it because he still has to fight with Princess Carrie? But looking from side to side, this princess obviously didn't even ignite the fire, how to fight?

The princess smiled: "You are funny talking. Competing is also considered. It's just that in this match, you get a bed match. Of course, you like to be under the bed, and I will accompany you."

"What?" Allen whispered, no matter how rich in his imagination, he never expected that the princess's so-called competition refers to this kind of comparison. The face was ugly at the moment, and the other party was the concubine of Ofascius. In case something happened to him and her~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it would be even more powerful than the actions of the Baal people to provoke the earth and Idahua.

Princess Carrie had walked up to him, she was tall, standing in front of Ellen and looking at him. The princess put her hand on Alan’s chest and said softly: "Why, I am not so ugly. Don’t think I am the princess, but that **** has not touched me yet, I promise you are the first to taste me Man. You know why that **** wanted to marry me back then, because I look like the mother of His Royal Highness Lucy."

Allen shook again.

At this time, the princess leaned back with her hands, and suddenly, the skirt on her body faded to the end, and the inside turned out to be hollow. Allen could see clearly in the room full of lights. Whether it's the nephrite on the chest or the mysterious triangle, you can read it all. Princess Carrie hit Allen hard, and Allen fell to the ground by knocking her into a loss. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to support her, but his hands caught the already firm peaks.

Suddenly let go and from time to time, not even let go.

There is nothing more absurd than now!

(End of this chapter)


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