Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 880:  1 step to the sky

c_t;According to common sense, it is impossible for a first-tier advanced awakened person to provoke the source of the void, let alone to provoke the domineering and violent sky fire among the many sources. ()access:. Please search for the most complete! The newest novel, Ellen, thought about it, as if it had something to do with the star power he had absorbed before. At that time, when the source of the stars entered the body, his thoughts had expanded infinitely by the power of the stars. If purely in terms of the realm of ‘essence’, his state at that time was just like what Ofascius said, comparable to the supreme!

After reclaiming his thoughts, there was still one or two points in the void. So when Allen advanced to the ranks tonight, he inadvertently touched the two-point sense of thought, and he was able to arouse the source of the void by using this as a guide. Even more because of his own source power is the fire genus, which caused the Void Skyfire. Originally like this kind of Void Source Force, it can only withstand the 30th level. Allen had just stabilized at the twenty-fifth level, how could he stand the power of the Void Skyfire.

When the fire waterfall that was as thick as a mountain pierced through the air, Alan burned to ashes almost the moment he touched it. But at that time, the natural disaster circuit in the body started on its own, spraying out the source force of the stars in the lines. The origin power of the stars itself contains a lot of origin powers that belong to'sex'. When it encounters the sky fire in the sky, it will arise and die immediately. Constantly grinding the sky fire, removing a large amount of the dregs of fire dross caused by the Void Source Force, and finally only a ray of sky fire.

But it was this line of skyfire that made Allen die forever. At that time, there was no movement in the room, but there was a series of battles in Allen's body. In the end, Alan gritted his teeth and came over, receiving the Void Skyfire, and breaking up the original source force foundation that had already begun to combine and evolving, and finally formed a brand new engraving: the ashes of Vientiane!

If it was a normal advancement, and it did not trigger the Void Skyfire, Alan would have formed another advancement mark. The engraving will fully enhance Allen's original abilities, but the Void Sky Fire enters the body, as the engraved name implies. Regardless of the fact that everything is in the air, they are all burned to ashes by the fire of heaven. As a result, many of the abilities that Allen had originally obtained have been ‘swamped’. Except for the natural disaster circuit and the original ancestor projection, which have been preserved, all the abilities generated by the blade of the Liaoyuan have been destroyed. Currently, this new engraving only generates two abilities.

But even without these two abilities, the rushing void skyfire in Alan's body, combined with his original combat skills, is enough to exert great power. What's more, the natural disaster circuit has now lit the third node, and even the original ancestor projection has begun to change under the influence of Void Skyfire. All kinds of overlap, Allen has reached the sky in one step.

The ‘color’ of the sky began to brighten.

An interior officer came to the palace. It seemed that he had known that Allen’s bedroom was already a gray manuscript. When he saw Allen, he just smiled and said to him: "Please change room to Mr. Allen. [The book I want to read almost Yes, it’s more stable and faster than the average site. The full text has no ads.]"

Allen naturally agreed, and after being transferred to another room, all the changed clothes were also sent to reads;. The suit of Allen's body was ‘spread’ as early as when the inflammation pattern spread. A good suit of clothes turned into shorts and ‘trousers’, and even the shoes were burned. After the clothes were delivered, he took a bath and then put on new clothes. The whole person was completely new from the inside out. Then we went to the restaurant to have dinner. Hubble had been gobbled up there, and a few palace waiters stood far away, unable to hide the disgust of Hubble.

This is Allen’s testimony for Hubble, showing that he is not the same as the Catu people in the Garden of Eden. Otherwise, there is no chance for Hubble to ascend to the Golden City. Now instead of letting this Catu man eat and drink in the palace, Duke Grifo has also asked him to send him a big axe, which suits Hubble’s appetite. Let this big guy happy for several days.

Allen found a place to sit down casually, first glanced at Talikova, nodded and said: "The level has been increased by two levels. After this time, it should be no problem to find a patriarch Dangdang."

Although Talikova didn't have the hatred of Allen before, she still didn't deal with it and gave him a blank glance. The young'woman' looked at Laura next to him, but said to Alan: "When we go back, you are going to leave."

Laura did not dare to visit her.

Allen nodded: "It's time to go, the Death Star plan has been destroyed by us. There is nothing for the alien race in the Garden of Eden. Unless the big man who planned all this jumps out, the alien race should withdraw. Even I know it. It won’t help to jump out now. How can someone who can play this good game be so stupid. So the war in the Garden of Eden will soon be over."

"As soon as it is over, we will leave."

"Then I won't see my sister..." Talikova's face was sullen.

Laura got up and said, "I'm done." Then she left. To Alan's surprise, Tarikova did not catch up, but gave Alan a hard look without speaking. Allen shrugged: "Don't bully my sister if you don't have a few words, or I will ask you to settle accounts or something like cruel words?"

"No need." The young'woman' lowered her eyes, looked at the table and said: "After we Hurma are sensible, the first thing the elders in the clan want us to remember is, no matter how you choose, the way is yours. Do not regret leaving. Leaving with you is your sister's choice. No matter what happens afterwards, I believe she will not regret it. Since she does not regret it, what else do I need to say?"

Her eyes lit up again: "After I go back, the first thing I need to do is to kill those bastards."

Allen said, "Don't be careless, it's not easy to be the head of the group of people. Look at it horizontally and vertically, at least they have the strength of a major general."

Talikova gave him a white look: "I'm not stupid. Of course, I will find them to settle accounts when I have enough strength to take revenge."

When she said so, Allen felt relieved. He has roughly guessed the identities of those people, and I am afraid that after the War of Eden, they will also leave. By the time this little girl admitted that she had the strength to take revenge, her enemy was probably far away. But if there is a chance, Allen doesn't mind getting rid of those people.

It’s always good to get rid of more ghosts in the Federation.

At this time Catherine sat down. As soon as she came, Tarikova swallowed the bread in twos or twos, and went to Lola to read. If she can let go of Ellen, who has no military position, she really doesn't have a good face to Catherine, who is a major general. How can the hatred between races be diluted by a journey?

Of course, Catherine would not care about the young'girl', she said stiffly: "In an hour, your princess will arrive in the city of gold. Grand Duke Griffith asks if you want to pick up the princess together. He is in the palace. Waiting at the'door'. Why don't you get out?"

Allen stood up grinning, not forgetting to take many slices of bread. He was about to leave, and suddenly turned to ask: "Tell me honestly, have you ‘touched’ the Admiral’s ‘door’ threshold?"

Catherine squinted her eyes and said unexpectedly: "You see a lot of things'quite'."

"Looking at you taking so many shots, if you don't see the door, I'll be blind." Allen said sternly: "If you don't talk about it far away, just say it is near. On the mothership That giant leader, probably the lieutenant will be'very' tricky against him, but you hold him back and forth again and again, this is not the strength that a minor should have."

Catherine answered the wrong question: "Marshal Capulo once said to me that as long as I recruit you into the Golden Lion, he will pave the way for me to admire."

The'girl' boy laughed softly: "But he doesn't know, if I want to, how can I use him to pave the way. But now is not the time, so I should be my major general. I am satisfied with hearing so much. Right, Mr. Allen."

Allen bowed to her solemnly, then waved away.

Only Belmode and Hubble looked at each other in the restaurant.

Catherine took a bowl of soup and stirred it gently with a silver spoon: "Just now, if someone said it, I don't mind cutting off his tongue."

Hubble snorted and Belmode smiled bitterly.

On this day, Allen met the princess who had been away for many days at the anchorage of the Golden City. When ‘Lucy’ stepped down on the airship, she rushed into Ellen’s arms, making Grand Duke Grifo, who was standing next to her, quite dull.

On the same day, in the Garden of Eden, the aliens withdrew!

In the depths of the endless starry sky, a starship with blood "color" patterns hangs alone in this space. In the command hall of the starship, a video is being played by a stereo projector. The viewing angle of the video is condescending, and it is not difficult to see that the scene is located in the central room of the Death Star base. In the picture, beside the light stream of data connecting the ground and the dome, the Baal master Pierrot is talking excitedly.

Then the figure flashed, and Master Pierrot suddenly fell in a pool of blood. The silver-haired man who killed the foreign master finally made up his mind and slashed towards the heart of the stars in the stream of light.

The picture freezes.

The two hands in the black iron gloves flicked, the picture was enlarged and rotated, and then Allen's face was clearly reflected in a pair of strange eyes. This is a double black "color" pupil, so black that it shines like a gem. In the pupils like black jewels, there are circles of reddish lines, and the red lines seem to have no limit.

The handsome man even smiled faintly with a somewhat delicate man, he smiled, the middle part of his head drooped, and his long hair, like black satin, gently moved reads;. The black and shiny hair flicked through this hideous, heavy, and thorny armor like a cloud of smoke. It's a handsome man ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he wears heavy armor that kills him, which is really contradictory.

Moreover, from the seams of this armor, a smoke-like mist-like black breath is constantly exhaling. Billowing down, scattered beside the man, but it seemed to restrain the invisible power within Mich. So when the black smoke and fog couldn't leave, they could only rush to the heights, filling up the space behind the man, and piled up a dark ‘colored’ fog wall several meters high.

"Berukai, what do you mean. I have planned a round for so long, and asked an unknown boy to break it inexplicably?" The handsome man finally spoke, his voice quite neutral. ', there was no irritation in the tone.

At first glance, this man looks almost like a human being. But the fire demon Belukai, who was very afraid of the expellers, threw his five bodies on the ground, almost sticking to the ground. Hearing this, he raised his head and sprayed two flames from the hat: "It is true, Your Majesty."

Your Majesty, who can make General Fire Demon perform such a great gift, and who can make him call your Majesty.

Except for the owner of Deep Dark Castle, Frios, known as the Black Emperor, who else will there be?


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